Ready for More (after 11 weeks of Jillian Michaels)

Hi there. I've been doing Jillian Michaels workout videos (Banish Fat, Trouble Zones, 6w6p, Killer Buns, 3DS, etc) for about 11 weeks now and have lost 14 pounds. I use a heart rate monitor and I've noticed that my heart rate is averaging about 130-140 when it used to average about 160 doing her videos... so I'm burning a lot less calories per workout. I have 10 more pounds until I reach my goal weight and I would like to work as hard as possible, so I'm not sure what the next step is to kick it up a notch. I also run every other day and my heart rate definitely gets up for that, but I am wondering if there is another trainer that is higher intensity and incorporates both strength and cardio? I've heard about insanity, but I'm hoping to stay away from buying a dvd (it's easier for me to use youtube). Thanks so much!


  • tmjdunn
    tmjdunn Posts: 77 Member
    Fitness Blender has a ton of really great HIIT workouts. You can find them on youtube, or if you you go to you can search based on workout type and dificulty. All of their workouts are free.
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    T25 is a step down from Insanity and will kick your booty. It has 3 different levels so you ramp the workouts up and you do them 5 days a week. If you look on eBay you can find them pretty cheap or on Craigslist you can find them for a good price. I would not pay over $50 for the basic set or $90 for the full 3 levels.
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    Sorry just saw you did not want to use a DVD - there is a site a friend used to get going with her fitness journey. It's Jamie Eason's LiveFit 12 week trainer. You can find it on the bodybuilding website.
  • joyfulhappyheart
    joyfulhappyheart Posts: 63 Member
    I second t25. I know you said you didn't want a dvd.
    My internet goes out frequently, so DVD works better for me. :D

    I've heard wonderful things about Turbo Jam and Turbo Fire (aso BB) but I am told they are also available on youtube. I have never checked though. I know several people in love with those workouts though.

    There's Butt Bible on youtube. I'm going to do that after I finish what I'm currently doing. That's got great reviews. (NOT bb)

    **NOTE-- I am not a BB coach or associated in any way at all. I do enjoy personally using the videos but do not sell anything. I do not want PM's offering to be my coach or offering to sell me the shakeology. I am not interested in either.