Are they really good for you?

Okay, every one, doctors, moms, someone you don't know (kidding) says eating fruits and vegitalbles are a healthy and awsome way to stay in shape, Okay... so many of them high in calories, sugars, carbs and fat, so we know they are "good" for you, but how much really? And should one feel guilty if all they eat all day is fruit and veggies, but still go over their limits for the day? Hmmm.. food for thought. LOL


  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    fresh fruits and vegies are good for you. Not so much w/the fruit juice. They tend to have less calories than simple carbs (cookies, cake, candy, pie) and unlike those things and juice they also have loads of fiber. Which sates your hunger. they also provide phyto chemicals which help your body process food better. The only people who really really have to watch it are those with blood sugar issues i.e. diabetes/pre diabetes.

    vegies overall don't have as many calories as fruits and still give you vitamins and phyto chemicals. When I had gestational diabetes I was told to be careful of fuits but i could have as many vegies as I wanted (btw that catagory excludes tomatoes they fall under fruit and have more sugar than an orange)
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    Too much of anything is never a good thing. As in all things there has to be balance.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    I know fruits and veggies are good for people, but I have the same question about fruits. Many of my favorite fruits are very high in sugar grams. Sugar grams are sugar grams ... Right? I could eat fresh fruit all day, but would be way over on my sugars. Don't the sugar grams all "count the same?"
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    Too much of anything is never a good thing. As in all things there has to be balance.

    I agree. Even though fruits and veggies are good for you, you risk weight gain if you go over your calorie limit no matter what it is you eat. Not all vegetarians are the picture of health and weight loss.
  • jodie_t
    jodie_t Posts: 287 Member
    I thought there were vits and mins in fruit that help your body digest their sugars better, causing less probs than eating sugar w/out those extra nutrients.
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I thought there were vits and mins in fruit that help your body digest their sugars better, causing less probs than eating sugar w/out those extra nutrients.

    The fiber in most fruits does help out with that, but it is still a lot of sugar be taking in. Many fruits are even off limits for diabetics and fruit juice is a no-no for diabetics.

    Most current fat loss studies tell us to limit fruit to 2 servings a day and get the rest of our carbs from lots of veggies (fibrous carbs) and a few starchy carbs such as sweet potatoes and whole wheat products.
  • danibabs
    danibabs Posts: 298 Member
    I know fruits and veggies are good for people, but I have the same question about fruits. Many of my favorite fruits are very high in sugar grams. Sugar grams are sugar grams ... Right? I could eat fresh fruit all day, but would be way over on my sugars. Don't the sugar grams all "count the same?"

    Nope. Natural sugars from fruits and veggies are way better for you than processed sugars from well, most other things that have sugar including white sugar. It's kinda like the difference between whole wheat flour and refined, bleached flour. BIG difference. And while you still don't want to just eat fruits cause you're body won't be able to handle a diet of one thing, I don't worry about goign over my sugar totals if I know it's coming from natural sources.
  • Alure
    Alure Posts: 30
    From what I understand the natural sugars are different than processed sugars. Fructose (fruit sugar) is broken down slower and is more easily processed than than sucrose (table sugar) which breaks down quickly and causes a spike in blood sugar. I would reccommend not eating solely fruit and overloading your body with fructose, but all sugars are not created equal. Some are definitely more healthy. If you went over on your sugar by eating fruit, you'd be a lot better off than if you went over by eating cookies.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Good news about the sugar grams in fruit. Thanks.:smile:
  • eveunderground
    eveunderground Posts: 236 Member
    I personally go with 1-2 fruits per day, but veggies are unlimited.
    (exception- the starchy veggies like corn/potatoes, or high fat veggies like avocados, should be had in moderation).