SOoo frUstrAtEd!!!!!

maraleigh Posts: 17
edited September 19 in Motivation and Support
For the last 2 weeks I've stepped up my workouts....I'm keeping to my calories, and yet....I have gained weight! :sad: Last week I was eating all my excercise calories back...I gained, so this week i thought I'd keep to my 1200 calories and still do the workouts....and still another gain!! So hard to keep motivated when all you see is bigger numbers! I haven't taken my measurements yet, as it has not been a month yet and Im scared if I do it too early I will just get even more discouraged!!!

oh well, here's to pushing myself into staying on the wagon! :ohwell:


  • maraleigh
    maraleigh Posts: 17
    For the last 2 weeks I've stepped up my workouts....I'm keeping to my calories, and yet....I have gained weight! :sad: Last week I was eating all my excercise calories back...I gained, so this week i thought I'd keep to my 1200 calories and still do the workouts....and still another gain!! So hard to keep motivated when all you see is bigger numbers! I haven't taken my measurements yet, as it has not been a month yet and Im scared if I do it too early I will just get even more discouraged!!!

    oh well, here's to pushing myself into staying on the wagon! :ohwell:
  • sarahiris
    sarahiris Posts: 82
    don't be diheartened you'll get there, are you measuring your portion sizes correct to the calorie content, maybe 1200 is too much foryou or even maybe you just have a small amount to lose so it's taking longer, - don't give up:smile::smile:
  • rachel41
    rachel41 Posts: 354 Member
    Don,t forget muscle weighs more then fat.You might be building muscle.I would not get on the scale either. They are the devil!!!!You can tell if you are losing by your clothes.:flowerforyou:
  • 3babybeans
    3babybeans Posts: 8,268 Member
    If TOM is nearing, that screws with me a LOT. I usually gain for the week before & then don't lose until it is gone. Hang in there. Keep doing what you're doing & the scale will budge eventually. As sucky as that sounds, it's true.

    Oh, and 1200 cals might not be ENOUGH for you. It's a tricky thing to figure out what's best for your body. You could always try to bump it up to 1400 & see if that helps anything.

  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    The best thing I can tell you is arm yourself with as much knowledge as you can.

    examine everything you are doing, stop, and think logically about it.

    Are you sure you're at the right goal for where you are as far as Body Fat % and BMI?

    Are you doing the right kinds of exercises?

    Are you sure your putting in all your numbers right?

    Are you looking to do too much too fast?

    Is your goal realistic and reasonable?

    For example, I'll ask why you upped your calories? Did you do it because someone on here told you to try? that's probably not a good reason to do it. Do your numbers, figure out what maintenance calories should be for you, you're at 7 lbs to lose, the journey is going to be slow, in the neighborhood of 1 to 2 lbs a month. With a lot of plateauing on the way, you should expect a pound or two gain every once in a while at your weight.

    A lot of people on here IMHO, offer up advice that is completely wrong for some. You need to take into account where someone is in their journey.

    Where you are, marla, is very close, and you need to expect some difficult tasks to get where you want, and you also have prepare for the fact that you may be setting goals that aren't right for your body. I'm not saying you are, but I don't know how you set your goals so I'm covering all the bases.
  • vstarcher
    vstarcher Posts: 28
    Muscle and Fat weigh the same. One pound of muscle weighs the same as one pound of fat. Fat just takes up more room.

    Muscle is active tissue that burns calories around the clock even as you sleep, kind of like an engine running in neutral. When you move around, you burn more calories, just like a car will consume more gas the faster you go. Fat, on the other hand, is just a storage of excess energy.

    Hopefully this helps :bigsmile:
  • christy559
    christy559 Posts: 105
    Let yourself off the hook. You will make progress by sticking with it and being consistent. The body sometimes plateaus for different reasons. I read about people all the time who hit plateaus.:embarassed:

    They keep exercising, keep eating well, and the body then cooperates. Just hang in there and don't overexercise. On the Biggest Loser Tara was over exercising and her weight loss stalled to ZERO one week. :angry:

    So just be patient, it took a while to gain, it will take time to reduce.
  • maraleigh
    maraleigh Posts: 17
    thank-you everyone for the advice! Im gonna look at it all and look carefully at what ive been doing...maybe i need to adjust a few things!!! Thanks again!!
  • sailgal
    sailgal Posts: 22
    Have you checked the sodium content of the foods you are eating? I'm close to goal weight and the weight comes off soooo slowly but, when I have a quick, unexplained gain I can usually trace it to a food that had too much sodium and caused me to hold onto more fluid than usual. Sodium is sneaky and turns up the the oddest places - start checking packages and see if you have something in your diet that is high in sodium. ("healthy" frozen foods are the worst for high amounts of sodium!!)

    Don't give up - it will come off.
  • maraleigh
    maraleigh Posts: 17
    yes...salt might be the answer! thANks!
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