

  • Thanks for all your help, I will log everything I eat and see how I go this week and if I'm not losing I will up my calories and see how I get on. This is why I love mfp, everyone's so supportive.
  • Thanks for the support and well done to you too for getting back on it, as you said the only way is down. I'm going to sound naive here but as last time I lost weight it was with 1200 calories I'm concerned that with my tdee/bmr calories working out higher that I will gain rather then lose.
  • Thank you, I shall start on 1200 and start 30ds and hopefully that will get me somewhere towards getting back on the right track, and then I shall take it from there and as you suggested start to increase more by 100calories a week. Hopefully I will get back to my pre pregnancy weight soon.
  • I love watching it, it keeps me so motivated but I do keep in mind they have a personal trainer and work out for hours each day. The best thing is seeing them carrying on with it a few months later and the amazing confidence they have in themselves afterwards,you know that for most of them its going to change their lives…
  • My husband could write a lot of what you have, like you he will lose and then gain it back and so forth, however each time he starts a diet again I tell him that the fact that he keeps on trying. That is exactly what I would tell you, you are trying so hard and the fact that you keep on starting again shows your…
  • Thank you both so much for your replies, I got caught up in the trying to be too healthy by having low fat versions of everything, I am glad that I will see the weight starting to come off in the next week or so. I am glad for the information as I'm going back to work from maternity leave in a few weeks so will possibly…
  • I completed it last Friday and lost a total of 8.5 inches all over, and the difference wasnt obvious to me until I posted my pics on here the other day. I loved doing it and have actually started doing it all over again lol, I hated level 2 with a passion and have to say level 3 was my favourite. You feel fantastic when…
  • You are amazing,what fantastic results you mustbe so proud of your self!
  • This was my final day on Friday, I did go running on the treadmill every now and again but most of it was just eating right and the 30ds,after having 2 kids its nice to be on the way to getting somewhere near a flat tummy.
  • Thank you so much, I never thought I'd enjoy exercising so much, I'm trying to get all the pictures on but they dont seem to fit!
  • Thank you I shall give one of the other ones a go, I did do level 1 again today because I had it to hand and still found it a challenge but as many of you said it's not enough of a challenge. I will carry on doing the 30ds until I get one of the other DVDs and hope I get good results.
  • What a great achievement, but I would advise not doing anything today as hard as it is to resist. I gave blood a few weeks ago and decided to do a little exercise and the next thing I know I'm passed out on the floor, was not a good feeling. Just give your body a chance to rest today and enjoy the feeling of having…
  • Well done,what a great feeling! I'm currently on day 3 of level 2 but I was having a really bad day today and nearlydidnt do it but I've only taken 1 day off so far so I carried on and felt so much better for it, its such a fantastic work out. I love the fact that I will actually wear something without sleeves now because…
  • Maybe a rice dish with some yogurt and salad or if they do a mixed grill, I agree about asking them to make it mild they normally do,have a great time!
  • 175lbs when I was 18, i then got down to 140 but I'm only 5ft 3 so it showed,and 170 last year towards the end of my 2nd pregnancy.
  • I am making time for me, even if it is just time for me to work out, it gives me half an hour to myself. Ive also increased my water in take greatly and cut back on diet coke, strangely enough i have also allowed my self to have the odd chocolate or dessert as long as its with in my calorie allowance where as before I…
  • You have done brilliant! You look amazing,well done!
  • 82..the 80s were brilliant, The Goonies, Ghostbusters, Short Circuit, When Harry Met Sally, Top Gun, the list could go on!
  • Well done, you look amazing!
  • Thank you for all the feedback, I think I may have worded my post wrong, when I say a cheat day I dont mean go and eat junk food etc, I meant going over my usual daily calories i.e instead of being allowed 1200 have 1500 one day which I have not done. I am not in anyway bothered by any cravings etc, I have found this diet…
  • Firstly well done on your amazing weight loss, secondly thats exactly what I thought but I was told sometimes your body thinks its gone in to starvation mode and needs to 'snap out of it'. I shall just carry on with what I've been doing and seeing if upping my exercise helps.
  • 5ft 3 SW 140 CW 134 GW 117 My heaviest weight was 174 but that was a few years ago, lowest weight was 115 pre pregnancy and I felt amazing.
  • Thank you for all your advice, Im meant to be having 1200 calories and some days have only managed about 900 so I think that it may be due to too few calories. It has not been intentional to eat so few calories, it is just when I have been looking back at my food diary I have realised this, most days I eat quite healthy…
  • Hi, I am 5ft 3 and weigh 139lb/9st 13 and am hoping to get down to 117lb/8st 5 as this was how much I weighed before I had my two boys,my aim is the end of March when I hit the big 30!! but I think that may be wishful thinking. Todays my first day of MFP and have started doing a half an hour exercise dvd too. Vicky