How long does it take you to run a mile?



  • I'm super short (5'1") and 188 pounds... so neither of those things help me. I'm sort of all over the place. My last three mile runs were (not in order):

    so yeah, I'm pretty slow, and I can go about 0.76ths of a mile before I have to stop and walk a bit. My 5K was nothing but short runs and walks.

    At least my times are better than in HS when we had to run a mile every Thursday for gym class. I was around 16 to 18 minutes back then.
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    Last time I tried to run a mile was 2 and a half years ago! I don't have the endurance anymore; running has never been my thing! I was really out of shape then, and my mile was 10 minutes 32 seconds. :blushing: :embarassed:
  • 9:36! And at 305 pounds... I'm pretty proud of that. lol.


    You put me to shame! haha. That is beyond impressive. I have no idea how you can do that. Keep it up!
  • There is no average. Everyone is different, depending on how long they've been running, weight, natural athleticism, etc. Just judge yourself against yourself and look for improvement.

    Great answer! I absolutely HATE running. I am not a "natural" runner but I do it because I have to and it's the best way for me to change my body shape and trim my hips and thighs. An 11 min mile is great in my book! I do find that I can run much faster and further outside rather than on a treadmill. Speed isn't a concern of mine. I just try to run 3 miles twice a week. My personal best was a 5K in 33 mins. Keep it up and good luck!
  • I started off at 17mins a mile, heaving and huffing... then I managed 13 mins a mile, with a powerwalk and run. Now I am down to 10-11... it's never fixed for me... I tend to mix it up with a sprint, a powerwalk, a jog and a walk!

    good to know it really can get better! 13 minutes is still faster than I am right now. My 5K time was more around the 16-17 minute per mile range, but if it's just one mile, I do 14-15ish minute miles.
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    My best mile ever I think was 8:45? But recently if I only run a mile... I'm sure I can run it in around 9 minutes.
  • That's great. My best time is 16mins (I'm 41and have only been running on the treadmill for a short time). However, my 15 yr old daughter has a personal trainer for soccer and he requires her to run a mile in less than 10 mins. Her best time is 9mins 50secs. Hope that helps. Keep up the good work!
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    5,280 feet.

    Really, people...third page and I'm the first to say this? Come on!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    My current time is 12 min/mile. And I'm wicked proud of that, because my first 5K (an evil trail race with crazy hills) time was 57 minutes. And I thought I was going to die. Then I got stuck at 15 min/mile for a while.

    I've actually run an 11 min mile, but my next mile was slower, so it evened out by the end of my run. I think you're doing awesome!
  • SammyPacks
    SammyPacks Posts: 697 Member
    I think 8 or so minutes will be my best treadmill mile. I already tripped the breaker on two going over 8.0 mph. :/

    I don't like to go by treadmill timing, cause I know I can run a mile in 9 minutes (if I time it on my own) and I know I don't run at like... 7MPH LOL!
  • chuckyp
    chuckyp Posts: 693 Member
    Just walked in the door from 3 miles at 8:30 per mile. Lately I've been doing 2 miles at about 7:40 per mile.
  • bjfmade
    bjfmade Posts: 543 Member
    My fat lab and I graduated C25K last month and run every other day when possible. I average between 10 and 10:30 per mile for the 5k. I think I am hold my lab back from a pr.
  • My current time is 12 min/mile. And I'm wicked proud of that, because my first 5K (an evil trail race with crazy hills) time was 57 minutes. And I thought I was going to die. Then I got stuck at 15 min/mile for a while.

    I've actually run an 11 min mile, but my next mile was slower, so it evened out by the end of my run. I think you're doing awesome!

    ... I instantly adore you. I am so glad you were around my 5K time. You had hills... mine was flat. It was apparently 3.29 miles and I finished that in 51:28 but my adjusted 5K time was 48:18. I was dead last and absolutely ok with it. I'm so glad someone is going as slowly as me!
  • newma6
    newma6 Posts: 100 Member
    So far I can do a mile in 16 minutes. I know it's not as good as some people, but great for me! I am just now getting to where I can jog at a 5, but only for a few minutes. Most of it I walk at a 4. I try to push myself each week to go faster and further!
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    Being embarrased of your son? What a sad, sad thing to type...shame on you

    LOL You really have to TRY to read that into what she wrote. That's so not what she said.
  • Collinsky
    Collinsky Posts: 593 Member
    I think 8 or so minutes will be my best treadmill mile. I already tripped the breaker on two going over 8.0 mph. :/

    I don't like to go by treadmill timing, cause I know I can run a mile in 9 minutes (if I time it on my own) and I know I don't run at like... 7MPH LOL!

    I'm hoping my road time is better than my treadmill time... I know that 3 miles feels like a lot longer on the treadmill. We'll see in the spring!
  • cleehancock
    cleehancock Posts: 14 Member
    I can't run an entire mile yet, I can run in very short like 20 second spurts... but I can walk/jog a mile in 15 minutes. :^) Down from 20 minutes a month ago. I imagine in 2 or 3 months maybe I'll be up to jogging/running a mile instead of walking/jogging. I'm hoping anyways. :^) Down from starting weight on 1/1/2012 of 398.2 lbs to today's weigh in at 376.0 lbs even! :^) Oh and I'm also 6 foot even. My weight is pretty evenly distributed with exception of some extra on my belly and my butt.
  • GrokOn
    GrokOn Posts: 39 Member
    Best 2 mile time is 13min flat
    Now I am at about a 10min mile.
    I am hoping to get back in the 6-7min range in the next year once the weight is back off.
  • grannynickel
    grannynickel Posts: 48 Member
    I am 66 years old and started running last October. I entered and completed a 5K on December 31, jogging/walking the route in 42.04 minutes. That makes it a little over 13 min/mi. Unfortunately I developed a groin injury while training (read that overtraining) for that 5K and am not able to train as hard as I want to. I will be running another 5K later this month and my goal for this one is to finish it upright and running! Next month I am scheduled for the LR 10K and praying that I will be healthy enough to complete the course.

    If anyone has hints as to how to go from the jog/walk format to complete jogging, please let me know. I have used the C25K program and am now using the Easy 5K with Jeff Galloway. Thanks for any help.

    I find it very interesting to see the wide ranges of speeds. It makes me feel so much better about myself.
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member

    I'm hoping my road time is better than my treadmill time... I know that 3 miles feels like a lot longer on the treadmill. We'll see in the spring!

    It was for me. Back at the beginning of November, my best 5k time on the treadmill was like 39 minutes, so when I did my first 5k on 11/11, I was shooting for 40 minutes. I did it in 34:10 and that was even with stopping to walk with my daughter for a couple minutes.

    Now my best mile time is 10 minutes. Day before yesterday I ran 8 miles in 87 minutes. Pretty proud of that considering when I started back in march, my best was a 15 minute mile and that was a struggle.
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Average: 11:04 min/mile.
    Best: 6:59 min/mile.
  • ebaymommy
    ebaymommy Posts: 1,067 Member
    Depends on how many I have to run! LOL!

    It's been a long while since I've just gone out and ran a mile to see how fast I could go, but I'm guessing somewhere in the 6:30-7:00 range.

    I can't hold that up, though. My 5K times are usually around 7:30 per mile. I ran 10 miles last weekend and my average pace was 8:49 per mile. My best marathon time was an average pace of 9:19 per mile.
  • ritmeyer
    ritmeyer Posts: 136 Member
    Top weight, 12 minute mile. I haven't really tried only running 1 mile in a long, but during my 4 mile run the other day I ran 1 of my miles in 7:20.

    Being a competitive person, I always want to do the best, but you are RUNNING!!! That is a big accomplishment!
  • bolducjc
    bolducjc Posts: 2 Member
    There is a difference in treadmil mile, running a mile outside/uneven surface, and running it on a track. My outside mile is 8:33.
  • sherip22
    sherip22 Posts: 81 Member
    If I am only running 1 mile, I can do it in about 9 minutes. However, if I am going farther than a mile, I don't want to tire out so I pace myself. I am currently training for a half marathon and am averaging 10 minute miles.
  • OddSquid
    OddSquid Posts: 107 Member
    I haven't tried a 1-mile sprint yet (I should.....).

    Yesterday's 6-miler broke down to an 8:30 pace. I'm 38, male, and have been seriously running for only about a year now, so I'm getting into this rather late :)
  • joshalapp
    joshalapp Posts: 12
    My fastest mile was a pace of 5:52/mile. I just did my first half marathon at a pace of 8:02.

    Any other runners on here that want friends please add me!!
  • It all depends how far you want to run and how hard your will to train when i do 3 miles i average 5 - 5:30 min/mile with the best atm at 4:51. But then my 10 mile runs its more like 6 - 7 min/miles
  • Personal best: 5:45. Current average: 7:30.
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member
    Who cares about time, a 12 minute mile is just as far as a 8 minute mile. Just go run!