reisingmel Member


  • How has it been working for you? Any reactions to the dairy? I know I'm sensitive to dairy, but I live in Wisconsin where dairy is just part of life
  • I'm on day 2 of bulletproof fasting and so far so good! Just doing the BP coffee for breakfast and eating a brunch of fats and proteins at 2pm and a dinner of fats, protein, and some starch or veggie.
  • YAY! Keto people!! I've been toeing the low carb/paleo/keto line for the last few months now and after a couple weeks of yuck and topping the scale off at the heaviest I've ever been, it's time to take action and go all out keto. Would love to have others doing the same lifestyle to bounce stuff off of. Mel
  • Can I join the crew? I love bacon, anything coconut, avocados, and juicy steaks :D I gave bulletproof coffee a shot, but I'm thinking blending is a must because all I'm able to do is stir and it didn't work so great for me :-/ Should've seen the looks I got at the office for doing it though! I'm also a full time engineer,…
  • I wish I had a success story for you, but I'm in the same exact boat. Just under the 160 mark and 5'7". I've gotten down to 125lb before but that was because I was hospitalized and put on food tube for a couple months. Anyone would lose going that route, so now I'm trying to work it off in a good and healthy way :-)
  • I laughed so hard reading that! Everyone who knows how I'm eating now to "lose weight" thinks I've completely lost it. I'm equally impressed by the number of people who feel compelled to tell me I'm going to die of a heart attack any day and how I can't possibly eat this way and get healthier. I'm trying to lean toward a…
  • Thank you for the numerous replies! I almost feel silly for thinking it's muscle now... I just know I've never gotten smaller with the routines I've done in the past. I never wear shorts because my calves look ridiculous. I have all brothers who are quite muscular and I put them to shame, ha! I will continue with strength…
  • I made my food journal public and to be honest it was scary and hard. Now anyone and everyone can hold me accountable. I suppose it's for the best though if I'm going to be serious about this. Yesterday was an epic disaster since I had to cohost a bridal shower and the only thing compliant was the chicken wrapped in bacon…
  • Thank you all for the advice! I've tweaked my food requirements and now the only thing I can see is that I might be getting too much protein by a little bit. I've filled out my food log for the day and it looks like I'm still short on some fat but almost at 1600 calories already with a rest day planned to recover from the…
  • I'm about to abandon my plan because it seems like every time I try to lose weight is when I gain it and when I'm not paying any attention or I'm trying to gain weight (like back when I was anorexic - not by choice, or when I was pregnant). I really loathe my body right now. I guess I'm just going to try and change things…
  • So Day 2... how is everyone doing? I finally got to the gym for the first time since I was trying to induce labor two and a half months ago. That arc trainer kicked my backside but I have so much more energy after all that work. I'm practically bouncing in my office chair!
  • Can't wait to get started! This is my first challenge and any tips that will help me contribute to the team is much appreciated. I'm a new mom with a two month old and I already lost all my baby weight but I want to get into the best shape of my life this year and this sounds like a good way to start. Bring it on!
  • I also want to start Sunday. It'll give me time to research, shop, and plan. I would be very interested if there was a group out there too :-)
  • I don't think any of us will be finishing every exercise and keeping pace with that crazy dude on the screen. What counts is putting your best into every workout and you will see results because you're already doing more than you would've if you hadn't started Insanity. I just finished cardio power & resistance and I could…
  • I was just wondering who was all following the recommended Insanity food plan and how everyone feels about it? I did the calorie intake calculation and it says I should be consuming 1900 calories if I want to lose weight! That just seems like a lot! Thoughts? What is everyone else's food plans if you're not following the…
  • So I don't really have a choice about taking off the day from insanity since I'm literally driving on the road from 2am until I get home at nine tonight, but I'm starting to think that's okay because every part of my body is killing me just from the fit test yesterday! And I do mean EVERY part. It's like I was run over by…
  • I'd love to join you peeps! I just started it today (did the "Fit Test") and I managed to drag my coworker into it so we now have insanity lunch breaks. It pretty much sounded like a heard of rhinos that couldn't stop gasping between giggles! I assumed the 8 exercises would take about 15 minutes with a minute in between,…
  • Hi everyone! I hope you don't mind if I join you crazy people :) Going to start by doing the fit test on my lunch break in a very windowed conference room with a coworker and getting psyched! Got my before pictures taken, which was so not pretty, but it just proved the point that I need drastic steps to get results. Anyone…
  • I think this just made my chest puff up in determination, so thank you! He really does need a good example and I'm sure my starting and stopping has done nothing but prove to him that it won't work. I need to be strong and just stick to my guns and HONEST too. I truly believe that is the most important thing in a marriage…
  • I do all that actually! Minus the inviting him to workout, but I'll give that a shot. I'm always the one that shops and cooks but he won't eat anything in the vegetable family unless it's a potato and he doesn't know I've been feeding him the whole wheat white stuff for the last 6 months :D It's the small victories I guess.
  • Holy smokes on the responses! I really appreciate all the advice and ideas. I think him and I are going to sit down and have a grown up talk about my health goals tonight. I know last night I was very frustrated when he didn't want me to go running and I asked him why he couldn't be a supportive husband on this one thing…
  • LOL, me too!!! I'm always torn between laughing and running faster during that song.
  • You're too sweet!! I finished yesterday's food log and started today's! I thought you'd be proud :D
  • Oh how I wish he was budget conscious! Whenever he doesn't like what I cook he sneaks off to buy a ton of fast food and then hides the evidence under the sofa (like I wouldn't find it). I have tried the "health" route and how I want us to live long healthy lives together, but he skoffs it off and says he'd rather eat what…
  • Monday morning check in! I wasn't too optimistic about this one as I visited the family this weekend and all they eat is carbs! It was very tough to find other food to eat and I felt to guilty to turn down banana bread for the fifteenth time to my dad who made it just for me :( But it wasn't too bad this morning. I weighed…
  • Oops, my goal for next week is 158 lbs :) Ambitious I know.
  • Monday weigh in! I was both psyched and terrified to this as my weight has been going haywire all week, but for today it's 158 lbs (one under my goal!) and I'll proudly take that, unless I'm 164 again tomorrow, then I'll cry :sad: lol. I hope everyone stuck to it and did even better then me :happy:
  • Just wanted to thank everyone for the sweet tooth tips! I decided on crystal light being my "dessert" after dinner when I'd otherwise want something bad. It's been working pretty well so far and I get a little help on my water intake. I did have a general question though. I've been trying to keep my calorie bracket between…
  • Alright, day 2, not so bad, but I'm having these killer cravings for something sweet that isn't in liquid form that is (obviously) very very low carb or even no carb. Has anyone got any ideas on what I can do?? I think having something to take the sweet edge off will really help me make it through this. Thanks loads!
  • This is Mel, checking in! This morning's weight is 160 lbs and by the end of the week I want to be 159 lbs (ambitious I know, but I haven't been below 160 in FOREVER!)