Not-so-new Moms!

ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
Hi all. I am back on this site after being gone for a few months. I had my first daughter in January 09. I weighed myself today and I weigh what I weighed when I gave birth to her! I have been breastfeeding my daughter from the beginning (of course she is also eating food now) and that never "helped the pounds drop off" for me. I am feeling sluggish, tired, an awkward in my body. I am ready to make a change, and am wondering if there are other not-so-new-moms out there who didn't just drop the baby weight the first few months after having their baby, and who would like to start a motivation group/ support thread with me. If so, just hit reply to this message. Lets keep it going! Lets make this change to feel sexy and healthy again, to have energy for our babies, to be a good example for them, to not struggle up off the floor to pick them up, to (maybe) be able to concieve again for the next one, and to live a long healthy life so we get to be grandmas!



  • Hi! I still have about 16 lbs to go ( I gained 70 lbs. when I was pregnant with my daughter!) I gave birth to her on April 20th of this year, and was doing great for the past month or so losing weight. Then I was at a standstill and was SOOOO frustrated. Well, it all makes sense to me now - I just took a pregnancy test and found out I'm preg-o again!!:noway: Total surprise, definitely unplanned, but of course a good thing. I'm just so stressed about weight gain b/c I still had so much to lose from the first baby and here I am again, pregnant!! Well I think I'm still going to keep track of my calories on here, hopefully that will help me to keep my weight gain under control this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GOOD LUCK to you, hopefully I've inspired you to lose the weight so you won't be in my boat - just pregnant with weight left still to lose!
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    Im with u! I dropped a lil bit bfing my second but it was only what i weighed after my first which was still 50 lbs over weight and im still trying to get it off, its became my norm and im so not okay with that! So yeah i need to lose 50 lbs, just started my weight loss regimen yesterday! We can do this!
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    My DD is 18 months but wanted to mention that some women have thyroid issues after having a baby-the difficulty loosing weight and feeling sluggish to me suggest that thyroid may be an issue. Just something to think about if you continue to have issues.
  • shanwow16
    shanwow16 Posts: 203 Member
    I gained about 30 lbs with my first child and that took about a year to lose it all, helped that I started a very active job where I had to walk for 8-10 hours a day carrying heavy product.
    I gained probably about 50 lbs with my second child and am still working on the last 10 lbs to get to my pre-baby weight. I was almost there within the first year of having her, but my job position changed to a cushy office position and I gained 30 lbs back gradually over a 2.5 year span.

    It is possible, you just have to find the time to get your excercise in and choose wisely for your food selections. In the past year being on MFP and joining a gym I have lost 30 lbs and feel better than I ever have physically. Although I'm not where I want to be yet, my confidence is slowly coming back.
    If you are still nursing, remember that your body needs an additional 500 calories from what you would normally consume as you are burning a lot of calories producing milk and what not. Maybe you aren't consuming enough calories (or the right calories) and your body is in starvation mode all the time?
    You'll get there, don't get discouraged.....just gotta put forth the effort. I even find it to be a nice break going to the gym or going for a walk just to get out of the house away from the kiddies for a bit.

    Best of luck!!
  • sarahricks
    sarahricks Posts: 90 Member
    I'm right with you. I had my little boy in February and wasn't able to lose any while breast feeding. When I quit breast feeding 3 months ago I started MFP and since then I've lst 16 pounds but I stll have a long way to go. I've fpund lately I just have to put myself before others. I always felt when my husband was home I was responsile for the kids and he kinda got to do his thing. Lately when he gets off work I've been having him watch the kids while I go run. It's made a world of difference. Good luck.,
  • jdavis193
    jdavis193 Posts: 972 Member
    annersju Your daughter has the same birthday as mine!!
  • aurn79
    aurn79 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! I am a "new" mom I guess you would say but I read your posts and decided that I would like to reply anyway:) I have two DS's 6yo and 9 weeks. I am embarking on the weight loss journey after the 2nd now. I gained approx 45 pounds when pregnant but needed to lose about 10 before I got pregnant so grand total is 55lbs. I found my fitness pal from another blog I read and decided to give it a try so this is all new to me. Good luck to all!! I read somewhere that they were going to make an app for blackberry. Anything new on this? :happy:

    Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • My son is 3 now and I still haven't lost the weight. I am 5'0 and weighed 100 pounds before I got pregnant. I was 150 at my heaviest. Now I am 145 and the "baby weight" excuse isn't flying anymore after 3 years. I hope to get down to about 115 pounds.
  • It took me 8 years to drop the weight! Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • wks7777
    wks7777 Posts: 230
    Your like me, im 5'2 and heaviest i was was 170 right after i had my second, people look at me like im crazy when i say i have about 50 lbs to lose but they dont understand how short i am compared to my weight, i feel like a blimp, i want to be anywhere between 110-120 depending on how my body looks at those weights.
    My son is 3 now and I still haven't lost the weight. I am 5'0 and weighed 100 pounds before I got pregnant. I was 150 at my heaviest. Now I am 145 and the "baby weight" excuse isn't flying anymore after 3 years. I hope to get down to about 115 pounds.
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Congratulations to you! Yes, at times since I had my daughter I have wondered whether I was pregnant too--half fearing it and half hoping it. The thought has definitely been in my mind that I want to get pregnant in the next few months, but I don't want to have the extra weight then have increased risk of GD, other complications, to say nothing of the extra weight I know I'd pack on!

    That's great you have been losing the weight up til now though. I have seen lots of preggo mamas on here, just doing maintenance, and adding in I guess the extra 200 calories a day we supposedly need for the developing fetus. I definitely want to stick around on here if/when I get pregnant again.

    So, I have some inspiration for you (and me)-my friend who gave birth in August was diagnosed with GD during her pregnancy. She saw a nutritionist, went on a diet, and actually LOST 5 pounds initially, before continuing a healthy weight gain. Pretty much right after giving birth, she weighed LESS than she did when she conceived! ANd she and her son are both healthy and thriving.

    Good luck to you!

    Hi! I still have about 16 lbs to go ( I gained 70 lbs. when I was pregnant with my daughter!) I gave birth to her on April 20th of this year, and was doing great for the past month or so losing weight. Then I was at a standstill and was SOOOO frustrated. Well, it all makes sense to me now - I just took a pregnancy test and found out I'm preg-o again!!:noway: Total surprise, definitely unplanned, but of course a good thing. I'm just so stressed about weight gain b/c I still had so much to lose from the first baby and here I am again, pregnant!! Well I think I'm still going to keep track of my calories on here, hopefully that will help me to keep my weight gain under control this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    GOOD LUCK to you, hopefully I've inspired you to lose the weight so you won't be in my boat - just pregnant with weight left still to lose!
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Welcome to you and of course you are welcome to reply :-) I just titled this thread not-so-new moms because I don't think I still have the excuse for my extra weight of being a new mom. Now, it's just extra weight, not baby weight! lol I don't know about the blackberry app, but that sure would be useful. I think I am going to try to challenge myself to make 3 healthy choices each day, and then post them here. Anyone else interested, to kep this support thread going? Today I: 1) started tracking what I eat on 2) Went on a 45 minute walk while carrying my 18 lb daughter in a pack and 3) Asked my husband to watch my daughter so I could go to the gym tonight.

    Good luck to you, and everyone else who replied.

    Hello! I am a "new" mom I guess you would say but I read your posts and decided that I would like to reply anyway:) I have two DS's 6yo and 9 weeks. I am embarking on the weight loss journey after the 2nd now. I gained approx 45 pounds when pregnant but needed to lose about 10 before I got pregnant so grand total is 55lbs. I found my fitness pal from another blog I read and decided to give it a try so this is all new to me. Good luck to all!! I read somewhere that they were going to make an app for blackberry. Anything new on this? :happy:

    Created by - Free Calorie Calculator
  • I'm going to get in on this one. I had my 4th baby in June, and gained the "normal" 25lbs, but I was 10lbs heavier than usual when I got Preggo. I didn't get to breastfeed, haven't any of the times because I can't seem to make milk. :angry: So that wasn't any help. With each pregnancy, it's gotten harder to lose the weight and taking longer. With my first I was skinny again in 3 mo. After the twins, it took almost 5 mo. My 4th child is 5 mo now and I still have 14lbs to go. My skin is so stretched out, it looks positively nasty.
    So you see what I'm working on. I'm basicly eating cleanly and working out, I just need to step it up a notch to get it done with so I can go into maintenece mode again, which to me is much easier than weight loss.
  • aurn79
    aurn79 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello and welcome:) Yes, I was 23 when I had my first baby and now am 30. It will not come off as quickly I know but I am going to try to stay motivated. Too bad it doesn't come off as quickly as it "jumped" on. In reply to healthy I tracked all that I ate on my fitness pal, I drank at least 8 cups of water (lost count), and I prepared a low fat/low cal meal for my family (turkey and sweet potatoes).....we like eating Thanksgiving all month long:laugh: Great to meet you all....
  • ksnative
    ksnative Posts: 7 Member
    I'm in. : ) (Praying that it doesn't take 8 years *wink*)
  • abagwill
    abagwill Posts: 222
    Yay! I am so in! I am the heaviest I have every been in my life :( I want to just lose it so I can keep up with my soon to be walker and enjoy my life with him. i am TOTALLY in! I am actually going to go do 30 day shred right now! Be back in a bit!
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Glad to see you here, KSnative! :-) So, today I didn't make it to the gym, but my 3 healthy choices were:
    1) I tracked everything I ate on MFP 2) I actually brought a lunch (smartones entree so I could keep track of calories easier) instead of just eating a bunch of snacks and then being starving and wolfing something down when I got home. I felt so much better today with an actual lunch! 3) Decided to skip the ice cream for dessert, even though I had a few calories left

    I also took a nice long nap with my daughter this afternoon after picking her up from daycare. I love naps and definitely think they are healthy choices. I will be so sad when my daughter grows too old for them! :-)

  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Good job on your healthy choices yesterday aurn79!:flowerforyou:
  • ucaminax
    ucaminax Posts: 157 Member
    Where are all of my not-so-new moms!? :tongue: What healthy choices have you made today?

    Today I pigged out at a church dinner, but maybe I can thing of 3 healthy choices I made for myself:embarassed:
    1) I logged everything I ate on MFP
    2) I made it to the gym for a 30 minute workout even though I was tired and it was already 9:30 pm and the gym was closing soon and it would have been sooooo easy to veg on the couch
    3) I ate a healthy/calorie conscious breakfast and lunch

    Tomorrow is a nother chance to make healthy choices!

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