

  • My goal is 140 pounds, I weight 154 now. I changed my goal to 140 today and it changed my calories from about 1600 to 1400. I think I need to be back up to 1600.
  • is this normal ?? Were you tired when you started here?? It's my first week, I lost 2 lbs this week but it's almost a chore to walk for 1/2 an hour. I feel like i could sleep all the time. I'm only walking 30 minutes about 4 days a week so it's not that. Is my body just getting use to not haveing all the sugar I ate…
  • That could have been me lastnight, but you have recovered and yes we will all have those days when we'll eat something we know we shouldn't. I just hope i regain my senses as well as you did and am able to get back on track! Good Job!!
  • Matty is right about the hungry , once it's there it's to late! This hasn't happened to me on this plan but it did before I started. I know that sounds kinda weird but that's what got me over weight. Not eating the right foods and waiting to long to eat makes you want to shove anything in sight in your mouth. Now I eat…
  • Whyyyyy do you build me up..Buttercup baby just to let me down..... OMG I'm impressed that song is from my era....yes I'm that old, hee hee!
  • Recipe Girl ( another cooking blog) Has a whole list of low fat recipes here's the link to low fat recipes http://www.recipegirl.com/category/recipes/low-fat/ She also has low carb recipes here's the link to low carb recipes http://www.recipegirl.com/category/recipes/low-carb/
  • Here is a link to a blogging friend of mine who is on a weight lloss journey of her own, her name is Lori she's a wonderful cook and is cooking light now . Go look at her Sweet Potato Shepards Pie .http://lipsmackinggoodness.blogspot.com/ This is Deeba another blogging friend, look at this dinner, there is only 3 tbls of…
  • You tell me specifically what recipes you want....what kind of pasta dishes are you looking for? I'll look for an Alfredo sauce for you. You know what tastes good and it's so easy to make pita pizza! I got the recipe on here and made it , I LOVE PIZZA and this gave me the crispy crust , sauce and the mozzarella that I love…
  • I know it sucks, in my case if I don't get a handle on it NOW it will only get worse and I will feel worse and more stuck if I don't try. Your not a failure, you've lost 7 pounds! You are 7 pounds closer to your goal than you were before you started. Don't eliminate the foods you like, try to make them healthier , what…
  • Congratulations!! I'm jealous!! I can't wait to see my first 2 pounds come off!!! Keep up the good work!!
  • That's great!! I love Richard Simmons, he's an oldie but a goodie!! I use to have his book yrs ago, I don't know what ever happened to it, I wish I could find it again! Great job!
  • Hi , I'm pretty new here and was wondering if it was too late to join the team??
  • Thanks for the truth and the inspiration. You are awesome!!
  • This is fantastic, I just made one and really enjoyed it. I was kinda in a hurry so i just had cheese on it but next time i'll throw some veggies on it. Thanks for leting us know about Pita Pizzas!
  • http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/strength-training-videos/SM00116 This is a link to weight training videos on line that you can check out. I and maybe others don't have the money right now to go and buy videos so here are some we don't have to buy! These are from the Mayo Clinic, it's a good start anyway!
  • lorela63 up at the top you'll see TOOLS that's were you get a ticker.
  • I don't know why it says 18....I am 54!!! HA HA!!
  • IHi everybody! I'm so glad to find other people my age on this site. This was my second day and i did alot better today that yesterday! Yesterday at work I was starving, even after eating snacks it was awful! Someone on here said it was because of the sugar I was eating, it was making me hungry. So I didn't eat the canned…
  • This is a great idea, I'm gonna try this!
  • I love these!! I'm gonna make them!!
  • Hi Candy, your not gonna believe this...I have a niece named Candy Malone!!! She's a twin, her sister's name is Mandy!!
  • i really want to beable to eat foods that i like while i'm trying to loose weight. I don't want to eliminate foods for the rest of my life, that's just to hard and would make me want to eat them all the more. I'm glad you are able to do this, it encourages me!
  • Yersterday in Pa. it was freezing. I bundled up and went for a walk, I could only walk for about 15 minutes cause my face was so cold!! I went out later in the day and walked another 15 minutes UGH!!
  • I had my first day at work since joining here , I wasn't looking forward to it. I work in a restaurant. Because of the way I have to work, no breaks, eating on the run, I make very bad choices there. Today I did really well but about 10am till 11 am I was starving , even after eating snacks, what helped me get through it…
  • I just went in and checked and yes I had active checked, thanks everybody!
  • You guys are gonna get so tired of me asking questions!! Ok ...Where I work I start work at 7am in the morning, i walk all day long, I'm a manager in a restaurant and am on my feet till 3pm when i have to do paperwork. I don't get breaks at all, no lunch break, we eat standing, no 15 minute breaks either. I know this has…
  • I walked for 30 minutes in 15 minute intervals. But I don't know how many miles ( or if it even was a mile ) that I walked. How do I enter this on the excercise chart??? Also, I've been seeing that the calories you burn up exercising can be used to eat???? Can someone please explain?? Thank you!:flowerforyou:
  • There are days when I feel like my stomach is an endless pit and no matter what I eat it's still hungry!
  • She doesn't have your commitment to sticking with it, she just jumps around to whatever she thinks will get it off quick. Oh yeah she's jealous!