Focus T25/Beach Body Success Stories?

dan_IRL Posts: 204 Member
Is it just me or did A LOT of people just start up T25 in the last couple of days? Also has there been a lot of beach body success stories, especially from the UK recently?

something smells fishy


  • jorda13456
    jorda13456 Posts: 62 Member
    There must be something fishy because yesterday I also started Focus T25, my friend in class has been doing it for a while and anytime we go swimming you can see his 6 Pack without flexing, and he's very healthy, runs laps on the track sprinting without getting tired .

    He said it's the video he has been doing so I decided to try it yesterday
  • hkennedy399988
    I thought the exact same thing...until my darn friends started doing it! Three of my friends started in January and have finished, and because of their results, I have two more friends who are in the midst of it.

    I wanted to start back in March, but was super skeptical. But now, two months later and all I keep seeing and reading about are results and I'm a bit irritated that I didn't start sooner. Oh well. Even though it seems a bit pricey, I just took the plunge and started a week ago. I'm super excited and nervous.

    If you have any questions, feel free to message me. If I don't know the answer, I can ask one of my friends since I now have five friends that have done it/are doing it! :)
  • kristinashelton
    T25 is the same concept as insanity, but shorter workouts designed to target your whole body at once. I got fabulous results with insanity, but struggled to fit in some of the longer workouts. T25 appeals to me because I can make 25 mins for myself every day. I am a coach with beach body, I run challenge groups with cash prizes, and am happy to answer any questions about any of the programs, no pressure or obligation.
  • Faraz100
    Faraz100 Posts: 3 Member
    I just wanted to know that how many calories on average does each session burn? Since I dont have any heart rate monitor, I still want to keep a track of calories burnt.

  • rjdunn87
    rjdunn87 Posts: 385 Member
    Calories burned is different for everyone depending on your gender, height, weight and intensity level, and also which T25 workout you're doing. When I did it, I was 180lbs (5'4" female) and burned anywhere from 250-360 calories per workout.
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    It really is an awesome workout that is why everyone is doing it! (and NO I do not sell it I just love this workout)
  • misterxxl
    misterxxl Posts: 5 Member
    I just started it yesterday. I am hopeful.

    I was doing Insanity, but stopped. Some laziness, some because the workouts were pretty long.

    While the getting ripped part is a good thing, I just need to do some exercising. Need to get into some consistency, losing weight and getting ripped are bonuses at the moment.
  • Faraz100
    Faraz100 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks guys
  • Dragana_S
    Dragana_S Posts: 28 Member
    I log all calories and stats for each workout into excel spreadsheets. I am female 172cm tall, 66kg as on the photo. I do in average 8-10 workouts a week T25 am and weights or abs pm. I did many workouts available (Turbo Fire, Insanity, Tapout, everything Cathe etc) but with T25 I achieve highest heart rate (up to 222) and I spend only like 3-4 min aerobic and the rest anaerobic. I never burned 300-400 calories with T25, with insanity or TurboFire yes because they are longer but not with T25. Below is one week stats for T25 alpha, done am, first thing in the morning, the columns are :Calories,AVG HR,Max HR, Aerobic(min),Anaerobic(min),Cal/min. My highest with T25 was 9.6 cal/min with cardio or with speed. Sorry, it does not display the table the best

    Cardio_T25 237cal 139 203 3min 25min 8.5
    Speed1_T25 224cal 132 161 4min 25min 7.7
    TBC_T25 211cal 127 218 7min 22min 7.3
    AB _Int 173cal 127 156 12min 13min 6.9
    LowerFocus 223cal 132 157 8min 20min 8.0
  • RMZ2014
    RMZ2014 Posts: 31 Member
    I love T25! I was skeptical. My husband ordered it and what I was doing was not working so I thought what the hell? He lost 15 lbs in 6 weeks (and the man did not have much to lose). I started it and I could "feel" results in a couple weeks but the scale didn't start moving until about week 4 for me. But I lost 8 lbs with the program and dropped at least one dress size. I was pumped.

    However, I started to get bored as I always do after about 12 weeks on the program so I am now doing Chalene Xtreme which I really like, I like lifting weights and I have never lifted such heavy weights before. I have more muscle definition but have yet to see much weight loss, probably b/c I really am gaining some muscle. I have about 15 lbs to lose yet before I get to my goal. I am only just starting the second phase today.

    I plan to go back to T25 after I am finished with Chalene Xtreme because it is fast and effective. I have friends who are very thin but are runners. They always tell me I should just run. I HATE running! T25 is more of an athletic type workout which I enjoy. I am not a beach body coach, have nothing to sell you. I just really like these programs. Good luck.