jellybeanmusic Member


  • Hey, Lindsay from Edinburgh. I reached a healthy weight in the summer after joining here just over a year ago. I'm maintaining well at the moment, but looking to focus a lot more on my fitness next year now that I've finally got on top of my weight. Feel free to add me :)
  • Have you read or seen The Secret? There's a lot of mention of that in there.
  • I just build treats into my day rather than have full days "off". I think it's important to be able to eat everything you fancy in moderation rather than depriving myself sometimes then going mad every now and again.
  • I stalled for around 3 months trying to eat 1200 then upped to 1400 (always net, I always ate my work out cals back) and it started coming off. I'm only 5'2. I'd imagine that 1200 is also too low for young you're taller.
  • * weigh everything - guessing is just cheating yourself * log everything - same reason, and you can look back on good weeks for inspiration * stay hydrated - helps your body function better and thirst can be mistaken for hunger * don't let set backs win - some weeks will be better than other * move more - you don't need to…
  • I'm just finished week 3 and notice a difference already. I took pictures on day one and day 14 and was really surprised how much I'd changed in that short time. I'll continue to do it every two weeks to look for any further changes. I've really pushed myself and keep reminding myself that I'll only get out what I put in.…
  • I'm on the last day of week 3, I took a photo on day one and again 2 weeks in, defo notice a difference in the photos! It's not easy, and you will sweat buckets, but if you take it at your own pace at the start and rest when you feel you really have to, you'll be fine.
  • I'm doing it, but not till June. I've got a half marathon in 3 weeks so I'll start after I'm done with that. I'd love to hear how you're getting on with it in the meantime though!
  • The force of impact when running is 4x the amount of walking on your knees. So if you're even just 10lbs overweight, it's like 40lbs more when you land. So, best advice would be to get fitted for good trainers, this should help a little in preventing sore joints.
  • I'd guess that it's just your body getting used to change. My body goes haywire for the first week or so of any change of diet, whether that's eating better, or eating worse. However most of the time my body is fairly settled and I'm a veggie too.
  • You've already answered your own question. Why are you following such a low calorie diet if you know it's too low? Eat more, you will be far healthier for it!
  • Hey, I'm in Edinburgh, feel free to add me :)
  • Hey, I'm in Scotland and following a healthy eating and fitness plan. Lost 17lbs in almost 5 months on MFP and half a stone to go. Feel free to add me.
  • That's my evening plans set, off to tescos...... :)
  • There's a huge difference between pushing yourself out of your comfort zone, and proper pain. Proper pain probably indicates that you're doing yourself an injury, and if you're keen to stay healthy, a sign to stop!
  • Hey, I'm training for my first half marathon which takes place in 10 weeks in Edinburgh. I'm just under a stone away from target after already losing a stone. Feel free to add me if you'd like mutual support!
  • Maybe you're thirsty? Sometimes when I don't drink enough I feel hungry even if I've eaten. Are you drinking enough water?
  • Firstly, it's great to see somone being sensible on here. That target by June is healthy and you'll be fine to reach that. To work out how many calories you should eat, google "bmr" and "TDEE" calculators and work out each number for yourself. Try not to eat less than your BMR number each day, or over your TDEE. Some…
  • I second the HRM, I use mine all the time now. I heard they can be out by up to 20%, but closer than guessing! You'll need to programme it with your height and weight and stuff, remember to update your settings regularly as you lose weight as it'll be more accurate if you do.
  • I've been a pescetarian (I eat fish, just not meat or poultry) for 22 years and have a pretty healthy diet. However, I wouldn't say it's any easier to lose weight on. A lot of veggie menu options have tofu or cheese etc which can be as high in fat and cals as meat, especially if you're using lean meat and draining the fat…
  • There's an option on the tracker to log hill walking, I'd just use that and put the total time you think you walked up.
  • Yeah, I start holding water the week before mine and that adds to the scales, then a few days into my period it's all away again. Don't be disheartened on the scale, you're not any fatter.
  • Personally I set my lifestyle to sedentary and then log my workouts separately on top.
  • Oh, and also, sometimes when I'm sitting in all night watching tv, I have mad wee 3 minute bursts in ad breaks. I might do some sit ups or jumping jacks or running on the spot or dancing about or something equally stupid. You never really get too tired 'cause it's only a few minutes, but it's better than nothing and you'd…
  • I hate going to the gym to use machines. I also get bored doing the same fitness class on a regular basis, but I've challenged myself with working through all the classes on offer rather than sticking to one. So I've tried zumba, step, combat, pump, pilates, yoga, circuits etc. Some of them were more fun than others, but…
  • 3kg in 3 weeks is really good, what were you aiming for? You should be looking at 1-2lbs a week if you're being healthy. A plateau is when you don't lose weight for 6 weeks or so, not a few days. And, as above, you're probably gaining muscle mass too, so even if you're the same weight, you'll be in better shape.
  • 1400 a day is way too low for your height/weight, I'm a 5'2 woman with a only stone to lose and I'm on around that. Go to google and look up a TDEE calculator and a BMR calculator. You should try to eat somewhere in the middle of those two numbers. They won't be spot on but will give you a guide. If you go over your TDEE…
  • Hey, I'm in Edinburgh, feel free to add me :)
  • If you have look on the search function, there's loads of threads about 30 day shred in particular, and a little about the rest. Some of them have before and after photos and stuff, so have a wee look through them and I bet you'll be inspired to try them.