Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • SassySouthernGirl
    SLIM --- I actually stuck a 3 lb goal on the chart I'm doing for this week for ya! Don't know how I knew that....but I did! :bigsmile: And, you didn't do so bad....with a vacation and all....you will have that gone in no time. I really need to buckle down right NOW!! I was 192 on Friday and 194 yesterday! BLAH BLAH!! Time to get it going big time again...time to hit the 180's! Wanted to be in 170's by the time we go to Chicago and that's just over 4 weeks away. No more playin on weekends! :wink:

    I wanna a 7 lb loss this week!!!! :tongue:

    OK...had my lunch salad break...time to get back to the basement cleaning. I'm wearing my Polar F6 while scrubbing/cleaning the basement and I'm burning up some calories big time! Funny....that stupid run/walk that killed my knees didn't burn nearly as many calories as all this cleaning stuff is doing!
  • SassySouthernGirl

  • SassySouthernGirl


  • bamababy
    bamababy Posts: 20
    Way to go girls!!! That is some good work we have done. MagnificentMama, got any tips to share???? Great Job!
    Thanks again Sassy...you do a great job motivating and keeping track of everyone.
    Have a great looser day everyone!
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    What's for supper tonight?

    Me, I think I am making spaghetti squash, italian sausage, home made pasta sauce with oregano, onion, roasted red pepper and green pepper and caesar salad.

    What is for dinner in your neck of the woods????

    Dessert - Low Carb Brownies. My husband has been begging for these again.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    WAY TO GO, MAGNIFICENTMAMA! You go, girl! Betta watch yourself - I'm right on your tail working toward stealing that top spot from you next week, LOL!

    LEO - yum, your dinner sounds LOVELY. My DH loves it when I do spaghetti squash for noodles - I need to make that very soon, maybe Thurs nite!

    Me, my dinner is just a Atkins shake. I had an IBS flareup yesterday afternoon and I'm still not quite right, so its usually best for me to avoid anything solid for a day or so.... Love me some Atkins shakes, though!

    Tomorrow is day #2 of my C25K - maybe I can actually run more than 30 seconds this time! LOL!
  • SassySouthernGirl
    RES ---- I was thinkin' if my son goes with me to do that 'run' thing next time I go....then maybe he can take the camcorder and we could win on America's Funniest Home Video Show. I don't know what you would call what I did...but it wasn't running for those 60 sec. intervals...more like hopping or something. I could NOT make my body run....it was the strangest feeling. But, I did something everytime it told me to....hopped or something....felt like a cartoon character in some kind of slow motion cartoon. It was awful!!! And, to think.....per my Polar F6 heart rate monitor....I burned only 93 calories....today I burned 835 with some hard cleaning and moving boxes in the basement. Of course it took way longer in the basement...but at least nobody saw me lookin' all like a slo-mo cartoon character of sorts. :bigsmile:

    Leo...that dinner sounds great! Enjoy!

    Hey... does anybody know how many pages we can go on these threads?? I was thinkin' maybe the beginning of next week we should start a new thread for week 3....SAME NAME and all.....just a new thread. any thoughts on that from someone who has been here longer than me and knows something???
  • magnificentmama
    BEACH - I will do that with you!!! I will park even farther and walk with my abs tight like you said!!! I am in it to win it!!!!:wink:
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    BEACH - I will do that with you!!! I will park even farther and walk with my abs tight like you said!!! I am in it to win it!!!!:wink:

    Well, I am going to give you a hard run for your money!!! I feel a whooshie coming on and that means my body is getting ready to let go of some more fat and water............


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • magnificentmama
    THANKS EVERYONE!!!:blushing: I was so scared to weigh!!! I didnt think I lost much I saw myself without clothes this morning and i was depressed thinking I look so bad my poor husband, then I got on and saw all of you encouraging me THANKS you all are so supportive !!! You all also did well on your plans >>>>>>>>>>>>so proud of you all!!! I wish I was goin to LEO's for dinner sounds yummy and remember if you mess up because you go somewhere (mini vacation) it's ok when you come back we will be here to cheer you on and help you start again!!!

    I been swimming alot (treading water and using milk jugs for weights in pool ) and doing leg lifts on commercials when I watch a program (barely watch t.v. ) but do once a week at least. I also been trying to do the walking for 10 minutes around 30 minutes after I eat!!! Thats what I did last week ...........lets see if it helps this week I am so scared to Plateau!

    Sassy thanks for the charts ......................YOU ARE AWESOME!!!

  • hambone
    hambone Posts: 152
    Miss Joy, put me back in the game since we have a game plan for my son, I feel abit more in control.

    I weighed 205 this morning and I am going to stick to my 3# loss goal for next weigh in.

    OMG Leo's meal sounds wonderful.... yum yum... made me hungry....lol
  • hambone
    hambone Posts: 152
    Joy, I don't know about the rest of the group but I wouldn't mind starting a new thread each week since there is not a way to earmark the last page read in this forum.

    I am game for whatever the group would like to do though.
  • SassySouthernGirl
    YEA HAMBONE is back in!!! Good choice HAM!

    I agree about starting a new thread each week.....HEY EVERYBODY.....your thoughts on that one please.......:bigsmile:
  • reisingmel
    reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
    Oops, my goal for next week is 158 lbs :) Ambitious I know.
  • SassySouthernGirl
    Oops, my goal for next week is 158 lbs :) Ambitious I know.

    MEL.....I'm confused (happens alot...:bigsmile: ) What was your weigh in for yesterday?????....I have it at 158, but you say your goal for this week is 158, so I'm confused. Help! :bigsmile:
  • mommyof2boys
    mommyof2boys Posts: 221
    :flowerforyou: Congrats Magnificent! way to go! ... I am not that far behind you. lol... I hope we have a lose like that next week but I am not expecting anything big because I was told at 1st you have a big lose and then smaller loses after that because of water retention and stuff but and ways you did Magnificent!

    I think that starting a new thread every week will be harder tha finding the last page of this thread. SO my vote is to stay in this thread. Unless some one has a way of finding the tread easier...

    :love: The chart looks great Miss Sassy! What website do you use to host it? I always use photobucket pic but neither seem to be working for me on here ... but it works one myspace....

    Leo- Supper sounds good... when will it be ready??? lol.:tongue: except for the brownies... I dont like chocolate... I am not making any thing.... I forgot to take something out for dinner. So I made my hubby some can soup and my 2yr pb&j and my baby had some carrot puree... lol. I will not be eating anything because I had too much carbs in my luch.

    :sad: I just found out you can only put 18 pictures on here!!! I am a picture Junky and it doesnt work for me... lol I need more... :noway:

    Oh and if any one has a Facebook, Myspace or Twitter you can add me. Facebook I am Andrea Lynn Heath, Myspace.com/annblack and on twitter I am cowgurlup88 Only I think twitter is kinda gay... you cant really do anything... lol. if you do decide to add me to any of these just write that you are from myfitnesspal so I know for sure and dont have to be like???huh? lol. :huh:
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    I'm amazed...I feel so much better than April 2009 when I weighed 223. June 2nd I joined MFP at 214. And today I weighed in at 199.6. First time in 10 yearts that I've been under 200!

    Okay, so I had to take off my wedding ring,earrings and necklace to do it...but 199.6 is just that - under 200! :blushing:

    I'm so grateful to "Fit By Fall" started by "mrsprazak05" and "Low Carb-ers Chanllenge to Choose Change" started by "SassySouthernGirl". These two ladies and their group members have inspired and encouraged me to reach a goal I sometimes never even considered starting because I didn't think I'd ever be successful...so I was a quitter before I even started! :angry:

    Now I get it, just one day at a time - one calorie at a time, one minute of exercise at a time. It's so much easier when it's small steps. I'm on my way! :happy:
  • SassySouthernGirl
    mommyof2boys.....I create the chart in Excel and then copy/paste it to Paint....then upload it to Photobucket to get the img code to paste here in the thread. A few steps, which is why I try to get it right the first time, and wait for people to post weigh-ins. LOL
  • SassySouthernGirl
    JKLM..... Congrats on reaching ONEDERLAND Today!!! I know how good it feels. I played around for WAY too long in Twoderville....and was SO happy to get to those 190's!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!!!! Now....let's head on down to the 180's!!! We CAN DO IT! :bigsmile:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Sassy - You are amazing, thanks so much for taking the time to make us gorgeous charts!! :flowerforyou: :heart:

    So ladies, I am going to share my learning experience *cough*failure*cough* with you. Last night I discovered that my tongue had grown over the bottom of the barbell of my tongue ring. I couldn't push it back through (tried... a lot) because the scar tissue was just too tough. So this morning I made a dentist appointment. They removed it just fine, but my tongue was swollen and painful afterward. I also hadn't eaten so that I could avoid the nauseous feeling I get when I get within 50ft of a dentist's office.

    We then drove from the doctor to go get lunch before continuing on to visit family. Stopped at Mcdonald's and what did I order? 2 double cheeseburgers plain with no bread. Okay, not terrible. What else did I order? A small Mcflurry :embarassed: Then rationalized it based on the fact that the cold felt good in my mouth (which it did - my tongue stopped hurting!).

    So we visited for a while then went out shopping, tongue started to hurt again. DH, wonderful and caring man that he is, bought me a Coke Icee from 7-11. He then proceeded to buy me another one a few hours later at Target because I could barely talk. Yes, the cold felt great but I was terrified (and more than a little sick to my stomach) from all the sugar.

    So I nibbled and ate all sorts of things I shouldn't have today. What was the result, you ask?

    Over Calories by: 1239 (I doubled what I actually should be having)
    Over Carbs by: 298 (Holy crap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) :noway:
    Over Sugar by: 155 :sick:
    Fat, Protien & Sodium are all right on or a little under.

    So if you ever feel guilty about having that little piece of chocolate or a sip of wine, just think of me and feel better! :bigsmile: Because what am I going to do? 1) Not eat anything else tonight & drink LOTS of water 2) Hop right back on the bandwagon tomorrow.

    Nothing can stop you ladies, not even 300+ carbs!! :drinker: :laugh: