Can anyone over 200lbs run for over 5mins???



  • kids183
    kids183 Posts: 204 Member
    I started running with the Couch to 5K (C25K) program a couple of months back when my weight was at 210 and i ran over 3 miles for the first time this past Monday and i has helped me get down to 197. It is a great program to get a non-runner running.

    I also had a great experience with using this program (app)!
  • oedipa_maas
    oedipa_maas Posts: 577 Member
    Yes, but it ain't pretty. I switched to a treadmill vs. going outside because the former is much easier on my joints. As I lose more weight, I hope to take it outside.
  • shoeloveramber
    shoeloveramber Posts: 291 Member
    I have never been a runner, even in school I would walk 95% of the mile run we had to do. I started C25K last week and I thought there was no way I was going to be able to even do what it said to do but I did it and this week it is easier even though I have to run for longer.

    I really recommend the C25K app from ZenLabs. I love it and since it's only 3 days a week it is totally doable!
  • hermann341
    hermann341 Posts: 443 Member
    I've run 3 marathons and 8 half marathons at weights between 210 and 235. One event even had a Clydesdale division for men over 215 and an Athena division for women.
  • Masonless
    Masonless Posts: 139 Member
    I am way over 200 lbs and I run. It's not graceful though. The treadmill shakes and my big boobs hit me in the face but I keep going :) (it's at the gym). I started just running as long as I could which was like 1 minute - then I'd walk until I could breath again, then run another minute. Now I run about 20 minutes. It took about 6 months to get to this point though. Just my personal experience!

    I love this. :laugh: Keep up the great work!
  • tulosai
    tulosai Posts: 20 Member
    Yes absolutely. I am 195 currently and just ran a 5K in just a bit over 30 minutes this past weekend. I could have kept going for sure. I know someone (also a woman) who ran a full marathon at nearly 250 lbs.
  • 2PieceNow
    2PieceNow Posts: 21 Member
    I am in the 170's now and do and I ran my first 5 K at 220 in my 40's!!!
  • CodeMonkey78
    CodeMonkey78 Posts: 320 Member
    Of course you can!

    I started back running (I was a former runner) when I was about 235 pounds (180 now). Having RA, it worked best for me to start building strength in my knees and cardio on the elliptical machine and recumbent bike -- then ease into running. I would highly recommend GOOD running shoes, begin with run/walk intervals, and try to use a "gliding" stride (instead of "leaping") to reduce impact to your joints as you are getting started with the extra weight. Before you know it, you'll be running 5 or more miles per day :).

    PLEASE do not try to do too much too quickly. This is a recipe for injury!

    Good luck, OP!
  • rizzod206
    rizzod206 Posts: 18
    Hi. I am 230lbs and 5 foot 3 (morbidly obese). I can run for about 1 hour before becoming incredibly uncomfortable on the treadmill. Although in contrast I also play tennis at a 4.0-4.5 level where singles matches can demand intervals of intense cardio for over 3 hours. I think right out the gate it takes time to build up to that much time, I remember dying out after 1 hour of tennis when I hadn't had much exercise for the 6 months prior.

    It takes time to build up to... but my week looks like this

    Monday: Rest Day
    Tuesday: 45 minute strength training with a tough instructor
    Wednesday: 2-3 hours of tennis (doubles, less intense)
    Thursday: 45 minute strength training
    Friday: 2-3 hours of tennis (singles, high intensity)
    Saturday: 45 minute strength training
    Sunday: 2-3 hours of tennis (singles, high intensity)

    I've been doing this for a few months now. Of course some days get rained out for tennis and whatnot, but its usually 1-2 rest days. I haven't lost much weight (maybe 2-4lbs, body fat decreased some too), but I do feel amazing and energized everyday. I think the key is strength training, about a month after starting that wow I felt so much better.

    You'll get there, just find something you love to do and I swear you'll be doing cardio for hours and not realize it's a workout!
  • newmom_2012
    newmom_2012 Posts: 96 Member
    I did week 4 of c25k a couple weeks ago (before tweaking my knee, and redoing a couple of easier weeks while it healed) which had 2 5 minute running segments, I was 215, and did it. I wasn't very fast, but I did it.
  • amberbarlund
    amberbarlund Posts: 1 Member
    I am over 200lbs. (215 this morning) and two weeks ago completed my first 5k in 41:30...I know, turtle's pace; but I did it! I too disliked running in HS, but love it now. I am learning so much everyday, not just about running, but learning about me! Keep running!! I weighed 240lbs when I started having health problems, dropped to 224 by diet alone, and running is helping me continue on that journey. I used an app on my phone and prefer to run outdoors. I ran 2.5 miles yesterday as I prepare for my second 5k this weekend. I spend a great deal of time reading about diet, form, recovery etc. The information is out there, so I recommend don't want an injury to ruin everything! Good luck, you've got this!! Soon you'll be able to run and contemplate life leisurely instead of obsessing about the next tree or mailbox. Besides, we get to wear the shirts that say, "Yes, chubby girls can run too!"
  • aprilmommy06
    aprilmommy06 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm more like high 180s right now, have been working out about 13 years with a few slow periods. Though I rarely run right now I could run 10 miles in an hour 45 minutes around 180 pounds a year and a half ago. Right now it's more like 4 miles in 50 minutes.
  • phil6707
    phil6707 Posts: 541 Member
    of course, I am way over 200 lbs and play indoor soccer. rum over 40 mn
  • 303enfield
    303enfield Posts: 239 Member
    im 5 foot 8 233.8 pounds and can run a mile in 14:47 min sooooo
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    im 5 foot 8 233.8 pounds and can run a mile in 14:47 min sooooo

    there goes our sex
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    I started running last year at 220 lbs. I used C25K as well and I think the first two weeks were absolute torture. But then it got easier and I started to get my runner's high. I literally shuffled when I started. I also run with a bad knee and a spine that's had two surgeries on it.

    I'm just getting started again after a sprained ankle and surgery this spring so I went back to C210K and started at week 4 this week. My goal now is to build up some distance so I can run with a friend who is a distance runner.

    The most important things I've learned are how to breath, buy good shoes, have a good playlist or good radio station, don't worry about speed right away as it will come with time and breathing, and go at your own pace. I also have two canine running buddies. If you have to slow down then slow down. I went out dehydrated the other day and had to stop after the first mile and walk home because I got light headed and my heart rate shot up into the dangerous zone, my blood sugar also dropped because I had not eaten enough so make sure you're prepared ahead of time.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i just ran a 5k and i'm over 200.

    try c25k or something like it. i used the zombies run app.

    my mile run (when it's just a mile :laugh: and i dont have to go any further is 11:12. can't wait until i'm smaller and can hopefully get a sub 9 minute mile
  • CkepiJinx
    CkepiJinx Posts: 613 Member
    Yes I am just under 200 now and can run 14 miles , around 2 hours, without stopping.

    For me the trick to running longer was to stop worrying about the speed and running slower. I run an 11-11:30 min mile on my long runs depending on heat and hills.

    When I am running shorter distances I try to push my speed.

    Good luck
  • tony56pr
    tony56pr Posts: 141 Member
    To the question of how I built up to run (ride bike or any other cardio type workout) when I was over 200 pounds, my biggest issue I had was not being able to breath and pain throughout my entire body. This was hard to over come, (I was lazy for at least 20 years before I started losing at 295 pounds, overweight and out of shape = very hard time starting.)

    Anyways, you start by stopping just short of your max. If 30 seconds is all you have, stop at 25. Rest, go more and repeat. Over time I built myself up from 20 second sprint (not very fast) with 40 second rest (I would completely stop) To where I was doing 30 second sprints and 30 second jogs for 8 rounds (when I was still over 200 pounds, seems like forever ago now). You just slowly increase your max output. And, finally, pay attention to your body. Some days you just don't feel it and can't do, take it easy on those days (don't be lazy, but rest when your body tells you it needs rest). My legs would be killing me, joints and to me it felt like my bones were breaking at times, those days I'd slow down or even do something else.

    Same way for distance. I started off riding my bike only 1/4 mile, the next time I pushed further, etc. Over time your ability will go up