T25? 30 Day Challenge? Help?

Hi everyone.

So generally for workouts I go to the gym but I am by no means a fitness expert. I am getting married in September, and while I am planning on continuing going to the gym, I would really like to start developing more muscles. I am thinking of purchasing one of the video workout programs. I have heard amazing things about T25 and the 30 Day Shred, but I don't know what would be best. Have any of you used either or these? I would love some testimonial on which you prefer or the difference between them. I have very little knowledge on either and am starting to look into them, but I think real testimony would help (the ones not found on their websites).

Advice would be awesome!

PS: my arms and back are the most visible (and really only visible) part of my body in my dress...I would love to not have bingo wings or back folds if possible...so maybe which has the most arm stuff?


  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    30 Day Shred is a good program but it's only 3 workouts; you do one for like, two weeks straight and then switch to the second one, etc. T25 has several different workouts and a schedule that tells you which one to do on which day. I have done both T25 and 30DS and had pretty awesome results with T25 in regard to toning and tightening up - I did the program after I was done actively trying to lose weight. I just finished my second round of T25 and this week started T25's third phase (separate) gamma, which is more strength training. Another Beachbody program you might consider is P90X3 - lots of people have awesome results with that program and the workouts are the same amount of time as 30DS or T25. OR, if you really like Jillian Michaels and her style, check out her 90 Day Body Revolution. It's a system that is set up a lot like Beachbody workouts where you have several different workouts and you follow a schedule. I tend to really like these types of programs because it's all laid out for you and there isn't really any guesswork involved.

    If you want to follow a lifting program and still go to the gym check out New Rules of Lifting for Women or Strong Lifts?
  • pinkyslippers
    pinkyslippers Posts: 188 Member
    I have both of them. I would say T25 has more bodyweight exercises unless you have bought the gamma series too, which has a ton of weights and upper body stuff. Alpha and Beta phases of T25 are more cardio but you will use upper body for things like burpees. 30 Day Shred has quite a bit of upper body stuff as far as I remember - I did it over a year ago now! I was in a 30DS challenge group on here and people got great results, and I lost a ton of weight. I got bored with it, though as it gets samey. T25 has more variation but they probably burn the same number of calories.

    I am doing P90X3 at the moment and I prefer that over 30 Day Shred and T25, I have a ton of fitness DVDs lol!

    Hope this helps!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    P90X3.... With the right calorie deficit it's doing amazing things for me!
  • tattooedillini26
    tattooedillini26 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for the advice so far!

    Is the P90X3 really different from the original P90X? BC I have that somewhere at my parents house.

    Also how much space does that require? I live in a really small apartment so I want to be able to do it properly without stubbing my toe lol
  • elleloch
    elleloch Posts: 739 Member
    X3 workouts are 30 minutes whereas I think the original X workouts are like... an hour? Hour and a half? I did just fine moving our coffee table :)
  • playadelcarmen2
    playadelcarmen2 Posts: 38 Member
    I have done t25, and it is a great program, although I upped it to two and three a day, I got great results. I still do it 8 months later, but incorporate it with running and lifting weights. I bought gamma also and that made a huge difference in definition.
  • tattooedillini26
    tattooedillini26 Posts: 48 Member
    You people ROCK!

    Thanks everyone for the advice...I actually found a copy of 30 Day shred for $4 on amazon, so I bought it just to have the option, but I think I am going to try the T25! I will also find my old set of P90X...T25, with backups lol.

    Thanks again everyone!
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    I have done both and I would recommend T25. I have seen a bigger change with it BUT if you want to really change your arms you need to do extra arm work on Alpha phase. If you are willing to add 10 minutes of weighted arm work each day or 4 times a week it will make a huge difference to the results you will see on your arms.

    You can find T25 on eBay cheap and then you don't have someone bugging you to buy other stuff with it ;)