Calories burned throughout the day

I was wondering whether or not I should count the calories I burn throughout the day in addition to the daily exercises I do during the week. My workouts consists of strength training (TRX 2x a week each session is 60 minutes and 1x times a week for 30 minutes) and Cardio (Zumba 2x a week each session is 60 minutes). I have been noticing that I continuing to burn calories especially after my workouts during my normal daily activities (running errands etc..housework etc..). Monday I burned over 3500 calories (exercising and daily activities). I am not sure if it is beneficial or misleading to count calories burned throughout the day into my fitness pal tracker. I have stayed within the carb/fat/protein percentages (at times I have exceeded the protein %) and have stayed within 1900 daily calorie intake. When I initially set-up my fitness pal it gave me a 1200 daily calorie intake but I was feeling I redid my calculations and upped my calorie intake to 1900 based on weight, age, etc.. BMR/BMI/RMR calculations. My calorie burned so far today have exceeded 7000 calories---is that possible? I want to make sure that I am eating enough calories (healthy calories) to support my body but lose weight and show calories out due to exercise or other activities.

I have always been petite and have weighed between 110-115 lbs but now I am at 124 (however I can still wear a size 2 or 4). I do have more muscle (94.7% lean muscle) but I would like to reduce my body fat %.


  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Daily activities are included in your activity level. (Sedentary, lightly active, etc.)
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    How are you measuring your calories burned? At your size I find it hard to believe that you've burnt over 7000 calories today. Is your HRM or whatever device you are using to calculate your calories burned working properly?
  • radiant61
    radiant61 Posts: 5
    I believe the HRM/calorie counter is working properly. I had a very active day running around, working out etc...The other days when I was counting calories for the day I burned over 3500. I am very active (workout 5-6 times a day for 60 minutes). I did order another HRM/calorie counter so once that comes in I will use that & see if my calorie burned stay steady....
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    I believe the HRM/calorie counter is working properly. I had a very active day running around, working out etc...The other days when I was counting calories for the day I burned over 3500. I am very active (workout 5-6 times a day for 60 minutes). I did order another HRM/calorie counter so once that comes in I will use that & see if my calorie burned stay steady....

    You work out 5 or 6 hours a DAY?! How do you have time to even post?

    Genuinely curious...

    (considering that you're a 50 year old female who weighs only a buck and a quarter, I doubt that it's accurate. HRM's are not meant to be worn and measuring when you aren't working out, btw.)
  • Pomoch325
    Pomoch325 Posts: 63 Member
    The calories you burn just by being alive are calculated by your activity level. I only count exercise out of the "normal" for my lifestyle. I hope you meant to say you work out 5-6 hours per week, because per day seems pretty brutal!
  • angel79202
    angel79202 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I was wondering whether or not I should count the calories I burn throughout the day in addition to the daily exercises I do during the week. My workouts consists of strength training (TRX 2x a week each session is 60 minutes and 1x times a week for 30 minutes) and Cardio (Zumba 2x a week each session is 60 minutes). I have been noticing that I continuing to burn calories especially after my workouts during my normal daily activities (running errands etc..housework etc..). Monday I burned over 3500 calories (exercising and daily activities). I am not sure if it is beneficial or misleading to count calories burned throughout the day into my fitness pal tracker. I have stayed within the carb/fat/protein percentages (at times I have exceeded the protein %) and have stayed within 1900 daily calorie intake. When I initially set-up my fitness pal it gave me a 1200 daily calorie intake but I was feeling I redid my calculations and upped my calorie intake to 1900 based on weight, age, etc.. BMR/BMI/RMR calculations. My calorie burned so far today have exceeded 7000 calories---is that possible? I want to make sure that I am eating enough calories (healthy calories) to support my body but lose weight and show calories out due to exercise or other activities.

    I have always been petite and have weighed between 110-115 lbs but now I am at 124 (however I can still wear a size 2 or 4). I do have more muscle (94.7% lean muscle) but I would like to reduce my body fat %.

    HRM are meant for exercising..not daily..I had one that was showing huge burns that weren't accurate before I got my polar...good luck :)
  • radiant61
    radiant61 Posts: 5
    My bad....I workout 5-6 times a week.
  • tlblood
    tlblood Posts: 473 Member
    Daily activities are included in your activity level. (Sedentary, lightly active, etc.)

    Agreed! The calories you burn in your regular day to day living are already considered in your daily calorie goal. Only count exercise/calories burned that are not part of your regular daily activities.
  • luthage
    luthage Posts: 12 Member
    My bad....I workout 5-6 times a week.

    So how are you burning that much? If I kickbox for 1h30min and cycle back and forth (30min total), I burn a grand total of 936 calories. That's a pretty intense 2 hours.
  • radiant61
    radiant61 Posts: 5
    My bad...I work out 5-6 times a week and I no longer wear the HRM all day. I only wear it when I am working out. So far I have lost 7.5 pounds. My clothes are feeling looser, my skin glows and I feel much better (I've went on a whole foods-plant based diet for 28 days in June and have now incorporated some diary and eggs (egg whites only) and have limited my meat intake to once a week which consists of chicken or fish). I plan on having my trainer retake my measurements to see how many inches but most importantly how much body fat % I have lost to date.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    If you're not wearing your HRM all day, what makes you think you burned 7000 calories today?

    I think it's highly unlikely. Did you spend your 16 waking hours on the treadmill? 7000 would imply you burned around 6 calories a minute for each minute you were awake. Your BMR is probably about .8 calorie/minute. Housework is about 2-3/minute.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    I do have more muscle (94.7% lean muscle) but I would like to reduce my body fat %.

    Also, I don't think it's possible for a woman to be around 5% body fat. Or really under 12%.

    So I'm guessing this is a joke.
  • radiant61
    radiant61 Posts: 5
    If you read the first post, I stated at that time I was wearing the HRM all day and at that time it was showing the high calorie burn, however I am no longer wearing the HRM and only wear it when I exercise. Furthermore, I am only counting the calories I burn during my workouts. As far as the body fat % comment/question, I weighed more than 120 pounds at that time, so the body fat goal for me is realistic.:smile: