

  • My favorite vegan site is Great recipes, cute blog, good motivation.. Angela rocks :-) Also, can't wait to get Rip's (of Engine2 Diet fame) new book My Beef with Meat!
  • I've been going by vegan recipe sites mostly.... and getting a few "basic" recipes down, then experimenting with different combinations of veggies, spices, grains, etc... I find that doing my own thing keeps me from getting too bored with the same old "tofu and salad" routine that vegans fall into a lot. I have some of my…
  • My awesome is that I am alive and breathing... negativity has no place in my life... Peace :-)
  • I have 3 set snack-times everyday.. and for those snacks I make it something low calorie and usually raw (i.e. veggies, fruit). I eat 6 times a day so I am never hungry, thus don't have the urge to just continuously snack. :-)
  • Yes I do.. doors get touched constantly, so no only do they build up dirt and stuff, they accumulate dust and pet fur (if you have pets). I don't think it's OCD at all to give them a wipe down once in awhile. OCD would be if you were wiping them several times a day, like as part of a "must do" routine, I believe. You're…
  • Great job :-) What exactly did you do to get such amazing results?
  • Yep.. water all day long in my 20 oz. sippy jug. Snacks between breakfast and lunch and between lunch and dinner... hummus with wheat crackers, fruit, raw veggies, half a bagel with natural peanut butter, etc... something healthy but filling. It was difficult at first (I have an office/desk job as well) to not have a bag…
  • Organic REAL peanut butter... with nothing added... as in: smash the peanuts, put them in a jar, put jar in fridge. ;-) A tablespoon a few times a week is allll good.
  • Anything and everything :-)
  • Yaaay so excited to see other vegans/vegan friendlies!! I was beginning to wonder.... ;-) I'm jotting down all of your yummy suggestions.. and I have a meager few on my little blog, that all of you are welcome to share!
  • Love the Post Punk Kitchen!! And I'm interested in all good vegan recipes... gotta keep things tasty and happening. I've not cooked with the TVP yet, but I love making my own seitan (I do several batches simmered and several baked) and I LOVE finding new things to do with tofu.
  • Sounds tasty :-) Thanks!
  • Wow.. impressive and motivational.. and yeah.. hot. ;-0 Keep up the great work!
  • Fresh fruits or fruit smoothies made with soy milk or coconut water is always a good, nutritious go to meal for me. :-)
  • On this site, and in life in general, there are those that will be negative, snarky and down right hateful just because they can, no matter how trivial the subject. Some are this way in real life, and some feel better able to be crappy just because they are behind a computer screen. I've seen more negativity on this site…
  • Very very helpful and healthful information. You're lucky to have a great trainer. Thanks for sharing this, because honestly I was up in the air about eating the extras back. Keep up the good work!
  • Just about all veggies, 4-5 kinds of fresh fruit, jasmine rice, veggie broth,quinoa, 5-6 dried beans/peas/legumes, natural peanut butter, whole wheat bread, a couple of packages of tofu (extra firm and silken), soba noodles, wheat gluten and yeast flakes (for making seitan), hot sauce (Sriracha is my current fave), low…
  • Love this site a lot but wouldn't dream of losing my FB! I just multi-task. :-)
  • Dumb question... are there any milk or egg products IN the cake mix itself? If not, oh man I am so going to make these!!
  • Lots of green tea with either stevia or agave syrup.. Earl Grey tea with honey... I do some juicing and have that sometimes (no sweeteners needed with most fruit juices). I love almond soy milk and rice milk too. The chocolate flavored ones are yum!
  • When my kids were little, I'd dice up zucchini, carrots, kale or spinach and toss it in their spaghetti sauce... they loved it and just thought it was "chunky". You can also grate zucchini into chocolate cake mixes, carrot cakes or just make a sweet zucchini walnut bread. If you like mushrooms, those can be diced small and…
  • Years of poor nutrition, followed by minutely better eating but really poor fitness habits, combined with years of severe depression. That's ALL behind me now, and I am moving forward with both better eating habits (vegan) and regular exercise (hey, I'm not doing PX90 but I am up and moving daily).
  • I've been vegan for 2 months now... I have NEVER felt better, had better lab results (i.e. cholesterol, liver functions, glucose, b.p., triglycerides, etc) since putting meat, dairy and eggs out of my diet. I also shut out about 95% of processed sugars and bleached flours.I take vitamins and supplements to ensure I get…
  • Diet soda... I get tired of water now and again... so that's my "splurge". ;-) Highest calorie thing... probably the organic oatmeal/cranberry/walnut cookies I made for my company tomorrow. No sugar in it but still... I'm fairly sure they are waaaay up there in calories and yumminess!
  • I'll stick to listening to my body and it's needs... as well as sticking to natural/holistic lifestyle choices. It's what is working well for me. I am vegan, take supplements and vitamins, drink 8-10 glasses of water a day, exercise at least 30 minutes at least 5 days a week, and I am losing weight steadily, never hungry,…
  • I plan my meals out to stay under or as close as possible to my set nutrients. I am vegan (as of the beginning of the new year) and do not eat much processed food at all, so I know where my sugars and sodium come from (I still try to keep them both at minimum levels). I have to make sure I get plenty of protien though, so…
  • I'm guessing you cook them on low for that long? I think this is such a good idea.. I'm going to try it :-)
  • Hey I'm Donna... for the first 23 years of my life, I was slim, in shape and very fit. I didn't have good eating habits though. When I began having kids at 24, my metabolism caught up with me, to say the least! Sadly I didn't change my eating habits, and needless to say, my weight soon caught up to me as well. In the 23…
  • Six.. usually very much the same time of the day. I like to be completely done eating by no later than 7pm, so it works best for me to have a set schedule. I eat a healthy balanced breakfast, lunch and dinner, as well as small healthy snacks in between breakfast and lunch, between lunch and supper, and one after supper.…