50+ Women



  • spiritdncr
    May I join your thread? Snowshoeing is something I've never considered. I used to cross country ski but injuries prevent that now. Tell me more about shoeing please...

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Easy Calorie Counting
  • chrispchef1
    Of course you can! All are welcome here (since I just started here, after Heather found me griping about age on another message board):ohwell:

    If you can walk, you can snowshoe, it's that easy. How strenuous it is depends on the conditions: depth and type of snow (powder vs. cement), the terrain, and whether you are making your own tracks or following a trail. Poles are used for balance and stability, and I find they help immensely - unless walking on a totally flat, well-worn path, in which case they aren't necessary.

    An average trek for 130 lb. person can burn over 500 calories/hour. I find that my quads/knees/hips get a really great workout, especially making my own tracks in deep snow.

    So I'm not sure what your injuries are...? But you could always try doing something flat in not-too-deep snow and see how you like it. We take our friends who never tried it to a local golf course, which is perfect for flat and rolling terrain.

    In any event: hope you can check it out!! :smile:
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning All

    Well I did almost good with all goals yesterday. Welcome spiritdncr I hope you have great success.

    Today when I was cleaning out my 2008 things, I came across my old desk calendar pages and I'm sorry to say that today I weigh the exact same as I did on Aug 28th I should have kept losing instead of yo-yoing down and back up! Well the positive I'll pull out of that is that at least I'm back in control and have lost 11-12 lbs - even if it is about the bazillionth time! Hopefully by next week I'll be into losing "fresh" pounds. I am on line for my weight loss goal for Feb 14th.
    I'll have to try hard this weekend because that's when I let myself down with lack of willpower. I'm going out with a couple of friends to dinner and a concert on Sat night. I'm looking forward to it. Seems like its been all about the kids and running around lately so some me time will be great. Not that I don't love being involved with the kids activities but I always find it refreshing to get out with friends for a few laughs and dinner I don't have to clean up after !- Sam Roberts will be the bonus.
    Today's goals:
    More veggies
    More water
    More determination to exercise!

    Take good care ladies

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Good morning everyone. I come bearing bad news. :grumble: I knew this week that I've been doing lousy except for a couple days when I did good exercise wise. This morniing was my official weekly weigh in and I gained 6 ounces. :angry: I know it's my own fault and I need to start keeping myself in check if I'm going to lose these last 8 pounds. If I wasn't at work, I'd put myself in a corner and make me think of the error of my ways this past week. :laugh:

    I hope everyone else is doing better than I've done. Good luck to all of you. :flowerforyou:

    I'll set my goal for 147.0 by next weight in again.

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hi all,

    I had been sick and now I am trying to get motivated again. Hope I get motivated soon.

    That's it.

    Hope all are doing well.

  • doglvr_75
    doglvr_75 Posts: 144
    Hi Ladies!!!! It seems to be one of those days....:grumble: Got up with plans to walk for an hour and then do some weights....after I straightened the house, I felt absolutely lousy.:sick: ..so...I have ended up taking the day off from exercising....I probably shouldn't beat myself up over it as this is the first day in about 2 1/2 weeks that I haven't at least walked....:ohwell: tomorrow's another day....

    hope everyone else is feeling better and having a great day...sorry to see that so many have been sick...that time of year, I guess....

    Here's to tomorrow....:drinker:

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444

    Sorry to hear you have been sick. But if you okay now get to the gym!!!

    Yesterday was a bust for me and my little goals because I had to take my mother in law to emerg. and was there for about 8 hours. Good news is she didn't have another stroke.

    This weekend I am really going to try to stay on track. I have five more pounds to go to reach my Valentine's Day goal. I'd be thrilled to be able to surpass that.

    Goals for today:

    good food choices
    don't gain!!
    exercise - I feel silly even calling my walking that when you all do so much more - my time will come!!
    Have a great weekend

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Heather, you have certainly had you hands full. Today is another day.

    I started off well. Went to a great class at the Y so I'm feeling good and full of energy. I should tackle this house. I've been in a slump and it shows!

    I had good intentions of exercising yesterday and lost the whole day. So, since I wasn't making it to the Y, I tried one of the new exercise DVDs that I heard about on mfp. I did the cardio dance slim (something like that). It was a little too fast, but I tried to keep up (bearing in mind none of the "performers" were anywhere near 50!). Bottom line, I did get a work out - I was so flushed and sweating that I managed to salvage yesterday. Good thing since I had a girl's night out last night (non-stop eating and a little wine). Very delicioius.
    Now I have to get thru the week-end, my downfall.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Try to get some exercise.
    My goals will be to drink water, which I rarely do, and to make healthy food choices.
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    GrammyMax/Esther, are you OK? Haven't seen you post in awhile...understand you probably feel pretty sad, hope you're coping ok...

    Heather, sorry to hear about your Mom, glad it wasn't worse.

    Heather and Vee.. . . weekends are my downfall too!

    What works better for you, being really strict during the week so you can have a free day/night out with friends?
    Or planning your dinner out with appetizer and salad instead of salad and entree?

    With me, that first glass of wine and all good intentions vaporize until the journal plan is reconciled with reality the morning after ;}

    Had a great Wednesday, danced for 2.5 hours. Thursday was stuck in an all day training call, and passsed up an opportunity to walk down and up stairs.:noway: Result? fewer than 4600 steps. . . grrr

    Snowshoeing? You inspire me. I did a little 10 years ago, time to dig 'em out again. Idaho City's airport has a Parcourse that make a great showshoeing trail in winter... Maybe Saturday...

    Got a couple of inches of fresh snow last night, so I'm signing off and going to walk the dogs right now!
    One of them is just crazy for snow. The other doesn't care so long as he can pee on it.
  • dkell
    dkell Posts: 408 Member
    These days I seem to be caught in a rut. Weekends are spent catching up with house chores because I work all week. I don't get many times out with my old friends like I used to and winter makes me kind of stay in the house and vegitate. It's hard for me to get motivated and walk on the tred mill but I've been thinking of trying to get up earlier and going to our local high school pool open swim in the morning. I don't know if I can get myself motivated enough to do it though. I feel totally lazy.:angry::angry: I really get mad at myself cause I used to be peppy and ready to try anything.:grumble: :grumble: I don't know whats happened to me.:angry: I wish I could get back that mischevious side of me.:devil: :devil:
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,517 Member
    Yes or the health food store.
    Truvia is a new brand name pretty popular, granular sugar substitute.
    I don't like the teas sweetened with the natural Stevia leaf, it has a green and grassy/leafy taste to me.

    WOW you're lucky to have such youthful genes, not just appearance but well into the 80's GREAT!
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Hopefully, dkell, this is just a passing phase. I know it's hard to get going. Once you do, you'll feel better. Your best bet is to think of something that you're most likely to do. Good luck, and don't give up.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    GrammyMax/Esther, are you OK? Haven't seen you post in awhile...understand you probably feel pretty sad, hope you're coping ok...
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Oops - I was going to respond to the question and then I sent it on too fast. But, yes I'm okay. I truly am doing well with the loss of my brother because I know that he is no longer in pain. However, I have taken a "bad tumble" off the wagon with a couple of other stresses in my life right now. One will go on for another month where every spare moment of my time will be spent helping someone else. It's a stressful situation and I'm not able to get to the gym and I certainly haven't been able to eat the right foods to keep me on track.

    I'm hoping Booksarenice can find us today. HERE WE ARE! :drinker: Welcome.

    Hope everyone has a great day and an awesome weekend.

  • doglvr_75
    doglvr_75 Posts: 144
    Good morning ladies!!!!!!

    ..sounds like everyone is feeling better today....I know that I am...actually thinking of giving up the dreadmill for today and hiking the yard....very hilly acre and a half....yep, that's what I'm going to do...an hour of that and then some weights...then housework & reading (and, yes, I'm talking mainly to myself, that's what keeps me going):happy:

    ...and all of you who have snow to showshoe in are making me a little jealous (just a little, mind you)...I did some cross country skiing many years ago, and loved it, but have never tried shoeing....unfortunately :noway: , I haven't seen any snow for the last 2 winters, so I guess I'll take advantage of the 65 degrees and get my backside outside...:wink:

    Have a great day everyone!!!!
  • chrispchef1
    and i'll be SO jealous of 65 degree winters next time i have to dig my car out of a snowbank and shovel the icy steps!

    hope you enjoyed your walk outside, it's great to have that kind of open space in your backyard!

    we're going to NYC this weekend, i will try some of the ideas mentioned on this board - we'll be doing lots of walking so there's a good thing. water guzzling should be do-able since I will be carrying some... and hope for willpower when it comes to all fabulous restaurants and street vendors :tongue:

    i've been eating a LOT of peppermint altoids. it seems to keep cravings at bay.

    and take it 1 day at a time, right?
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Hey where is everyone??

    I had a better-than-normal weekend (for me) but still not good enough! I am working on training my brain to walk past goodies. Sometimes I win - other times I eat!! I was carb crazy yesterday. Ever have one of those days? I was over my calories by about 420!! OOPS

    Come on back girls we are in it to win it!!

    Mini goal for the end of Jan - 3 lb loss.

    Take good care
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning Ladies!

    I am having such a hard time exercising AGAIN. I am eating fine but its the lazy exercise thing. I was doing so good getting to the gym. Now, with all the cold and snow I just want to stay in.

    What a roller coaster I'm on. I'm not much of an inspiration. I need desperation!

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Morning Kathy and everyone else who might check in today.

    I have to get myself under control. I can feel the blues getting the better of me and I need to turn that around. After all I've learned over the years you'd think I would know better than to turn to food. Last night I tucked into a bag of pistachios in the shell. I didn't go too far over on calories but seriously I don't even really like them!! My goal for today is to exercise control and stop any and all mindless eating.

    Kathy - are you going to the gym today?? You know you wannna!!

    Have a good day all

  • doglvr_75
    doglvr_75 Posts: 144
    Good Tuesday Morning Ladies!!!!.....I've been doing really well with exercising...so...this morning I put on my favorite pair of old jeans and :noway: they're actually tighter...:grumble: either my closet is shrinking my clothes or I'm gaining instead of losing....HOW CAN THIS BE?????????? :angry:

    ...and, to top it all off, I said I'd volunteer at the middle school greenhouse starting sometime today...waiting for a call back so my daily exercise is on hold for right now.....

    ...I'm really frustrated right now....Hope everyone else is having a good day!!!!

    My official weigh in/measuring day will be Sunday, and right now I'm not looking forward to that....

    For today...I'm going to try and get some exercise in, drink even more water and really really really watch what I put in my mouth...

    I'll check back in with y'all tomorrow....

    :flowerforyou: vee