Motivation where did you go?

I seem to have lost my motivation over the past few days...not sure how I'm going to get it back this time, any suggestions? I'm broke, so the typical ...If I lose x number of pounds I will buy myself _______ isn't going to work this time like it has before...I'm hoping this is a just a passing slump, but what if it isn't?


  • BOGmama2010
    BOGmama2010 Posts: 599 Member
    You've done such a great job - you're halfway there and I know that that is when the motivation can really go.

    Maybe a change in your exercise will help or finding a really great new low cal recipe to try. Something that will make it not seem like it is the same boring routine. Mini-rewards are great, but maybe that could just be talking on the phone for an hour to an encouraging friend who you don't get to talk to much. As moms, we never have enough time to chat with our friends.

    It really depends on what your end-goal is. Is it a certain size you want to get to, just a weight, or a physical acheivement (like being strong enough to do the monkey bars at the park)? I am focusing on the latter because I know that I get too caught up on the weight and feel down if I don't hit my goal for it. But, I know that I am stronger and can do so many pushups and have lost tons of inches.

    I hope you find your motivation!
  • TaraArriola
    How much away time do you get? How much me time do you get?

    How about if I lose X number of lbs I will get an 1 of me time. Find a friend to watch your kids while you get away for some me time. Or, my favorite, send them to their grandmothers and take a bubble bath with some candles and a good book.
  • gigsaccount
    I have written two replies. The first was filled with motivational tips, however I'm sure you have heard of them before and I don't want to sound like I'm telling you what to do or a know-it-all.

    Yes the slump will pass, as soon as you find something that motivates YOU (something that stirs YOU from within). It could be as simple as visualising yourself at goal, pulling out something you have tucked away in your wardrobe that you haven't worn for ages but would like to... the list goes on.

    How do your clothes feel now? What's changed for the better since loosing 12lbs? Have you patted yourself on the back for everything you have done so far?

    You go girl!:bigsmile:
    You have my support.
  • asteppaway
    asteppaway Posts: 54 Member
    Thanks guys! I am gonna take all those suggestions and hopefully get back to being motivated!:happy: