newma6 Member


  • Congrats!! I should be finding out in the next couple of weeks. I can't wait!
    in It's a Comment by newma6 April 2012
  • Most of my cravings have been fresh fruits, but I do have one bad one....southwestern eggrolls dipped in avocado ranch YUMMY! They're fried which is the bad part but packed with lots of good veggies and grilled chicken!
    in Cravings Comment by newma6 April 2012
  • Congrats...that is so exciting! I am hoping for a girl. I am 15 weeks. My next checkup is the 27th and I'll be a little over 16 weeks, so hopefully they will schedule mine soon!
  • Just wanted to give you ladies an update. I went for my first visit with my midwife on Friday. We were a little surprised when she said she thought I was more like 14-16 weeks instead of 8 or 9 weeks! We had a scare after several attempts to find the heart beat and no luck. They sent us down immediately for an ultrasound.…
    in Due dates? Comment by newma6 March 2012
  • I am in the same boat! I feel exhausted all day everyday. With 5 kids to take care of there is not much time for rest. I do get a little break during the day when my 4 oldest are in school. My 3 year old and I go down for a quiet time about 1 every afternoon. That helps a little, but still doesn't seem to be enough. I am…
  • Hey there Mariposa187! I wish you luck as you try to gain weight responsibly throughout this pregnancy. Just keep up the healthy lifestyle you had going before you were pregnant, and you should lose weight a little easier once the baby is here. Especially if you breastfeed, it's a great calorie burner. I pray the rest of…
  • So sorry for your loss! I could not imagine the feeling. Wishing you luck for the next time!
    in Due dates? Comment by newma6 March 2012
  • 1. How far along are you? We have calculated about 5 weeks, but I haven't been to my first appointment yet. 2. Do you know baby's gender? Nope 3. If so, do you have a name picked out? Not yet, but I am looking 4. Are you showing? Not yet 5. Do you have a Linea Nigra, stretchmarks, and/or hair on your belly? I do have…
  • Love that first one. I think it will be my new motto!
  • Absolutely love these!
  • Sounds yummy! What is the serving size?
  • Well my last few days definitely have not been easy. Getting myself in gear, and today is starting out well! Bought a treadmill last night, so I know this is gonna be a huge help! Have a great day everyone!
    in Day 10 Comment by newma6 February 2012
  • Hello beautiful Mama's! I am 29 years old, and Mama to 5 children. I started at 256 lbs., I am currently down10 lbs. I have been exercising at least 5 days a week, drinking as much water as possible, and eating healthier. I still struggle with some of these, but the important thing is, I am not giving up. The longer I do…
  • I feel like week one could have been much better for me. The past couple of weeks has been very chaotic. There is so much going on. We have been out a lot the last few days, so my food choices weren't the greatest. I still stayed under my calories. I have missed 4 days in a row of exercise, Bc we have been gone all day…
    in Day 7 Comment by newma6 February 2012
  • Well I have felt really good today....full of energy. I got my haircut today as my reward for meeting last months weight goals. It looks fabulous. Maybe I'll get a pic up tomorrow. Struggling with my food today and my water. I was gone a majority of the day. One of my kids has strep throat now. It has really been a crazy…
    in Day 5 Comment by newma6 February 2012
  • You look amazing! Gives me hope of how I will look. I am almost 5'9, and my body shape is very much like yours. My weight is exactly where your starting point was. You are an inspiration to me! I can't wait til I get where you are!
  • Yesterday went well as far as eating and calories went. I only got in half my water, so I was dissappointed about that. Looking forward to day5!
    in Day 4 Comment by newma6 February 2012
  • Yesterday turned out pretty good. I got 7 glasses of water in, so I was short on that goal by one glass. I felt like I ate pretty good, except for missing breakfast. I woke up too late. I ended up being way under calories, but I felt satisfied when I went to bed. Hubby made beef stir fry for dinner last night. It was…
    in Day 4 Comment by newma6 February 2012
  • You look fabulous and so happy! Congratulations!
  • Day 4 Level 1 completed. Broke a good sweat today! :)
  • 1. I can sing 2. I love to decorate cakes, but don't care to eat them! 3. We have 5 children, and we only get a night alone about 3-5 times a year! How we don't go insane, I do not! 4. I set up til around 3am every night 5. I love me some Vampire movies!
  • SW- 246.6 ( February 1st) Week 1- 246.6 (Feb. 8th) I was sick this week! Sad that I didn't lose, but maybe next week will be great for me!
  • What is the C25K...couch 2 5 K? I have heard lots of people talk about it!
  • Today hasn't been going very smoothly for me. My stomach has been upset again, like that virus may be coming back. I feel so tired. I woke up late, so I skipped breakfast, which didn't help with my energy. I did get on the treadmill, but my shin splints bothered me very badly today. I only ended up walking a mile. I just…
    in Day 3 Comment by newma6 February 2012
  • My 100 Day Goals: 1. Reach my 30 pounds lost mark 2. Drink more water, at least 8 glasses everyday 3. Finish the 30 Day Shred, and maybe do it again! 4. Walk at least 2 miles each day I get on the treadmill 5. Workout 45 minutes to an hour, instead of 20-30 6. Lose at least 2 inches off of my arms I lengthened my list a…
    in Goals Comment by newma6 February 2012
  • So far I can do a mile in 16 minutes. I know it's not as good as some people, but great for me! I am just now getting to where I can jog at a 5, but only for a few minutes. Most of it I walk at a 4. I try to push myself each week to go faster and further!
  • Hey everyone! My name is Tricia. I am a 29 year old Mama of 5 children. I have been married almost 12 years. I started MFP on Jan. 1st, 2012. I weighed 256.4, when I started. I am down 10 pounds, 246.6. My 1st big goal is to be under 200 pounds by my 30th birthday at the end of November. Nice to meet everyone, and good…
  • Just finished getting in 2 miles for the day! It took me a few minutes longer today, at 35 minutes. I have shin splints in both of my legs, and they are really giving me trouble today. Gonna do my 30 Day Shred in a bit, so I can get close to an hour of exercise for the day. Just 3 more glasses to reach my 8, looks like I…
  • Yesterday I did pretty well on my goals. I did 2 miles on the treadmill in 32 minutes. I was so proud of myself! I only drank 7 glasses of water, so I could have done better with that. My weekly weigh in is tomorrow. I am a little nervous about this one. I missed to days of working out Bc I had a stomach virus. I have done…
  • Looks incredibly yummy!