why am i so flippin lazy????

Ok so a little background..I stay at home all day everyday..no gym anywhere near me..no equiptment..and i am not a fan of the outdoors..yeah i know crazy right? I can sit and watch hours of tv..i hate the thought of exercise..i eat pretty healthy most of the time, but i do have a few drinks in the evening..and i know thats hurting me in my weightloss as well...how can i retrain my brain to enjoy exercise? and what kinds of exercise can i do with no equiptment? i walked in place today for eleven mins but got bored and quit...help me please!!


  • squindles
    squindles Posts: 350 Member
    How about putting on your fav cd and boogie on down!! :bigsmile:
  • GauchoMark
    GauchoMark Posts: 1,804 Member
    nobody likes watching what you eat and exercising at first. You just have to force yourself to do it.

    Eventually, it will become your routine and you will crave it though. Once you start seeing results, it fuels more motivation. Additionally, I feel like crap nowadays if I don't exercise and eat junk. Your body will eventually get to the point that you need the exercise and decent food for it to "feel right".
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    It sounds to me like you're depressed. If you stay home all day, every single day, it's no wonder you feel happier watching TV instead of being out in the world. I can only assume you're a stay at home mom, and if that's the case, then your significant other needs to let you have some time to yourself, or have someone sit for you so you can. You don't have to be outdoorsy to enjoy being outside. You could take up tennis, roller blading, basketball, etc. There are several outdoor activities you can do that will aide in weight loss. Another option is to get some work out DVD's, and I've also heard that some of Jillian Michael's videos are available on YouTube.
  • whitmars106
    whitmars106 Posts: 118 Member
    nobody likes watching what you eat and exercising at first. You just have to force yourself to do it.

    Eventually, it will become your routine and you will crave it though. Once you start seeing results, it fuels more motivation. Additionally, I feel like crap nowadays if I don't exercise and eat junk. Your body will eventually get to the point that you need the exercise and decent food for it to "feel right".

    ^ This too!
  • RhinestoneRocky
    RhinestoneRocky Posts: 124 Member
    Something that helps me get motivated to keep working out and trying to eat better than I used to (fast food like crazy blerg!) is looking at all the success stories here in the forums. Seriously, go read them!

    You just need to find something that works for YOU.

    Anything I suggest you'll probably look at it and go "NOPE TOO HARD DO NOT WANT". I lift weights three days a week and do cardio (walking/elliptical/power cleaning/dancing) three days a week and I feel fantastic. My moods are better and I look forward to every sweat session. The more you work out, the more you crave it, at least in my experience.

    Anything worth having is worth fighting for. You just have to think hard about how much you want to fight for what you want.

    Maybe save up for a treadmill so you can combine watching TV with an activity?
  • jennyrebekka
    jennyrebekka Posts: 626 Member
    Something that helps me get motivated to keep working out and trying to eat better than I used to (fast food like crazy blerg!) is looking at all the success stories here in the forums. Seriously, go read them!

    You just need to find something that works for YOU.

    Anything I suggest you'll probably look at it and go "NOPE TOO HARD DO NOT WANT". I lift weights three days a week and do cardio (walking/elliptical/power cleaning/dancing) three days a week and I feel fantastic. My moods are better and I look forward to every sweat session. The more you work out, the more you crave it, at least in my experience.

    Anything worth having is worth fighting for. You just have to think hard about how much you want to fight for what you want.

    Maybe save up for a treadmill so you can combine watching TV with an activity?

  • jellybeanmusic
    jellybeanmusic Posts: 161 Member
    I hate going to the gym to use machines. I also get bored doing the same fitness class on a regular basis, but I've challenged myself with working through all the classes on offer rather than sticking to one. So I've tried zumba, step, combat, pump, pilates, yoga, circuits etc. Some of them were more fun than others, but just the fact I was trying something new was actually enjoyable.

    I also assumed I hated the outdoors 'cause it seemed like such hard work and also everyone else I saw doing things looked way fitter and natural "outdoorsy" people. But, I've recently taking up running and really enjoying it. It's surprisingly quick to progress and I find myself getting better with every run, which is really motivating - but it did take me a good few runs to "like" it. (and I'd never run on the treadmill, it's soooooo dull). I literally couldn't run a mile at the start and hated every second but now I look forward to a run.

    I also tried some different sports. I fell in love with snowboarding, which I'd never had guessed. I tried surfing and rock climbing and I'm planning on horseriding for the first time since I was a kid this weekend.

    Basically, try anything and everything to be a little more active, you may surprise yourself by liking something!
  • jellybeanmusic
    jellybeanmusic Posts: 161 Member
    Oh, and also, sometimes when I'm sitting in all night watching tv, I have mad wee 3 minute bursts in ad breaks. I might do some sit ups or jumping jacks or running on the spot or dancing about or something equally stupid.

    You never really get too tired 'cause it's only a few minutes, but it's better than nothing and you'd be surprised how it all adds up over the space of a night!
  • elis_mama
    elis_mama Posts: 308 Member
    For sure pick up some workout DVDs. They even have walking ones, where you end up walking for miles! Give those a shot....the DVD idea works great! I don't belong to a gym, because of the cost. But, I'm fortunate enough to have a treadmill.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    User Deactivated.
    jessicanicolelemons has deactivated their account.

    The OP apparently doesn't care anymore. Deactivated her account. Just FYI.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    OP deativated. :noway:
  • fatsnacker
    fatsnacker Posts: 209 Member
    set up a walking group in your area - you'll make new friends and they'll encourage you to keep at it.