50+ Women



  • I don't know why it says 18....I am 54!!! HA HA!!
  • lorela63 up at the top you'll see TOOLS that's were you get a ticker.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Went to the gym again. Thank God

    I had to talk to myself again. In my head I had so many excuses. BUT, I went. My sister called me and told me to just drop what I was doing and take care of myself. So I did.

    Have a great week-end.

    Also, glad to see new faces.

  • sounds like your sister called at the right time - sometimes we need another person to tell us it's OK to put ourselves first - why is that?!

    the self-talk also resonates... by the time i've argued the point (with myself) a million times, i could have done my workout, showered, and probably got a quick errand in there too.

    it's one day at a time, right? and today's good news -- my fat jeans aren't quite as snug, and the ski vest i couldn't zip last month is lookin' good!! :drinker:

    does anyone know how many baby steps in a pound? :laugh: oops, i forgot: no more scales.
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    sounds like your sister called at the right time - sometimes we need another person to tell us it's OK to put ourselves first - why is that?!

    the self-talk also resonates... by the time i've argued the point (with myself) a million times, i could have done my workout, showered, and probably got a quick errand in there too.

    it's one day at a time, right? and today's good news -- my fat jeans aren't quite as snug, and the ski vest i couldn't zip last month is lookin' good!! :drinker:

    does anyone know how many baby steps in a pound? :laugh: oops, i forgot: no more scales.

    I know I was glad she call me also. She was coming into the gym as I was leaving. She had a big smile on her face.

    I also hear you on the self-talk what time I waste. However, I believe I am on track again. I just wish things would not set me off and get me down. I have to work on that.

    CONGRATULATIONS with your jeans!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :drinker: :drinker: Jeans show progress.:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Your close to getting them back on and that is great. I have a whole bunch of cloths that I want to get back into and I'm keeping them there for motivation, but if I can afford to, I want to buy a size 10 jean and have them fit loose. Gotta way to go though, thanks for the reminder. It made my goals a little mor visable. :drinker: :drinker: Now I've got to get this butt moving a little:flowerforyou:

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: great job :drinker: :drinker:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Getting my exercise in and feeling wonderful!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is having a great day.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi all Fab Fifties:heart:

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    The rainy weather here hasn't been the greatest for outside activities:grumble: So I have been giving my treadmill and stationary bike a workout. Unfortunately I had a fall :noway: outside and hurt my arm so I haven't been able to do any weight training but hopefully tomorrow I can resume that aspect of my workout. I am down over another pound so I am sooooooooo happy about that:laugh:

    I also bought a new exercise DVD that I am anxious to try...Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred. I have the Biggest Loser Boot Camp one and I really like it as well:happy:

    Hang in there everyone (especially those of us in the chillier climate) spring is in the air:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Cheers:drinker: :drinker:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi all Fab Fifties:heart:

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    The rainy weather here hasn't been the greatest for outside activities:grumble: So I have been giving my treadmill and stationary bike a workout. Unfortunately I had a fall :noway: outside and hurt my arm so I haven't been able to do any weight training but hopefully tomorrow I can resume that aspect of my workout. I am down over another pound so I am sooooooooo happy about that:laugh:

    I also bought a new exercise DVD that I am anxious to try...Jillian Michael's 30 day Shred. I have the Biggest Loser Boot Camp one and I really like it as well:happy:

    Hang in there everyone (especially those of us in the chillier climate) spring is in the air:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Cheers:drinker: :drinker:

    Hope you are feeling better today.

    I have to get some of the biggest loser DVD's

    I'm still on track with the gym.

    Have a great day all!!!

  • I'm also off to the gym this morning, and will be thinking of everyone here and how hard we're working at this! Congrats on dropping another pound! and Staying Motivated! :flowerforyou:

    Going to the doctors for annual physical today (ugh). Fingers crossed the cholesterol's in check... last year we talked about meds and i reaaaally don't want to go there....

    Am I the only one on the planet that hates to see the snow melting?! That groundhog was a LIAR! :laugh:
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :flowerforyou: I live in Ohio and the snow is melting but we're not done yet its only Feb. March can be a bluster. :ohwell: I love the way snow makes things look but I'm ready for Spring and warmth and flowers. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I hope you all stay on your road to feeling great and I'm kinda dragin my feet a little but the stationary tred. is helping me a little.:drinker: :drinker:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :flowerforyou: I live in Ohio and the snow is melting but we're not done yet its only Feb. March can be a bluster. :ohwell: I love the way snow makes things look but I'm ready for Spring and warmth and flowers. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: I hope you all stay on your road to feeling great and I'm kinda dragin my feet a little but the stationary tred. is helping me a little.:drinker: :drinker:

    Crank up the Music if you can. That will help.

  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    :drinker: Thanks, will do.:laugh:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,

    Hope everyone is doing well.

    Chris, I can't wait for the snow to be completely GONE :laugh: :laugh: . Just as much as the fat on my body.

    To the gym AGAIN. I sure hope this continues. It is so much easier to eat knowing I have more calories to consume. When I don't exercise, 1200 calories just does not cut it. I have to think of that often.

  • :heart: Happy valentines' day ladies! Cranked up the tunes and had a great cardio blast earlier. It DOES make a difference! Now there's leftover tunes in my head, making for a much improved mood!

    Gripe of the day: Chocolate! :wink:

    Plantlady i feel your pain (I am sposed to eat 1100 cals -or less- according to my physician). And water just doesn't cut it. I keep a stash of 'emergency' apples in the fridge, at least it's a "healthy" 75 calories and seems to take the edge off the hunger pangs.

    Although the apples are off-duty for 24 hours, while I enjoy a couple bonbons and a nice dinner with S2B. The plan is to head north to find some snow and shoe it all off tomorrow. Well maybe not ALL of it.... but enough to keep the guilt at bay and have some fun.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    :heart: Happy Valentine's Day to all.

    I FINALLY lost 5lbs. :happy: :happy: This week. The gym is really helping.

    HOWEVER, :explode:

    I'm staring at a Chocolate Orange. It's Dark Chocolate. Not to bad. It's the kind that you crack and it breaks up into small pieces.

    I want to try it but afraid it will set up off. I don't think I could just have a small piece. One serving is 220 calories.

    So I am not going to open it. I hope that is what will happen.:sad:

    I just had to vent.

    I hope everyone is having a great day. :heart:

    No gym today. I will go tomorrow.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning everyone-
    I have been so bad while on my little vacation. I have to say I am actually sick of Dunkin Donuts. My tiny sister was here from Europe for a week and she has to have Dunkin Donuts and Baskin Robbins ice cream while in the USA. I had to keep her company.

    While we did not exercise per se, we did walk a bit while visiting our parents in Florida (weather was perfect!!!!) and while visiting some of our kids in NYC (a lot colder than Fla. :grumble: ). Of course, we went out to eat a lot. Too much of a good thing. And I don"t mean just the food. It's very special when we can get together with family - especially since we are so distant geographically.

    We are also very grateful we flew safely north onThurs night. The last 20 minutes of our flight were the bumpiest I've experienced in almost 30 years. My heart goes out to the families of those on the flight that crashed that night in Buffalo. So many lives lost too soon.

    Anyway, back to reality for me now that my various house guests are gone. My husband and I will have the house to ourselves for the first time in several months. So, no more excuses. It's back to mfp, eating healthy and exercise (just not today). Can't bring myself to go to the gym today. I want to start catching up around here, food shop, etc. - get organized.
    Have a great Sunday and long week-end!!
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Well, I finally broke that ole plateau! WOOHOO! Currently I'm at 147. I'm so happy. I have a goal to lose 5 pounds by St. Patrick's Day. I think I can do it if I keep doing my Sweatin' to the Oldies. Hope everyone had a good Valentine's Day. Good luck to all of us. :flowerforyou:

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Ladies:heart:

    Just checking in with you all and hoping that you are all doing well:flowerforyou: I got through Valentine's Day without doing too much damage in the intake department. My DH bought me a beautiful bouquet of flowers and a beautiful card for Valentine's Day. I made a nice dinner complete with a cake for the family. I had only a little taste of the cake so I didn't feel deprived at all:bigsmile:

    I have been doing the Biggest Loser Boot Camp DVD and loving it. I started level 2 today and it really is a great workout. My banged up elbow is continuing to improve. I have found that my 5 lb weights are getting to easy to use so I invested in 8 lb hand weights. The good news is that I am seeing more definition in my arms and loving that:bigsmile: I hope that by my son's wedding on the beach in the spring I can feel comfortable enough to wear a sleeveless knockout dress:happy:

    It was sunny but chilly here today but I managed to get outside to enjoy a brisk 75 minute walk. My energy level sure is gaining momentum again now that the days are getting longer and the sun is getting stronger. I say "bring on spring I'm ready for it!!!"

    Remember ladies to put yourself on the priority list. You are worth it:heart:
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Good morning all-
    You are so inspiring with all your exercise and willpower. I just can't seem to get myself going. My excuse now is that we decided spur-of-the moment to babysit my niece and nephew for a few days while their mom is working. So, it's junk food and games and movies. My dear husband made us delicious banana splits last night, after our Mexican dinner.
    I'll touch base tomorrow and see how good you've all been. At least for a few hours I'll be motivated until my resistance is worn down.
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