Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    LEANLIONESS: I also have very very dry skin, and would like to try this coconut oil wash you've been doing. I also have very dry hair - have you ever used it on your hair?

    I have very dry porous curly hair - which of course is worse because I color to hide the grey - but I personally only use shampoo about once a week - the rest of the time I wet it down and just use a non-silicone conditioner and gel.... I wonder if the coconut oil would help tame my frizzies???

    It probably will help it...........

    Put the coconut oil on your hair and let it sit for like 20 minutes and massage your scalp occasionally too.............then wash it as usual, but don't use the regular conditioner and see how it feels......

    I color my hair too. I am naturally blond and usually go darker because I think I look better.
  • SassySouthernGirl
    FIREDRAGON.....I have BIG issues with VERY high cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar (to name but a few...LOL)! In January of 2008 I was rushed to ER with crazy things going on and I had VERY high blood pressure. My doctor looked right at me and said, "Death is staring you in the face...stroke/heart attack.....IF you don't change your eating habits." I have a copy of all that bloodwork and it is AWFUL. For the next few months, I ate low carb...didn't watch calories...ate fats...basically I was following the Atkins book I had just bought called, "The All-New Atkins Advantage: the 12 week Low Carb Program....". When following that plan, I lost weight, had more energy, and was fully satisfied with all my menus (based on the book and it does give good menu examples). After about 3 months...my blood was rechecked and NORMAL. It was amazing. That being said....

    I did NOT stick to it and gained, had my next 3 month blood work recheck and, again, it was AWFUL. So....I do believe what LIONESS is saying to be true because I have lived it and seen it in my own personal blood work. I know when I eat too many carbs I feel terrible, lethargic, etc. I also eat every 3 hours or very close to it, to keep my blood sugar levels stable as I am Type 2 Diabetic. By the way....the blood sugar tested NORMAL when I followed that plan! But, went back UP when I stopped it. So....you can use me as another example of how this way of eating works for your health, and energy levels. It was, of course, also approved by my Doc.

    I have been following another low carb plan, which focuses on low fat, but I have tweaked it so that it's basically the Atkins deal again. LOL So...what I plan to do starting NOW is to drag that book out of my closet and start it up again. It works...and my blood recheck is coming up so I need to be sure I am prepared! I've been doing my low carb thing since Mid-May when I weighed in at 218.6. Today I am 192.2. AND...that includes some cheats while on vacation. So...not bad!

    I don't know WHY it took me more than a year to get my butt in gear and determined as I am now...especially after hearing those particular words from my DOC about staring death in the face. I just didn't have my head and/or heart in the game...now I do...and I will succeed in being more healthy, energetic and fit. I will not die before I turn 50 years old! (47 now) I'm feelin' so much better.

    YOU CAN DO THIS TOO!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • SassySouthernGirl
    LIONNESS --- thanks again for the info....and the coconut oil facial tips.....I am SO going to use that as a Home SPA treatment of sorts! Can't wait!! :flowerforyou:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    FIREDRAGON.....I have BIG issues with VERY high cholesterol, triglycerides and blood sugar (to name but a few...LOL)! In January of 2008 I was rushed to ER with crazy things going on and I had VERY high blood pressure. My doctor looked right at me and said, "Death is staring you in the face...stroke/heart attack.....IF you don't change your eating habits." I have a copy of all that bloodwork and it is AWFUL. For the next few months, I ate low carb...didn't watch calories...ate fats...basically I was following the Atkins book I had just bought called, "The All-New Atkins Advantage: the 12 week Low Carb Program....". When following that plan, I lost weight, had more energy, and was fully satisfied with all my menus (based on the book and it does give good menu examples). After about 3 months...my blood was rechecked and NORMAL. It was amazing. That being said....

    I did NOT stick to it and gained, had my next 3 month blood work recheck and, again, it was AWFUL. So....I do believe what LIONESS is saying to be true because I have lived it and seen it in my own personal blood work. I know when I eat too many carbs I feel terrible, lethargic, etc. I also eat every 3 hours or very close to it, to keep my blood sugar levels stable as I am Type 2 Diabetic. By the way....the blood sugar tested NORMAL when I followed that plan! But, went back UP when I stopped it. So....you can use me as another example of how this way of eating works for your health, and energy levels. It was, of course, also approved by my Doc.

    I have been following another low carb plan, which focuses on low fat, but I have tweaked it so that it's basically the Atkins deal again. LOL So...what I plan to do starting NOW is to drag that book out of my closet and start it up again. It works...and my blood recheck is coming up so I need to be sure I am prepared! I've been doing my low carb thing since Mid-May when I weighed in at 218.6. Today I am 192.2. AND...that includes some cheats while on vacation. So...not bad!

    I don't know WHY it took me more than a year to get my butt in gear and determined as I am now...especially after hearing those particular words from my DOC about staring death in the face. I just didn't have my head and/or heart in the game...now I do...and I will succeed in being more healthy, energetic and fit. I will not die before I turn 50 years old! (47 now) I'm feelin' so much better.

    YOU CAN DO THIS TOO!!! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    :heart: :heart:

    At least someone on this website believes in me!!! I think I am the bad seed on this site because of my out spokeness and my radical views............

    AT least it didn't take you 6 years to get your butt in gear with a lifestyle change as it did for me. I was on the verge of becoming insulin dependent. :noway:
  • magnificentmama
    WOW - I Lioness!!! I am gona go get me some coconut oil!!!! I need it badly :smile: How much does it usually cost and do you have to get it at a health food store? I cant wait to start using it :tongue:
  • ClassiC
    ClassiC Posts: 259 Member
    Lioness, just for the record.... I think you're credible:flowerforyou: Don't leave us!!!!!:frown:

    You give great advice & obviously it works! just look at your health results:wink: Let the haters hate! You are great and we know it:glasses: :glasses:

    P.S. Re: ur question on the butter, etc.. i cant seem to wrap my head around losing weight trying to eat fats even, if they are the good ones... :embarassed: and so i'd already adjusted my diet to lowfat too... luckily, the protein keeps me full tho:flowerforyou: Thanks for the tips!!
  • reisingmel
    reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
    Just wanted to thank everyone for the sweet tooth tips! I decided on crystal light being my "dessert" after dinner when I'd otherwise want something bad. It's been working pretty well so far and I get a little help on my water intake.

    I did have a general question though. I've been trying to keep my calorie bracket between 1200 and 1800 and I can't even get up to 900! I know my gym trainer would have a fit if he saw that, so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for how to consume more calories while still keeping the carbs down. I'm hoping there's a solution besides even more chicken and eggs :ohwell:

    Everyone keep up the great work and I can't wait to hear about everyone's results on Monday! I know I'm already up 2 lbs, but I'm not going to let it beat me down. :tongue:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Lioness, just for the record.... I think you're credible:flowerforyou: Don't leave us!!!!!:frown:

    You give great advice & obviously it works! just look at your health results:wink: Let the haters hate! You are great and we know it:glasses: :glasses:

    P.S. Re: ur question on the butter, etc.. i cant seem to wrap my head around losing weight trying to eat fats even, if they are the good ones... :embarassed: and so i'd already adjusted my diet to lowfat too... luckily, the protein keeps me full tho:flowerforyou: Thanks for the tips!!

    My Dr told me this regarding fat intake.................

    Think of your metabolism like your car...............It takes fuel (fat) to make your car run (metabolism).......

    There is a book called Eat Fat, Get Thin. It is a fantastic read.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Just wanted to thank everyone for the sweet tooth tips! I decided on crystal light being my "dessert" after dinner when I'd otherwise want something bad. It's been working pretty well so far and I get a little help on my water intake.

    I did have a general question though. I've been trying to keep my calorie bracket between 1200 and 1800 and I can't even get up to 900! I know my gym trainer would have a fit if he saw that, so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for how to consume more calories while still keeping the carbs down. I'm hoping there's a solution besides even more chicken and eggs :ohwell:

    Everyone keep up the great work and I can't wait to hear about everyone's results on Monday! I know I'm already up 2 lbs, but I'm not going to let it beat me down. :tongue:

    Increase your fat intake..........

    Coconut oil is healthy. Add butter to steamed veggies.
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Just wanted to thank everyone for the sweet tooth tips! I decided on crystal light being my "dessert" after dinner when I'd otherwise want something bad. It's been working pretty well so far and I get a little help on my water intake.

    I did have a general question though. I've been trying to keep my calorie bracket between 1200 and 1800 and I can't even get up to 900! I know my gym trainer would have a fit if he saw that, so I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for how to consume more calories while still keeping the carbs down. I'm hoping there's a solution besides even more chicken and eggs :ohwell:

    Everyone keep up the great work and I can't wait to hear about everyone's results on Monday! I know I'm already up 2 lbs, but I'm not going to let it beat me down. :tongue:

    Cheese! String cheese sticks, sharp cheddar, etc. Cheese has a ton of calories and most have very little to no carbs. Natural nut butters are great, just watch your portions because they do have some calories. Just plain nuts are fantastic too! :flowerforyou:
  • SassySouthernGirl
    I am HOOKED on ALMONDS!!!!! Good for you, too! And, that's all I have to say...I'm so tired I can barely hold my eyes open from reading all about the couch to 5k as well as the Mark's Daily Apple site. AWESOME info!!! Nighty Night!
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Good morning everyone!!!

    It is my birthday and I got a GREAT brithday gift.............

    I got a wooshie and I weighed in this morning at 200.2 pounds. So I have lost 8.8 pounds from Monday til today!!!!

    I could do black flips again................. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    I'm hooked on Emerald Brand Cocoa Roast Almonds - they are to die for - and that satisfies my sweet tooth too, as they are slightly chocolatey.... They're in the database - good source of cals if you're trying to up your intake. I think about 1 ounce (22 almonds) is 5 carbs and 100 calories? I'll have to check the darn database.

    Also - you may want to consider adding in some other meats - like ground turkey or lean pork loin - those have higher calories but no carbs. You can't get through this WOE just eating chicken and eggs, you'll get totally bored and the longer you're bored, the more chance of going off plan.

    Happy Friday, everyone!

    SASSY - got my podcasts downloaded for week 1 of C25K - and I'm starting on Monday, come hell or high water!

    ETA: OH, AND I'M DOWN ANOTHER POUND TODAY! Since I'm new to this site, most of you don't know me, but several of you know me from that other site we were on - I have been stalled for over a month - with only a little loss or gain here and there. I could not get below 265 to save my life - and now I"m far enough down under it that I felt it was save to change my ticker - which I haven't done in FOREVER. So, I'm on cloud 9 today - I finally broke through that plateau....
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Its Friday and I'm up waaaaay too eary. :yawn: DH and I both work from home and he head a deadline this morning at 11am, so he pulled an all nighter and I never sleep very good when he's still up. :grumble: My toddler won't even be up for another 2 hours, so I'm off to go exercise early and make the most of it. :laugh:

    Resalyn - Thats so fantastic!! Plateaus are terrible, and often people use them to jump off the wagon but you just keep on truckin - good for you! Here's to many more weeks like this one! :drinker:

    You're both going to love/hate the C25K - I can't wait til I'm fit enough to start again but hopefully I'll be fit by winter so I can actually run outside without passing out from the heat. :love:
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Good piece of advice - do not attempt exercise that requires concentration and coordination when 1) You just roll out of bed 2) Your body has had no food. I was literally just standing on my DDR pad willing my feet to move in the right direction. They were moving, but definitely not where I wanted them to go. DH looked over and suggested I just have a short workout for the day before I hurt myself. :laugh:
  • shagybear33
    shagybear33 Posts: 272
    Good morning everyone!

    Hope everyone is having a great day so far!!

    Lioness: Don't leave. I've been reading lots of your posts and you do your research!! When I was thinking of going back low-carbing, I initially thought of you and had some questions for you!!! People without open minds are going to be the ones to judge. But that's THEIR problem!! :D

    So anyways for my question!!

    I exercise 5-6 times a week - Really vigorous ones... My resting heart rate is normally low 50s. Since doing atkins for past 3 days my RHR has increased to mid 60s. do you think there is a connection??

    Thanks bunches!!
  • SassySouthernGirl
    Happy Friday Everybody! I was down another 0.2 lbs today....but I'll take it! :bigsmile:

    RES --- I have my week 1 podcast downloaded too. AND, I got some new running shoes late yesterday (not that I've ever had any before)! I won't know if my knees will hold up to this or not, but it sure won't hurt to give it a try. Which podcast did you choose??? And...YES...those cocoa roast almonds are so good! I have to make sure to measure them out with my scale so I don't eat the whole container!

    HANNAH --- next time...WAKE UP....before you try to exercise. LOL!! That's funny...what dedication! :wink:

    SHAGYBEAR --- I agree with you regading lioness!! And, I can't help with the heart rate question...I have no clue.

    I guess today will be cleaning house, unless I put it off til tomorrow. I'm still researching running and reading on marksdailyapple.com (thanks, Hannah....I'm hooked). Read a good article there about saturated fats, which totally agreed with LIONESS.

    I'll check back later! Have a great Friday.....PLAN for your weekend.....because our weigh-in is coming up!! Let's meet out goals!! :bigsmile:
  • magnificentmama
  • cmstief
    cmstief Posts: 59
    good morning everyone! it's about time for me to eat breakfast but i am getting tired of egg whites and spinach.. so does anyone have any ideas for me? thanks girls!
  • hambone
    hambone Posts: 152
    Good morning ladies,
    Look's like we are off to good start for the weekend!

    Congrats Res on the old scale finally moving for you!!! I know you are on cloud 9 as you move the ticker down a few notches.

    Miss Joy, wtg... any loss adds up to a BIG loss! You are doing awesome. You girls be sure to stretch those muscles after your walk/runs. Good luck and I hope your knees don't let you down. Start off easy and increase... well you don't need me telling you what to do as it sounds like you have plenty of stuff to read....lol

    Lion, I am with the rest of the ladies, I enjoy reading the info you post so I hope you will choose to stay with us but I know you must do what works best for you.

    Hannah, you are cracking me up!!!! ditto to what Joy said... hee hee

    Good morning shagybear! I hope Lion. might have info for you cause I am clueless too.

    Hi Mag. mama, how ya doing?

    cmstief, I am not following any particular woe'ing at the moment. Can you post a bit more about what your daily goals are for cal, carb, etc then it will be easier to help you develop some new menu's.

    To everyone else, GOOD MORNING and hope your day has started off well