Is having a cheat day going to help kickstart my weight loss


I posted a few days ago explaining that Ive not lost any weight or any inches over the past week and a half, a number of people suggested having a cheat day or increasing my calories to get my weight loss started again. I just wondered if anyone had tried this and had success, I am struggling with this idea as I have got in to such a good eating habit. I have also started running this week, managing a mile to a mile and a half at a time and am planning to start the 30 day shred next week, any advice would be great.


  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    That's like kick-starting your debt reduction with a spending spree....
  • vickyj29
    Firstly well done on your amazing weight loss, secondly thats exactly what I thought but I was told sometimes your body thinks its gone in to starvation mode and needs to 'snap out of it'. I shall just carry on with what I've been doing and seeing if upping my exercise helps.
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    I've heard the same thing. However, I've had cheat days and only gained back any weight I've lost during tge week, so it doesn't seem to do any good for me.

    What is your daily calorie intake/height/weight? I've not really had problems with not losing and I keep my cals at 1300/day whether I exercise or not (if I exercise and burn less then 200 I don't, generally, eat back and if it's 200+ I will eat back 1/3 - 1/2). Any how, it's what has worked for me. :wink:

    I wish you the best! :flowerforyou: I started 30Ds last night and burned 245 (HRM) calories!
  • yuckidah
    yuckidah Posts: 290 Member
    That's like kick-starting your debt reduction with a spending spree....

    Yes, that's kinda my way of thinking too.
    Are people telling themselves that a cheat day 'assists' weight loss in order to placate themselves after a calorie blow-out, or is there really something to this theory that does give your metabolism a bit of a kick in the pants?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    To some extent it depends on what a cheat day is for you, but in most cases no, it won't. The idea of a cheat day is to allow yourself to eat the things you do without the rest of the week in order to make the diet more sustainable long term.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    That's like kick-starting your debt reduction with a spending spree....

    Yes, that's kinda my way of thinking too.
    Are people telling themselves that a cheat day 'assists' weight loss in order to placate themselves after a calorie blow-out, or is there really something to this theory that does give your metabolism a bit of a kick in the pants?

    Calorie zig-zagging can be effective, but it assumes clean cals, something that is NOT generally present in cheat days.
  • DaniJeanine
    DaniJeanine Posts: 473 Member
    To some extent it depends on what a cheat day is for you, but in most cases no, it won't. The idea of a cheat day is to allow yourself to eat the things you do without the rest of the week in order to make the diet more sustainable long term.

    I agree 100%. One cheat day will not hurt your progress, in fact, it will probably help it because it keeps you from feeling deprived which can lead to falling off the wagon.
  • SithZombie
    SithZombie Posts: 165 Member
    If you think your body is in starvation mode, up your calorie intake a little maybe?
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    To some extent it depends on what a cheat day is for you, but in most cases no, it won't. The idea of a cheat day is to allow yourself to eat the things you do without the rest of the week in order to make the diet more sustainable long term.

    I agree 100%. One cheat day will not hurt your progress, in fact, it will probably help it because it keeps you from feeling deprived which can lead to falling off the wagon.

    Yes... the benefit is psychological, not metabolic.
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    You've only been trying for less than 14 days... it takes a while to drop the pounds.
    Maybe start off at maintenance to reset your metabolism and then cut calories a little at a time.
  • PamelaGailJacobucci
    I don't think a whole cheat DAY is a good idea, but a cheat MEAL would probably be acceptable. The word cheat just sounds like you're giving up. I wish there was a better word for it.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    That's like kick-starting your debt reduction with a spending spree....

    Yes, that's kinda my way of thinking too.
    Are people telling themselves that a cheat day 'assists' weight loss in order to placate themselves after a calorie blow-out, or is there really something to this theory that does give your metabolism a bit of a kick in the pants?

    It can work and in fact, i just lost 2 lbs last week because of it. I normally eat 2800 calories and had a day where I had 3400 ish calories and lost two pounds. Upped my daily calories again to 3000 (4th time I have increase my calories in a year) and lost another pound this week. And considering, I am within 10 lbs of a very healthly weight for me, I would consider 3 lbs in two weeks a pretty big gain.

    If your food isn't being nourished, then a cheat day will help. It's called refeeding the system. Also, has anyone heard of the definition of insanity "doing the same thing over and over, and expecting different results". So if you have been eating 1200 calories and you aren't losing weight, why not bump it up 1500 calories. You gotta remember, food is fuel. So if you don't have enough fuel, your body will conserve, conserve, conserve...

    More proof below that eating more, means losing more.
  • rbrannock
    rbrannock Posts: 169
    I've never really gone with that cheat so I can "lose" more. The times I have cheated...with junk or beer or whatever, I've gained at my next weigh in. I think you just need to be sure what you are eating is the right stuff, and make sure you're exercising to the best of your ability...push yourself, and I think soon enough you will see results. Be sure to measure too, b/c the scale and be tricky at times. GOOD LUCK!
  • Jupitter
    I did the South Beach Diet once, by Dr. Agatson. One thing that was really emphasized in that diet plan was eating frequently. One good rule of thumb is to have 6 meals a day, no more than the size of your own fist. Skipping meals does in fact, trick your body into holding on to calories because you're body isn't sure when it will get fuel again. When your body gets accustomed to regular fueling, it releases the stores, which is those trouble spots that you are fighting to lose
  • krutz262
    Hello. i am new to this system as well, but i was always told by my friends trainer that if you have a cheat week make it up on the weekend or the following week through exercise. I am also using Jillian Michaels 30 day shred (if that is the work out you were refering too). You could make up this "cheat week" by possibly doing the full 20min workout then start the dvd over and do a little more of the 20min. workout on whatever level you are on (thats what i do).
  • Gemnildy
    Gemnildy Posts: 124 Member
    Be patient.. it took me nearly 5 weeks to start seeing some weight loss. I was not a frequent binger or over-eater but even when I started a regular exercise routine it took a while for my body to start letting go of what it thought it needed. As I got in better shape physically and continued to eat regularly if not more healthily, thngs finally started to has been AWESOME!

    So hang in there, be consistent and be honest with yourself. A "cheat day" is only cheating yourself mentally, not physically. If you crave a food that is not healthy for you, go ahead and treat yourself IN MODERATION and make sure to count the calories and add the extra exercise to stay within your calorie counts.

    I do not make myself suffer for that little something sweet when it comes up and sounds yummy but I do iommediately say to myself... "ok, you can eat the 130 calorie serving of 2 cookies and add 15 minutes to your cardio workout tonight!" Then I decide if I can still eat

  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,404 MFP Moderator
    I did the South Beach Diet once, by Dr. Agatson. One thing that was really emphasized in that diet plan was eating frequently. One good rule of thumb is to have 6 meals a day, no more than the size of your own fist. Skipping meals does in fact, trick your body into holding on to calories because you're body isn't sure when it will get fuel again. When your body gets accustomed to regular fueling, it releases the stores, which is those trouble spots that you are fighting to lose

    The eating multiple times a day thing has been proven wrong. In fact, there are studies that suggest interim fasting can help reduce body fat. Also, it doesn't matter if you eat 10 meals a day or 1 meal a day, your body still metabolizes the food the same and takes just as many calories to metabolism and convert the food. Eating 6 times a day does help one thing; cravings. People that plan their meals and eat more often (as I do myself) tend to make smarter choices.
  • Beth720
    Beth720 Posts: 661 Member
    I think it's probably different for everyone. I typically allow myself one day of not counting calories - but that doesn't mean I'm out eating fast food and ice cream. I just don't stress over a bit extra here and there. The weeks I haven't done that - but everything else has been equal - have been my lower-loss weeks, and those where I do have the "free day" I've lost more. It's what works for me.

    (FYI - the ticker is going towards my next goal. I like having it in small increments. I've already lost more than 50 pounds in this adventure.)
  • vickyj29
    Thank you for all the feedback, I think I may have worded my post wrong, when I say a cheat day I dont mean go and eat junk food etc, I meant going over my usual daily calories i.e instead of being allowed 1200 have 1500 one day which I have not done. I am not in anyway bothered by any cravings etc, I have found this diet so easy to stick to for the very reason that I dont feel like Im on a diet but rather making the right choices and feel fantastic for it. A long time ago I used to make the wrong food choices but lost that weight and maintained it and now the weight Im losing is post pregnancy weight.

    I appreciate the fact that it has not been long while the weight has not changed I think some of the frustration is that theres no loss in measurements either. I'm 5ft3 and weigh 134 with a gw of 117,my calories allowance is 1200 but often find I use about 1000,so am not sure if I need to up my calories,but am hoping the increase in exercise will help me get past this. I am not giving up on this and will persevere because I feel better and my skin is looking better and exercising is giving me such a buzz, you all provide such fantastic support when I am having a wobble for no reason,thank you so much.
  • cabaray
    cabaray Posts: 971 Member
    Have you been exercising the whole time? Are you eating 1200 calories or netting 1200 calories? If you are exercising and only eating 1200 calories per day, then you need to be eating more daily.