Low Carb-ers Challenge to Choose Change!



  • cmstief
    cmstief Posts: 59
    its great reading all of the posts from you ladies! it sounds like everyone is really staying on track! as for me.. well today didn't go so well. i was on a major carb feast today. pasta for dinner and bread jeez.. i feel bad and wayyyy too full. i'm pissed off at myself cuz i've been doing so well.! :( oh well.. i guess i'll just start over tomorrow! thanks for the encouraging words everyone! you're all an inspiration!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Res - Thanks so much! I googled it like you said and found it rather fascinating. I love studying how my body works and is affected by different foods (or lake thereof) and all I have to said to this nauseous, icky feeling is - hooray! I must be doing something right! :drinker: :bigsmile:

    Sassy - I love your blog! Hehe. You have a loyal reader. :blushing:

    Cmstief - Happens to all of us, hun! You've got the right attitude - you'll do just fine. :flowerforyou:

    On another note Res, I'm glad you mentioned not cheating because I was soooo temped to have chips & salsa today. Its my favorite snack, but I thought about you guys and my mission, avoided it altogether. Thanks ladies. :smooched:
  • SassySouthernGirl
    Cmstief.....tomorrow is another day....clear it from your mind...and get back on the wagon!! Keep thinkin' of all of us over here wishing you well and success! :wink:

    Hannah....thanks! Glad you liked it. I'm reading the Primal Blueprint website now....just ordered the book. Sounds awesome!!
  • jklm
    jklm Posts: 281
    Hannah....thanks! Glad you liked it. I'm reading the Primal Blueprint website now....just ordered the book. Sounds awesome!!
    Me, too! The Primal Blueprint site is fascinating...the Success Stories and Pictures are awesome!
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Glad you guys are enjoying it!! I spent way longer than I should have lurking around there today. :embarassed: :laugh: Do tell me what you guys think of the book and I might just have to tighten the belt and make an investment! :bigsmile:
  • SassySouthernGirl
    GOOD MORNING!!!! I am doing the happy dance this morning.....weighed in at 192.2!!! That's THREE POUND loss since we started on Monday!! It's lookin' like I could very well meet my 5.2 goal!! Just gotta keep it up!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Hannah....I paid extra to get the book sent priority mail...:wink: So, I'll let you know once I get it and have a chance to look it over. I read the blogs and info in the website 'til about 1 AM....very interesting stuff. Makes sense too!

    I'll check on you ladies later! Have a great ON PLAN day!! It's worth it when that scale starts moving! :flowerforyou:

    And...drink up that water....:drinker: :drinker:
  • crl0421
    crl0421 Posts: 13
    I'm dancing with you Sassy!!!! 173.4. If I only would have stayed on the fruit stuff. Oh well, another time for that. Got back on the eggs and shakes today. I'm all coffeed up right now. I could go run if we weren't in the country and I like snakes, rattlers at that, NO THANK YOU!!! UGH!!

    Hannah--thanks for the website. I briefly scanned through the website and book marked it for this weekend.

    Kay--Where are you???? TX heat melting you too. Did you all get any of the rain that blew through the other day? We didn't get jack squat!!! I wonder if Deb did in North TX. It was spotty all over the place, except on us. Our lakes look so sad, last boat launch was closed. No more of that. Our dock is on dirt and has been for over a year.

    Well I need to get off the computer and get busy on some work. It's hard to get motivated when you are the only one here. Hehehehe
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    I'm so jealous - I hopped on the scale this morning - back up to 213. :brokenheart: Stupid body! Not getting discouraged or headed for the chip bag, because what can I do except exactly what I've been doing?

    Congratulations to you both! At least I can be happy for other people's success. That helps. :drinker: :bigsmile:
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    Hola, Sistahs!

    Weighed in for the biggest loser challenge at work (weigh in every Wed....) and I was down 2.6 since last Wed! Woo hoo! I'm doing the dance with Sassy and Carrie! And Carrie - I will do that fruit flush with you next time you do it - we'll do it together like you said, commiserate w/ each other by text, LOL....

    Ok, put in my blog today that I am seriously considering doing the couch to 5 K thingy. I've always wanted to be a runner - but never ever could before, body just felt terrible even after a few seconds of running - the knees hurt, etc etc.

    Yesterday it was pouring down rain and I had to sprint to my car way out in the back of the parking lot- jumping over puddles and the like, and it was EXHILARATING - I almost did laps around the parking lot in the rain, LOL! Maybe I"m finally at a point where I think I could do it...... I need to prepare for it this week (download some podcasts to my MP3) and start it next week.....
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I'd like to join you all :)

    Although I'm not planning to eat NO-carb, I am eating low carbs and am always interested in tips and tricks to spice up the menu without involving carbs. I have hereditary blood sugar issues and am working to keep myself off pills/injections through quitting smoking, losing weight, watching the sugar/carbs, and exercising. Most of my carbs come from fruits and veggies, plus one slice of whole grain bread fro breakfast and whatever stuff is in my Kashi microwave lunch (need ideas on alternatives).

    My weight stats:

    SW 172
    CW 166
    GW 135

    A little about me? I'm 48 yrs old, mother of three including an adorable 4 yr old (whose arrival gave me these 30 lbs :)), work two sedentary jobs, live in steamy Florida, and have arthritis in my joints, which makes running/jogging very painful. I quit smoking on May 22, 2009 and started MFP on June 14. I"m determined not to gain weight due to stopping the cigarettes! My partner is also working out and following the same nutrition plan with me :love: .
  • reisingmel
    reisingmel Posts: 50 Member
    Alright, day 2, not so bad, but I'm having these killer cravings for something sweet that isn't in liquid form that is (obviously) very very low carb or even no carb. Has anyone got any ideas on what I can do?? I think having something to take the sweet edge off will really help me make it through this.

    Thanks loads!
  • SassySouthernGirl
    CARRIE ….. Glad to hear you doing the happy dance too!

    HANNAH …. Great attitude! Don’t get discouraged by that stupid scale…mine will go up one…then down 2-3….then up one, etc. It’s not the only thing that matters --- get out that tape measure, record measurements somewhere and then check again in a month or so….especially if you’re exercising!!

    RESALYN….I’ve been reading up on the Couch to 5k also. I’m interested in doing it, but wondering if I need to lose a little more first because I have bad knees. The oz. of glucosomine supplement I started drinking about a month ago is really helping, though. Let me know where you find the podcasts…I’ll look some more today and maybe start with you. No promises --- but I can certainly give it a try!

    STORMIE…. Welcome to the group. I’ll get you added to our chart. Let me know what your goal for this week’s Monday weigh-in is, so I can update.

    MEL …. I don’t have a lot of suggestions for the sweet cravings. Maybe that sugar free jello with a tad of whip cream??? I don’t have a sweet tooth, but always craving burgers and pizzas and Mexican. LOL
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Mel, yesterday I had that problem. I fixed it with a Tbsp of peanut butter. It also takes a long time to eat. Other things I do to satisfy it:

    Spoonful of frozen cool whip
    A couple nestle semi-sweet chocolate chips
    (I also keep Andes Mints in the freezer and limit myself to one every few days - really hits the spot!)

    Sassy - I got on the scale about an hour later (still hadn't eaten) and I was 211. So I'm not putting much stock in that dumb scale til next week! :bigsmile:

    Res - I started the C25K about 6 months ago but had to quit because it was damaging a nerve since I have very high arches (no shock absorption). I hope to try again when I'm about 50 pounds lighter - less shock needing absorption! Its a great program though and it really works so best of luck!
  • SassySouthernGirl
    Hannah.....I also have that high arch issue! I might give it a try and see what happens. Will research some more first. Stay off that darn scale for a little while...it will bounce back and forth all day long. Just stay on track...that thing will go down!! :wink:
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    Alright, day 2, not so bad, but I'm having these killer cravings for something sweet that isn't in liquid form that is (obviously) very very low carb or even no carb. Has anyone got any ideas on what I can do?? I think having something to take the sweet edge off will really help me make it through this.

    Thanks loads!

    Girl, the best thing to do is fight those cravings.............DO NOT give in to them. The whole purpose of induction is to detox from the sugary and sweet cravings............

    Drink some water
    Go for a walk
    Chew a piece of sugar-less gum

    DO NOT GIVE IN TO THEM, it is important to get rid of the cravings, not nurse them from sugar to artifical sweetner or natural sugar....................
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I always tell myself...I am stronger than my cravings. MUCH stronger. They do NOT control me, I control what happens to and goes into my body! I quit drinking and smoking that way.

    Ok, my goals are very small and slow. I'd like to be 165 next week. Solidly. Not a teaser by hitting that number once and bouncing back up, but solidly 165.
  • LeanLioness
    LeanLioness Posts: 1,091 Member
    I am going to be bouncing in and out due to being very busy at work and I am at a customers location................

    Bad, Bad, Bad lunch today..................

    I had to go to Wendy's and get a salad.......................that was ok. Ordered a Diet Coke and didn't think to taste it before I drove off from the drive through................

    Got back to my customers office and put the straw in the drink..............BLECH!!!!!! :explode: :explode: They gave me a regular coke..............

    I have not drank a sugary soda in 6 years. I hardly ever drink a diet soda at all, but since it was lunch on the run and I have water coming out of my ears, I decided to get a diet soda today...........

    I called the manager, let her know I am diabetic and the folks working the drive through need to be careful when someone orders a diet, give them a diet..............

    Then she offers me fries. Just clueless. :angry: :explode: :grumble:
  • crl0421
    crl0421 Posts: 13
    I totally agree with LeanLioness on the sugar thing. You have to detox your body of the sugar. Hang in there, down that water and gum is what I do too.

    Future runners--- One of my BFF's is a triathlete and this what she told me about running, I love to run, is that if you don't have the right shoes for running you won't like it. Take the time and money to go into a RUN store that specializes in that. Usually they employe runners and they know exactly what you need. Some stores will put you on a special treadmiss to find out how your run and then look at your arches. You may need nothing more than a special insert. Also BIG THINGS TO REMEMBER ON SHOES... when you buy running shoes 1. only use them for running 2. buy 1 to 1 1/2 sizes bigger than what you normall wear. Your feet swell and they need room for that. If you take the time to invest in your body then be kind to it. Living in Austin, TX is great because we have TONS of runs shops being that we are supposedly one of the healthiest cities in America. I would love to get ahold of the Couch to 10k training thing but I'm not paying for it. Is there another way to get it? I've done 5ks before and love it. It's very exhilierating and I'm not fast. I used to to 6 miles in less than an hour, but for some reason I just can't seem to get it going again. AND I know that exercise is key to keeping it off; being more active daily. But getting my brain to understand that is whole 'nother story.

    All right that is enough babbling for me.
  • crl0421
    crl0421 Posts: 13
    Lean--- that has happened to me countless times and just really ticks me off. No clue what so ever.
  • Resalyn
    Resalyn Posts: 528 Member
    CARRIE - check out www.c25k.com - it's a site dedicated to the couch to 5 K - but down towards the bottom are other links to go to once you've mastered the 5 K - a couple of them are training programs to get to 8K, some to 10K, etc.

    He says on the site that there are plenty of resources so NO ONE should have to pay for the plans.... Check it out and see what you think.

    Ok, now I'm worried about my shoes. I got myself a pair of Nike tennis shoes a short while back - I have no idea if they are running shoes or not! I know it's silly - I don't think they are walkers either - maybe crosstrainers? I can't afford to buy any new shoes right now - but if things aren't going well during my first week, the first thing I will try is getting new shoes..... Thanks for the advice!