

  • I have been looking for something to get me back on track. Daily is just what I need. Looking at the big picture has been keeping me on the sidelines. Maybe if I only look at one day at a time I can achieve something worth being proud of.:flowerforyou:
  • Current Weight 301.2 - I am down 2.2 from last week. I did not meet the fitness or food goals. I know I burned more calories than my diary shows but I am not sure how to enter all the exercise I get since I do a lot of walking while I shop and clean house. We are in the process of moving so I know I am burning calories by…
  • This site has been my motivation. Let me know if I can help you in any way.
  • I am trying to see if the signature is going to work.
  • I want to see if the signature works and tell everyone great job. Reading the accomplishments of everyone really motivates me to get up and get moving.
  • Weight this week....303.4 I was unable to do any of the challenges since I was late to the party. NSV: I realized I was the problem with my weight loss program. When I would log my food and realize it was bad for me, I would eat whatever I wanted the rest of the day and say I will start over tomorrow. Not anymore!!!!! If I…
  • Name: Tara Arriola Location: Texas City, TX (until December) then Murfreesboro, TN SW: 298 GWS'12: 198 1IL: I love that I still have most of my muscle definition in my legs. My legs are sexy when I wear heels. 1IH: I want to lose my belly. I had three c-sections and know a flat belly is not in store for me; however, a cute…
  • i have over 100lbs to lose myself. I am doing this plus seeing a nutrianist and dietician. I am hoping to get this off by graduation. If you would like to add me you can.
  • Congrats. What a wonderful accomplishment.
  • I am in. I have the video and have yet to do it. I have watched it a couple of times, but never attempted it.
  • Trust me, there is no one on this web site that will tell you that this has been easy. If they do, they are lying. My best friend told me about this site and she has lost over 40 lbs since she started. I got on in July; however, I have not gotten really serious until now. Just remember that the best things in life are…
  • The WII Fit has a lot of really good exercises. If you go into your profile and tell it what you want to work on it will put together a work out routine for you to do and you can even determine how long you want to work out for. The best thing is that it keeps all your time for you.
  • Congrats. I can't wait until next year when I go to see my heart surgeon. I am hoping for the same kind of reaction.
  • Nice hot bubble bath with a really good book. This is my idea of the perfect Friday night when my husband is not home.
  • I do this and have steadily lost every weak. I weigh in on Wednesday, and Thursday is my off day. The funny thing is that when you start seeing good results your cheat day will not be as bad as you think. Even though Thursday is my off day, I still track what I eat. I was suprised that the things that I thought was…
  • Good luck to you on this journey. Let me know if I can be of any help. I am not sure how much help I can be; however, I am here for you when you need me.
  • Just because you don't get TOM doesn't mean that your body doesn't go through the process. Two pounds is actually nothing. I gained/lossed that same 2 pounds for a month and a half, when I finally got past the block I lost not only that 2 lbs but another 3 lbs with it. Sometimes, you have to sit back and think about what…
  • Good luck on your journey and welcome.
  • Welcome aboard. Remeber that this decision will be the most important one you make for yourself.
  • I actually had this issue this week. Wednesday is my weigh in day and I went ahead and weighed in and was surprised that I did not gain (I didn't lose either). I was so proud of myself. You might be surprised at the results when you weigh.
  • :flowerforyou: Just remember that this is a life long journey and not a race. You may not have kept up with your eating or exercise; however, the fact that you only gained 6 pounds should remind you that at least your choice in foods has changed. This means that this is not a diet for you but a lifestyle change. That is a…
  • McDonald's is not the enemy. Okay maybe a little bit. If you really have a craving for McDonald's try ordering a happy meal. This should get you past the craving. Also, they have a really good grilled chicken sandwich that is not that bad. Just a suggestion from another McDonald's junky.:tongue:
  • I meet my husband at what was my biggest size; however, once we got married I actually gained another 50 pounds due to all the good cooking he does. I am now losing for me. He is so supportive and has actally started changing the way he cooks so that we can eat healthier. Keep looking, and do this journey for yourself.…
  • I have gotten way better results when I eat at least half of them.
  • Here is one piece of advice that I got from someone that has stuck with me and reminds me that I am doing this. When your clothes become to big, get rid of them. Don't leave them in your closet, because doing that just gives you an excuse to return to that size. I keep one size bigger in my closet for those times of the…
  • The best advise I can give you is to remember that you are not dieting. You are changing your lifestyle. Don't ever think that you can't have something. It is all about portion control and substituting when you can. I learned over the last two weeks that it is okay to splurdge a little bit if I get it out of my system. I…
    in Hello Comment by TaraArriola July 2010
  • When I get to my goal weight I am going to go dancing. I am also going to pull out my old Drill Team T-shirt and wear it. I love to dance; however, I feel like when I go that people are staring at me wondering why a big girl thinks that she ought to be on the floor. I actually would like to go back to teaching dance…
  • How much away time do you get? How much me time do you get? How about if I lose X number of lbs I will get an 1 of me time. Find a friend to watch your kids while you get away for some me time. Or, my favorite, send them to their grandmothers and take a bubble bath with some candles and a good book.
  • Talk to the doctor, there are other things for migranes that will not put on weight. My son was put on Elevil first; however, this starting causing him problems with weight gain and blood pressure. The doctors changed his medication and now he is doing much better and has lost all the weight that he gained.
  • Continue your journey. Talk to your doctor about a health calorie intake for you while your pregnant. And (not to be nosy) but depending on how much you have to lose, you could actually still lose while your pregnant and it not be harmful to the baby.