Sexy for Summer 2012 - Week 3 (Closed Group)

Sexy for Summer 2012 Challenge – Week 3, November 7th - 13th

Challenge Set-Up: Each week, I will post a specific fitness or diet goal (maybe sometimes both). Group members should work to complete the goals and tell us how they did each week. Additionally, each week, members will need to post their weight lost, a NSV and at least one thing that they love about their body that week. Weight and challenge check-in day is: Monday of every week.

Points will be awarded for every 5 pounds lost, and for each challenge success. For example: Johnny loses 10 pounds and completes all three parts of the week's challenge. Johnny is awarded 2 points for his weight loss, and three points for completing challenges. Points will be tallied every Wednesday.

Challenge Signature:

Just copy and paste to your signature, but make sure you make the IMG lowercase to img



Week 3 Challenge:

Fitness: Do at least 30 minutes of continuous exercise every day this week, focusing on at least 15 minutes of cardio everyday. Get your heart rates up!!

Food: Cut your daily carb and fat goals in half! You can do this by customizing your settings for food intake. For example, if MFP gives you a daily goal of 220g of carbs, and 236g of fat, your new goals should be 110g of carbs and 118g of fat. See what this does for your energy level and your weight loss and let us know. Does more protein give you more energy? Do you need more carbs than this?

Emotional: Who are your supporters?


Please remember to log your weight lost, whether you burned 2,000 calories for last week, and if you were able to incorporate veggies into every meal by tomorrow at midnight.

Good luck everyone!!


*****Please remember that anyone that did not check in for last week and does not do so this week will be dropped from the challenge, excluding new members*****


  • sarahmaryfearnley
    sarahmaryfearnley Posts: 366 Member
    Checking in to report on this past week.

    Weight: 169 - no change but realized it is water weight and I am hoping to be at my ticker (166) by next week.

    Challenges: Burned 2996 calories for the week. I am so proud of myself and am resting today. Already went for a nice long dog walk and may do another or some yoga later.
    Veggies - this was tough! Breakfast totally got me. I only had veg at breakfast one day this week - omlet with peppers last sat but no problem with veg at lunch and dinner every day. Husband and I have been working to incorporating more vegetarian meals so a couple days there wasn't any meat at dinner. Planning salad for lunch today and a veg/pasta dish for dinner.

    Looking forward to next week.
  • Brooke1585
    Brooke1585 Posts: 80 Member

    Weight: I actually gained 2lbs. UGH!!! Oh well...I can't sit and regret last week...I can only move forward and make this week a great week.

    Challenges: I burned 3197 calories last week and I didn't meet the veggie challenge. I started incorporating them but I didn't for every meal.

    I am determined to make this week a SUCCESSFUL week!!! Have a great week ladies!!! :happy:
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    Happy Monday!
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    Burned 3304 calories lost 1.2lbs. Did not meet the veggie challenge
  • Hi Group,

    Current weight-157.5, down two pounds :smile:

    Challenge- I burned 1173 calories. Although I did not meet this weeks challenge, I am proud of those calories. I have a hard time finding ways to get quick workouts in everyday to my busy schedule. But, I did work out every day. This is a huge improvement for me because usually I do not.

    Veggies-I incorporated them into almost every meal. I had a hard time with breakfast. I usually have a bowl of cheerios or a shake.

    NSV- I ran for a mile strait at a fast pace for two of my workouts. This may not seem like far for some, but I am proud of this. I have not been able to do this since I had my baby. I am feeling better about myself.

    This weeks challenges- the carb/fat challenge is going to be hard. Each day I meet my requirements of MFP, or sometimes go over. I will try to make some adjustments.
  • Checking in:

    My weight has been all over the place this week. I started a new blood pressure medicine on wednesday, and ever since then, my weight has sky rocketed. I know it will take some time to get used to the medicine, but I am getting really frustrated! Since I'm still adjusting, I can't work out as hard or as intense as I would like to - I'm afraid I'll pass out. I see my doctor again after Thanksgiving and I'm going to beg her to switch me back to what I was on before. HW of the week was 299, and I'm down to 296.4 I guess I would count that as a 3.4 lb gain since last week.....Meh. I don't have the heart to change my ticker.

    But I did meet the veggie and calorie burn challenge. Burned 2029 calories. Just barely made it :-)

    I did lose 4 more inches. Crazy how you can "gain" weight, and still lose inches, huh? This week I won't be lifting. At all. I'm worried that lifting is keeping me from seeing the pounds lost, because I keep building muscle. I guess I'll see what happens next week at weigh-in.

    This week my brother is getting married, so I'm going to have to really focus on not going crazy with food, and will have to try and find time to work out while staying at my parent's. It will be weird, for sure.

    Good luck this week ladies!! :-)
  • Hi Group,

    Current weight-157.5, down two pounds :smile:

    Challenge- I burned 1173 calories. Although I did not meet this weeks challenge, I am proud of those calories. I have a hard time finding ways to get quick workouts in everyday to my busy schedule. But, I did work out every day. This is a huge improvement for me because usually I do not.

    Veggies-I incorporated them into almost every meal. I had a hard time with breakfast. I usually have a bowl of cheerios or a shake.

    NSV- I ran for a mile strait at a fast pace for two of my workouts. This may not seem like far for some, but I am proud of this. I have not been able to do this since I had my baby. I am feeling better about myself.

    This weeks challenges- the carb/fat challenge is going to be hard. Each day I meet my requirements of MFP, or sometimes go over. I will try to make some adjustments.

    Great job, Michelle!!! You're gonna meet your Christmas goal!! :-)
  • Current Weight 301.2 - I am down 2.2 from last week.

    I did not meet the fitness or food goals. I know I burned more calories than my diary shows but I am not sure how to enter all the exercise I get since I do a lot of walking while I shop and clean house. We are in the process of moving so I know I am burning calories by cleaning and boxing up crap.

    Veggies is the hardest for me. I am not a veggie eater. I never have been. I just never liked them.

    NSV: I realized I am beautiful. I know my husband tells me everyday, but this week was the first time I heard him, really heard him.

    This week is going to be a challenge for me. I love my carbs. I usually stay under my calorie goal, but I usually go over my carb and fat. This is going to be a great challenge.

    Have a great week everyone.
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    Hi Group,

    Current weight-157.5, down two pounds :smile:

    Challenge- I burned 1173 calories. Although I did not meet this weeks challenge, I am proud of those calories. I have a hard time finding ways to get quick workouts in everyday to my busy schedule. But, I did work out every day. This is a huge improvement for me because usually I do not.

    Veggies-I incorporated them into almost every meal. I had a hard time with breakfast. I usually have a bowl of cheerios or a shake.

    NSV- I ran for a mile strait at a fast pace for two of my workouts. This may not seem like far for some, but I am proud of this. I have not been able to do this since I had my baby. I am feeling better about myself.

    This weeks challenges- the carb/fat challenge is going to be hard. Each day I meet my requirements of MFP, or sometimes go over. I will try to make some adjustments.

    Awesome Job Michelle; Your are down 2lbs and you can run for a mile at a fast pace...good luck next week.
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    Checking in:

    My weight has been all over the place this week. I started a new blood pressure medicine on wednesday, and ever since then, my weight has sky rocketed. I know it will take some time to get used to the medicine, but I am getting really frustrated! Since I'm still adjusting, I can't work out as hard or as intense as I would like to - I'm afraid I'll pass out. I see my doctor again after Thanksgiving and I'm going to beg her to switch me back to what I was on before. HW of the week was 299, and I'm down to 296.4 I guess I would count that as a 3.4 lb gain since last week.....Meh. I don't have the heart to change my ticker.

    But I did meet the veggie and calorie burn challenge. Burned 2029 calories. Just barely made it :-)

    I did lose 4 more inches. Crazy how you can "gain" weight, and still lose inches, huh? This week I won't be lifting. At all. I'm worried that lifting is keeping me from seeing the pounds lost, because I keep building muscle. I guess I'll see what happens next week at weigh-in.

    This week my brother is getting married, so I'm going to have to really focus on not going crazy with food, and will have to try and find time to work out while staying at my parent's. It will be weird, for sure.

    Good luck this week ladies!! :-)

    Nicole, Great job this week - please don't stop lifting, you are not seeing the pounds go down but you are seeing the inches and in the long run that is what counts, also the more muscle you build the more fat you burn. You can reach your overall weightloss goal faster if you lift, so dont worry about the weight gain now, it means you will lose more FAT, more steadily and get to your goal faster.
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    I am not sure I will be able to meet this weeks challenge, I changed my goal in MFP a few weeks ago to 40% carb, 40% protein and 20%; and I have a hard time meting the protein goal. Please let me know what percentages you guys are using for the challenge. If I use what MFP originally set for me and cut that in half I would be doing 28% carb, 10% fat and 62% protein.
  • I am not sure I will be able to meet this weeks challenge, I changed my goal in MFP a few weeks ago to 40% carb, 40% protein and 20%; and I have a hard time meting the protein goal. Please let me know what percentages you guys are using for the challenge. If I use what MFP originally set for me and cut that in half I would be doing 28% carb, 10% fat and 62% protein.

    Cutting mine in half, or at least very close to, leaves me at 35% carbs, 40% protein, and 25% fat.....122g carbs, 140g protein, and 39g of fat.

    I also have a hard time beefing up my protein, without going over on carbs/fat, so I'm hoping to learn new ways that we can add extra protein into our diets without sacrificing other nutrient levels.

    Went in to see what MFP is suggesting for me so that I could compare and ended up updating my ticker anyways. It makes me sad that a month ago, I had lost 18 pounds, and I've "gained" back 6. I need to stop focusing on the number...
  • Current Weight 301.2 - I am down 2.2 from last week.

    I did not meet the fitness or food goals. I know I burned more calories than my diary shows but I am not sure how to enter all the exercise I get since I do a lot of walking while I shop and clean house. We are in the process of moving so I know I am burning calories by cleaning and boxing up crap.

    Veggies is the hardest for me. I am not a veggie eater. I never have been. I just never liked them.

    NSV: I realized I am beautiful. I know my husband tells me everyday, but this week was the first time I heard him, really heard him.

    This week is going to be a challenge for me. I love my carbs. I usually stay under my calorie goal, but I usually go over my carb and fat. This is going to be a great challenge.

    Have a great week everyone.

    Great job Tara!! :-) Isn't it wonderful when you realize that you are beautiful in and out? I think it's really important to remember this, especially on the hard days in this journey.....when we don't see the results we want....But we have to remember that we are beautiful, in every way, and that we are worth all of this hard work. It won't be easy, and it won't happen fast. But you can do it! And you are doing a great job! :-)
  • weight= 201.4

    i managed the 2000 cals burned for the week!! yay!!

    I am big at vegies so the challenge was easy for me EXCEPT at breakfast!! i am not big on breakfast (which i need to start) so i failed on that aspect.

    I am very concerned about my strength training. I have been doing weight 3 times a week, an hour each on Mon, Wed and Fridays. Well, i have only lost 5.6 lbs in 6 weeks (very discouraging) although i have lost alot on inches all around. I am thinking about quitting lifting and just straight out cardio till i reach my goal then i can start toning up.

    looking forward to this week. Challenge looks hard ( i love RICE) but i will give it my best shot!!
  • flea2449
    flea2449 Posts: 499 Member
    Check in:

    Still the same from last week.

    Burned 4368 calories last week. On the vegetable challenge, I was off by 2 days :(

  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    Checking in from last week

    Calories burned Monday - Friday = 3775

    Veggies at every meal breakfast was the hardest usually just grabbed a slice of celery but it is still a veggie

    Changing my carb goals now

    Have a great week everyone
  • jellybean1971
    jellybean1971 Posts: 417 Member
    I just changed my settings and I think I'm going to have trouble with this weeks challenge but I will try. With changing my setting to half my carb and fats leaves me with Carbs 90 gr, Fats 20, protein 165 no problem with the carbs or the proteins but I know I will go over on the fats. I just entered my breakfast 1 hard boiled egg and I've already used up 1/4 of my fat for the day. Any suggestions on what kind of things we should be eating to make up higher protein lower carb and fat.
  • karensfit4life
    karensfit4life Posts: 26 Member
    weight= 196.2 [down 1.2 this week]

    I didn't make the exercise challenge but I still burned 1536 calories so I cant' complain about that.

    I was no where close to the veggie challenge though :-( This is something I always need to work on.

    My NSV is that the hubby asked if I had been working on my stomach because he felt a difference :-0

    Have a great week ladies!
  • Checking in.

    I am down 1lb from last week to 218. I didn't get my veggies in at every meal, but I did burn more than 2,000 cals last week.
    Gotta get back to work, but I'll check back in later!
  • TSTagain
    TSTagain Posts: 84 Member
    weight= 201.4

    i managed the 2000 cals burned for the week!! yay!!

    I am big at vegies so the challenge was easy for me EXCEPT at breakfast!! i am not big on breakfast (which i need to start) so i failed on that aspect.

    I am very concerned about my strength training. I have been doing weight 3 times a week, an hour each on Mon, Wed and Fridays. Well, i have only lost 5.6 lbs in 6 weeks (very discouraging) although i have lost alot on inches all around. I am thinking about quitting lifting and just straight out cardio till i reach my goal then i can start toning up.

    looking forward to this week. Challenge looks hard ( i love RICE) but i will give it my best shot!!

    Hi 160lbGirl,

    I would not suggest stopping strength training completely, this may cause you to gain vs to lose. You may want to reduce your strength training to 20-30 mins each time and increase your weights - probably a better workout in less time. Do the remaining 30 mins in Cardio, you can get the benefits of both. Also an hour of strength training could lead to other injuries and a great possibility that you are overtraining your muscles.