Can't do squats or lunges, suggestions?

tracydr Posts: 528 Member
So, I'd really like to start lifting. But, all the programs that I've looked at put great importance on squats and lunges.
I have really bad knees. I would love to get to the point of being able to do those exercises but right now, I can't, even without added weight. I also have a neck fusion + arthritis and a herniated C4/5 disk so crunches are quite painful.
Are there other exercises that I can do without movements that put large amounts of weight on my knees while bent?
I could really use an entire program, if anyone is so inclined. I don't want to hire a trainer, as I'm moving in 4 weeks.
Dumbbells and resistance bands, plus body weight exercises preferred. I need to increase difficulty very slowly due to my bone/joint disease.


  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    this is a question for a specialist that is familiar with your injuries
  • emtjmac
    emtjmac Posts: 1,320 Member
    Mehti from Stronglifts 5x5 suggests that squats, when performed with proper form, can actually help to strengthen the knees and improve problems there. But, yes, this is a question a specialist.
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    See a physical therapist that can help you stregthen your knees. They will work with you and also have you do gentle easy exercises daily at home and within a month you will see progress. I have a bad knee and after doing the physical therapy it was a lot better and then learning proper form for lunges and squats made it easier to do them and doing them really has helped my knee.
  • h7463
    h7463 Posts: 626 Member
    this is a question for a specialist that is familiar with your injuries

    ^ This! Out of experience with a relative who has similar problems, the doc will very likely not be happy, picturing you with a barbell on your back, doing squats.....much less any other exercise that puts a load down your spine...

    Not to worry about weights, though. For most exercises, there are variations that can effectively be done as body weight exercises. Squats and lunges are among them. Take a look at yoga. Some of the power poses are great for building strength and improving balance. Some poses can be done with movement and hand weights added, when you feel strong enough.

    Train safe and good luck!

    I just looked at your profile page, and read about your hobbies! Horse woman and scuba diver here, too! About scuba diving....I'm too lazy to drag my gear too far...when I'was not jumping off a boat, I have used a little luggage trolley before, which I took down with me, to keep it safe from sticky fingers, and put my weight belt on it until I got ready to resurface.... =)
  • 1911JR
    1911JR Posts: 276
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Squats will be contra-indicated due to the back/neck injuries anyway, most likely. I concur with the "professional opinion" group... Anything we tell you may not be what is best for you. Other options may include the leg press, leg extension, leg curl machines at the gym... (Only a professional could truly assess whether these would be ok for you though)... As for me I used to have more problems with my knees but have progressed over the past couple of years to the point where I can do squats and running on a treadmill. If you are overweight, definitely focus on dropping your weight as this will do a great deal to reduce the daily stress on your joints... Best wishes.