It worked for Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise....
"Over You" by Miranda Lambert
Drink water, pee LESS?? What?! The liver is not the only organ that rids the body of toxins, ask anybody in renal failure.
If you have been using the same scale since the beginning, then you HAVE lost the weight (you would just have been 8 lbs heavier at your high weight). Don't fret on it, you have made amazing progress and can continue to do so. Weight is just a number, how you feel is everything.
Beautiful before, beautiful after (love your hair in the first pic)! What an amazing loss, congrats!!
When I get to my goal weight, I'm getting my girls some professional help. I know VS sells amazing bras, but I want them to look awesome without! Plus, they are so big atm, I am afraid they would be to my waist when it's all said and done.
Mouse :)
I was a LPN for 10 years in Long term care. Just finished my Associates, and am returning in the fall to finish BSN/MSN. Feel free to add me! Good Luck with school!
What they said... PLUS... Don't weigh yourself after you "get drunk", never a good idea. Edit to add: That wasn't you, sorry... but still not a good idea :)
Ok, so even if the statistics show living together first ends in more divorce... Maaaayyyyybeee the people who are so against living together before marriage are also those so against getting a divorce no matter how unhappy they are. A part of me wishes I would have waited until marriage just for the romantic honeymoon...…
The 30DS is working for me, I am seeing a change in my body. However, I was very out of shape before I started, so Just Dance Kids would probably have made a difference also. I can't stand her talking. She is not motivational. I won't buy any of her gimmicky cleanses and pill. If you wan't a cleanse, sign up for a…
Different strokes for different folks, but I prefer to test drive the car before I make a purchase. It's really none of her business. Defriend her if it really bothers you.
Can't wait until I lose enough weight to actually have this problem. I miss you, Aunt Flo :cry:
Nutella also had to pay out for false advertisement, when they tried to market their product as healthy. Food Stamps can be used to buy all the candy you desire. Seriously, Easter bunnies... halloween candy??? There needs to be limits, and certain items need to be banned from qualifying.
**claps**! Good Job! I wish I would have taken measurements!
continue cooking her healthy meals, get rid of the junk in the house and replace it with healthy snacks, and lead by example. She needs to make the decision herself, really.
If she really wants to get pregnant, she will keep pushing until she gets her way. She doesn't like the way condoms feel?? How about birth, or a c-section?? I would take the feel of a condom over that anyday. She sounds like she is using every excuse to increase her chances of getting pregnant. She probably prays for a…
Bowling Green, MO :)
Yes, go to a specialty store that will fit you for shoes based on your gait. I went to Fleet Feet, but I know there are others. The shoes were not what I would have picked out looks wise, but I noticed a HUGE difference in my comfort. Sooo worth the extra expense.
oh my! look at the fat around the heart! Scary. Good Motivation.
I bought those really light weights you are supposed to hold for walking (I think they have sand in them??). My son, who is 4, likes to exercise with me... so I let him use those. He usually bores with it after a few minutes anyways. Kids want to be just like their parents. I would rather he copy me exercising than in…
So sad. I have called the police before about a dog in a hot car.
Jealousy mixed with rudeness. I'm sure you looked lovely.
I have heard the same about the skin. I like mashed potatoes with the skin left on, but baked potatoes not so much.
Insulin resistance associated with PCOS can also cause these dark patches, as with prediabetes as mentioned earlier.
Mr. Rogers with a clown mask? Don't see how it fits. Curious why one would google Evil Clown Boob to start with??
The calories you burn just by being alive are calculated by your activity level. I only count exercise out of the "normal" for my lifestyle. I hope you meant to say you work out 5-6 hours per week, because per day seems pretty brutal!