shoeloveramber Member


  • My big goal is to get down to my wedding weight (and a big trip when I get there!), little goals along the way is to get down below the xx0 and xx5 numbers along the way. No set rewards for the little steps right now, just plugging along and trying to find my way. I know clothing will have to be purchased along the way and…
  • Is anyone interested in having a group for all of us that are doing it? I set one up for my last round and I could set another one up for this time.
  • I just started T25 yesterday. I love how quick it is and that I know I have worked out after doing it. Last time I did the entire series through Gamma and really saw a difference. I'm hoping to have the same experience this time around.
  • Thanks for this thread! I just finished Week 3 Day 1 of C25K and this was just what I was looking for.
  • If you really cannot find it then e-mail FitBit and tell them. If you bought it in the last year they will replace it for free - yes even if you lost it! If it's been longer than that they usually will give you a good discount like 50% off a new one. All you need is a copy of your receipt showing when and where you bought…
  • I love it! I recommend it to anyone that is looking for a good quick workout. I bought mine from a friend but you can get it on eBay or Craigslist for cheap any day of the week.
  • If you did not need T3 your body would not naturally convert T4 to T3 and every single person on earth would have severe osteoporosis. I think you need to do some more research before telling people a rumor that is unfounded and untrue. Just because you are a good converter does not mean everyone is. For some people…
  • Go to the website on thyroid. Mary Shoman is the one that runs it and you will find all the information you need there including a list of tests you should have done. Take that list to the doctor with you and insist they do ALL of them. She also has a list of doctors who are known to be good doctors that take the…
  • Is your thyroid optimized? Are you still having hypo symptoms? Are you on medication? If it is not optimized you will not lose weight no matter how you try. The T3 hormone is like key in a lock, without it or enough of it you cannot unlock fat cells to make them go away. Most doctors do not do all the testing needed to see…
  • I have wide feet and like my Sauchony Cohesion. They have wide sizes that are actually wide and are not too expensive.
  • I would throw on a thin loose tank over it.
  • Make sure you stretch good after your workout and a foam roller would really help. It hurts when you use it but it really, really, really helps!!!
  • I'm on week 3 of Beta and I never did it unmodified because I have knee problems. I like Beta way better than Alpha and I am seeing better results already. Stick with Alpha and do your best and move to Beta when it's time. You will see a huge difference in your abilities soon :)
  • You have to be careful with Pilates since people can get "certified" in a weekend class. Go with a highly reputable DVD like Winsor Pilates. I have several of them and I love them all. The original one (20 minute Workout) and the circle one are my favorites. I know you can find the circle one with a circle on eBay still.…
  • YES!!! Well they tone and lift and make it look better. Do a variety of them so you hit all the different muscles and make sure you have good form.
  • I am currently in love with T25 - I guess that is considered HIIT? I just love that it's only 25 minutes but it kicks my bootie and I can easily get it in before I have to do anything else each day so I am sure to get it done. I just started C25K and I am enjoying that also. I can see myself someday really enjoying running…
  • I would see a doctor and ask what they recommend for you to work into exercise. I know that when I got mine I was told by by the salesperson they recommend newbies to do 5-10 minutes a few times a day to build up stamina for a few weeks and then bump it up by 5 minutes a week until you get to a 20 minute long workout once…
  • It really is an awesome workout that is why everyone is doing it! (and NO I do not sell it I just love this workout)
  • I just read about it yesterday and I think it looks interesting especially since I am going to be finishing up T25 in a few months and need something to do that is not really high impact.
  • I have never been a runner, even in school I would walk 95% of the mile run we had to do. I started C25K last week and I thought there was no way I was going to be able to even do what it said to do but I did it and this week it is easier even though I have to run for longer. I really recommend the C25K app from ZenLabs. I…
  • It's on the left side about an inch down the screen.
  • I have done both and I would recommend T25. I have seen a bigger change with it BUT if you want to really change your arms you need to do extra arm work on Alpha phase. If you are willing to add 10 minutes of weighted arm work each day or 4 times a week it will make a huge difference to the results you will see on your…
  • Love it, love it, love it. I am on week 2 of Beta phase and I love it, I can feel myself getting stronger and my endurance getting better and better. The only downsides are as mentioned above is the modifier is sometimes off screen but once you do the workout you know for the most part what she is doing or how to modify…
  • I just finished week 1 of C25K and I had the horrible calf pain also. I was told to eat a banana before running for the potassium to stop muscle cramps and do a quick stretch after each running interval and it REALLY helped. My last session I hardly had any cramping at all. After I run I walk for about 30 seconds and then…
  • T25 - 25 minutes with a 3 minute stretch at the end if you want to do it instead of your own stretching. It kicks your bootie in a good way. You can find it on eBay for cheap :)
  • I stretched between runs today and that did help but man do they still hurt while I'm running! I hope it gets better soon because it takes the fun out of the accomplishment.
  • See a physical therapist that can help you stregthen your knees. They will work with you and also have you do gentle easy exercises daily at home and within a month you will see progress. I have a bad knee and after doing the physical therapy it was a lot better and then learning proper form for lunges and squats made it…
  • Thank you for this information!!
  • Sorry just saw you did not want to use a DVD - there is a site a friend used to get going with her fitness journey. It's Jamie Eason's LiveFit 12 week trainer. You can find it on the bodybuilding website.
  • T25 is a step down from Insanity and will kick your booty. It has 3 different levels so you ramp the workouts up and you do them 5 days a week. If you look on eBay you can find them pretty cheap or on Craigslist you can find them for a good price. I would not pay over $50 for the basic set or $90 for the full 3 levels.