slightly depressed and ZERO motivation

sleepl8s Posts: 37
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So, I think I'm PMSing worse than I have for a while and not only am I not wanting to work out, I don't even want to get out of bed. What the hell can I do to get my mind back into working out?


  • Silver_Dream
    Silver_Dream Posts: 1,630 Member
    I'm having the same problem. though I can get out of bed, I just don't feel up to working out. I'm trying to talk myself into it today. I'm interested to hear what everyone has to say as well.
  • When I have days like this, I make myself get dressed and just do it. You will feel so much better once you do. Getting started is half the battle :wink:
  • hey ladies...I am going through the same thing. Thinking it is the weather here. I am Canadian and man the fall is moving in and that usually zaps my energy level right out of me. But I am determined to do this. So come on girls...let's get to it...and beat this depression and ZERO motivation. We can do it.... Button
  • I think the best advise is to "just do it" . I'm gonna take my *kitten* to the gym and I'm gonna tell myself, "Ok, Romina, just 20 minutes". Once i'm on there, I'll most likely extend the time and have a proper work out. It just sucks, though. I get these depressions and then I stay in and then I don't work out and then I feel worse that I skipped a workout so then I'm even more depressed about that. YUK!! Anyway, thanks, ladies, for all your support. Let's make a date for gym after work and maybe compare notes on here AFTERWARDS to see if in fact in helped our moods.
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    say to yourself " if I exercise, I can have a piece of chocolate!"
  • I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one who has lost motivation:laugh: :laugh:

    I think my subconscious mind is in mourning because summer is over and we didn't have a "true Kansas summer" here; i.e. no triple digit days where you HAVE to go to the lake to cool off!!!

    I DID work out last night and have been doing crunches on the AbLounger pretty consistently at home. Why is something that is so easy to do (walk across the family room to the AbLounger and sit down in it) is also so easy to put off???:grumble: :grumble:
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