

  • Maybe you could put exercise as a lower priority right now and just focus on eating and sleeping? If eating really is 80% of health then it won't be so bad if you push exercise back to make sure you're taking care of the very basics (i.e. sleep) first.
  • I feel for you. I've been doing this a couple of months too, and I gained weight at first (like 2lbs, but still), and after a couple months finally managed to go down almost 1lb from when I started. I figure I should just ignore the scale and focus on where I see success (inches, photos, body fat percentage), but I totally…
  • I'm 5'5" and my goals are to find a happy place around 135. Ideally though, I would prefer to get somewhere around 18% body fat with a nice muscle base. =) I don't know how much I would weigh in that case.
  • I don't think it's a problem to eat sweets in moderation. If it something you plan to stick with for life, you'd better make changes you can live with. That said, stick with serving sizes. Eat one cookie instead of the entire batch ;). Eat a starburst a day for a month instead of binging on the bag. I try not to buy…
  • You look great =) Good job!
  • I say go. It isn't fair for you to wait around waiting to see if something might happen someday with your ex. Especially where you have an understanding with your new interest that you aren't looking to get serious. Have some fun :)
  • Congratulations on your wedding and the NSV with the dress =)
    in Big NSV! Comment by Alure June 2011
  • I'd also take progress pictures. I started doing this a couple of months ago and I'm Sooo glad I did. My weight has changed about 9/10ths of a pound in these past two months. My measurements (bust, waist, hips) have more or less stayed the same. What HAS changed (which I wouldn't have known if I was going by scale or even…
  • Take some pictures of yourself. If you don't like what you see, that might help motivate you to continue. When you start seeing progress and begin to like what you see, you can be motivated by the way you're transforming your body =). Good luck.
  • I'm not thirty, but there are a lot of amazing role models who are 30 and 40+ who are amazingly fit and look enviable for any age. One thing that they all seem to have in common is weight training. Weight training builds muscle which is metabolically active, making it so you burn more calories around the clock. If you…
  • I want to be able to DO amazingly fun things forever. Looking good is an exceptional side effect, but I want a strong, functional body that is up to whatever I want to try next. Mountain biking, hiking, aerial silk, yoga, budokon, ballet, (pole dancing someday), etc. When I watch people with strong healthy bodies doing…
  • Don't go by the scale. Go by how your clothes fit or by your measurements. If you're working out that much, I would say you are probably pretty fit and need to eat your exercise calories. You might be trying to live on practically no food at all. You could try taking a couple days off exercise and eating more. It sounds…
  • From what I understand the natural sugars are different than processed sugars. Fructose (fruit sugar) is broken down slower and is more easily processed than than sucrose (table sugar) which breaks down quickly and causes a spike in blood sugar. I would reccommend not eating solely fruit and overloading your body with…
  • Hi Katie! Good luck with your goals! :)
  • Don't feel bad. What you're doing is for yourself, and it's none of their business. Maybe do something nice for yourself... bubble bath, pedicure.. to help reduce your stress and put a smile on your face. :D
    in So sad!!!! Comment by Alure July 2010
  • I am soo intrigued by this barefoot running thing. I've never really heard of it, but it sounds amazing (I love not wearing shoes!). I've even hiked several miles barefoot but I never thought about running that way... What are some resources you guys would suggest for a newbie to read up on it?
  • From what I understand if you gain muscle faster than you are losing fat, then technically the measurement around your thigh could go up. However, if you continue eating well and exercising the assumption is that the fat will decrease and the muscle will remain, leaving you with smaller legs in the end....Good luck though.…
  • I've noticed that on some days I'm kind of ravenous and really want to go over my calorie goals, and sometimes I don't feel hungry. I think the smartest thing to do is pay attention and do what your body tells you it needs. It seems to work for me pretty well. I would say you should eat only if you're hungry, and don't…
  • Whenever your "morning" is, maybe that's when you should try to fit some exercise in, before you work all day long and are no longer motivated. If you wait you won't have the energy, but if you do it you'll start having more energy all day. You could even start really small by parking far away at home, work, or the grocery…
  • If it's discouraging you, throw away the scale. Literally. Hide it. Eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and exercising will make you more fit. You'll feel better, your clothes will fit better, and you will look better overall. Obsessing about your weight all the time isn't productive, and it can be discouraging…
  • I don't know what your starting waist measurement was, but I have heard that you can increase your waist measurement by working out a lot because you often increase the size of your obliques and back muscles. This increases the overall circumference of your "waist". You may be tighter and flatter, but building other…
  • Ha ha, I had to post on this thread because I have small calves! I'm 5'5" and in the 140s right now (would definitely prefer the 130s)... And I just measured my calves at 13.25". But they're ripped, mind you. :D
  • Sometimes if you are working out you gain muscle (which is denser than fat) so you can weigh more, but fit into your clothes better. That's why lots of people recommend taking measurements and/or body fat percentage measurements as well. Scale weight doesn't reflect body composition, so it's not always an accurate measure…
  • MMmm. Cookies... Yes, cookies are my nemesis.
  • Good luck with all of your goals! I hope you are cancer free and that you can stay optimistic to reach all of your other health and fitness goals!!! :)
  • You totally look younger! Way to go! :)
  • You are doing great! What steady, excellent progress!
  • I joined earlier this week and am looking for fitness tips and support on here to help me reach my goals, too! Good luck everybody. Feel free to add me! :)
  • You look really good! I bet it feels so nice to be so fit! Congratulations!