50+ Women

Hi all,
I have been away due to the death in our family. Consequently I did terrible with my eating healthy. Today is a new start.

Hope all is going well for you. Post anything to motivate us or if you need motivation post your trouble area.

I need to get back on track and stay there. I have some pretty overwhelming things coming up in my life but I can't keep using those excuses for not eating healthier.:grumble:

Have a great day


  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Hi all,
    I have been away due to the death in our family. Consequently I did terrible with my eating healthy. Today is a new start.

    Hope all is going well for you. Post anything to motivate us or if you need motivation post your trouble area.

    I need to get back on track and stay there. I have some pretty overwhelming things coming up in my life but I can't keep using those excuses for not eating healthier.:grumble:

    Have a great day
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    I just went back and reread all the posts from the 31st of December. Wow - It's been a long time since I'e posted! Again, I appologize for that but family needs took precedence. I'm back and would like to get back in the daily journaling mode and encouraging others so...come back and join me.

    I have a question. What does "bump" mean? I'm assuming a bump in the weight loss road?

    heathier4me: your goals sound great. Especially number 3 - "continue to get healthy..." That's what I want.

    Have a great day. Focus, Focus, Focus
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    sorry to hear about your loss. My heart goes out to you.

    Today is a new day and you will be ok. We just have to keep trying.

    I finally made it back to the gym. I burned 360 calories on the stationary bike. That was good for me. I had not been regularly in the past two weeks. So, this is a new start for me also.

    I need to drink more water also I wish I loved it but I don't so that is a challenge from me.

    Hope everyone has a great day.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Thanks Plantlady99. My brother suffered for 8 years with cancer and now is no longer in pain. It's just hard to say goodbye:brokenheart:

    I really need to get out and exercise more. The water is not a problem for me but some days I do realize that I have not had as much as I should. Keep chuggin' :happy:
  • doglvr_75
    doglvr_75 Posts: 144
    Good morning ladies!!! Sorry for your loss Grammymax :flowerforyou:

    After reading all the posts from the previous thread, I find myself newly inspired....SO...starting today I'm upping the time I spend exercising daily to an hour....NO EXCUSES.....

    Have a great day everyone, I'm off to vacuum, then hit the "dreadmill" :wink:


    ...and Grammy..."bump" just means that the thread is being bumped back onto the recent topics...
  • candy55
    I am new here. I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I wanted to find a group with ladies over 50 and found you folks. I am so excited to begin in ernest.I have had false starts all last year,and I am not letting myself get away with that this year. I need to hear from you lovely ladies about your successes and difficulties so I will know I am not alone.I am grateful to have the chance to start again.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    First of all, my condolences to Grammymax. I can't imagine what this must feel like. I hope you find some solace in yoru family.
    Believe it or not, exercising might make you feel a little better. It's supposed to release some "feel good" hormones I believe.
    Thank you also for starting this group. It's good we have found each other. Some of the 50+ sound a lot younger. I don't know how some of you ladies burn so many calories. I just can't do it, but then again I never was very athletic. I did go to the gym today and I intend to keep plugging along. Maybe I'll manage to push myself more as I read the posts from some of you very phsyically fit grandmas.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Grammymax, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. My prayers are with you. :flowerforyou:

    Saturday I went shopping for clothes with my daughter. I tried on a pair of dress pants and she told me I had no butt. :laugh: I already knew that. I lost it when I lost the 30 pounds. I think 20 of those pounds came off my butt and hips. :laugh: :laugh: Then at church Sunday she told me I look so skinny in my new pants and my son-in-law told her I was a hottie. :happy: The weekend was definitely a good one for me.

    Good luck to the rest of you. I look forward to reading all your posts. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi all,
    I have been away due to the death in our family. Consequently I did terrible with my eating healthy. Today is a new start.

    Hope all is going well for you. Post anything to motivate us or if you need motivation post your trouble area.

    I need to get back on track and stay there. I have some pretty overwhelming things coming up in my life but I can't keep using those excuses for not eating healthier.:grumble:

    Have a great day

    Grammymax I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I know from personal experience how difficult it is to watch someone you love suffer. My heart goes out to you and I send you warm positive thoughts:flowerforyou:

    This is a great site and we are here for one another. There seems to be a few new 50+ Women finding our group and that is exciting. It is nice to know that we of all the members will understand some of the unique challenges that we sometimes face and how to relate to them. I am planning on printing out my goals for 2009 on a big sign so I can remind myself of them everyday.

    I am enjoying increasing my activity level and am trying very hard to get my required amount of water in:drinker: :drinker: as difficult as it seems some time.

    Keep on keepin' on
  • schoonmp
    schoonmp Posts: 175
    Sorry for your loss Grammymax. It's very hard to lose someone. I know from experience also. But like you said, let's start over. It's a new day. I also haven't posted in a while. Been off and just to lazy to log on. Getting back to the gym tomorrow.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Thanks to all of you. You're great with your warm thoughts.

    I just returned from a 45 minute brisk walk in the cool air and I always feel so much better. I wish it wasn't so hard to get up and get going!

    Hope you all have a great evening.:bigsmile:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Good Morning all,

    I getting ready for work, then to the gym. Hope to burn some calories. Stayed within my calorie count yesterday and that is a good thing. More water for me today. Hope all is well.

    Chat later.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • FloridaGranny
    FloridaGranny Posts: 154 Member
    Very sorry to hear about your family. Every day somehow becomes easier.

    Try to get extra sleep and exercise. Exercise really helps when you're feeling blue. Before you know it, you'll be feeling better......

    Peace be with you,
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning:

    Well, I forgot to step on the scales yesterday - forgot it was Monday:laugh:
    I weighed in this morning and was down 1 # 8 oz after a very tough 4 days of having my house full of family 24/7 so I guess it could be worse. This week - no excuses. I will stay within my calorie limit and get my exercise in and I'll see great results next Monday!!:wink:

    Have a great day.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Good morning all. This morning when I was getting ready to take a shower I noticed my stomach seemed a tad smaller and a tad firmer. (Maybe not but it seemed like it) so I decided to weigh myself even though it's not my official weigh in day until Friday. I was so excited to see I had lost a pound. :happy: I'll try not to weigh again until Friday and see if I can maintain that one pound loss. X X Fingers crossed. Good luck to everyone. And congratulations on your weight loss Grammymax. :flowerforyou:

  • doglvr_75
    doglvr_75 Posts: 144
    Hey everyone!!!! Congrats to Grammymax & mommared on your weight loss!!!!! I stuck to my commitment of 1 hour of exercise yesterday (45 mins on the 'mill & 15 mins weights) and today (60 mins on the tm)...I'll be checking my weight & measuring on Thursday so keeping my fingers crossed..

    I've noticed reading through the posts that some have a little trouble with water intake...this isn't something that I have a problem with as a rule, but something that works for me is to add water to oj..(kills 2 birds with one stone) and I have added crystal light once in awhile...just some ideas..:drinker:

    Hope everyone has a great day...I'm off to eat a bite of lunch, get some mailings out for the March of Dimes & do some reading...will check back later
  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Hi there I would like to join in on this thread if that's ok. I have been on this site for a year now. I lost 30 lbs in 2008 - except I lost my marbles during the holidays and gained back 11!!!!! I am trying my hardest to be back down by Jan 10th - my anniversary on here (I think) The thing about keeping in touch with a group of people really appeals to me and I think the connection is a great asset. I have zero support in my home but that is the way it is and I will succeed in spite of them!! I want this so bad and I know its within my grasp. Over the last 12 months - even though I faltered many, many times, I still knew that if I just tracked my intake and output on this site - I would see favourable results. So I feel recommitted and have set personal goals - AGAIN!!

    I will drink my water
    I will do at least the one mile Leslie Sansome Walk away the pounds DVD every day
    I will stay within my calories
    I will offer and receive support from other over 50 women!!
    I will NOT give up

    Take good care

  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Welcome Heather. Of course you can join us. I'm glad you found us. YOU CAN DO IT! I need the support too. My DH supports me but he has no reason to watch his calories because he never gains an ounce and is very active anyway. So, we can keep each other going - all of us.
    Hang in there.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Hi there I would like to join in on this thread if that's ok. I have been on this site for a year now. I lost 30 lbs in 2008 - except I lost my marbles during the holidays and gained back 11!!!!! I am trying my hardest to be back down by Jan 10th - my anniversary on here (I think) The thing about keeping in touch with a group of people really appeals to me and I think the connection is a great asset. I have zero support in my home but that is the way it is and I will succeed in spite of them!! I want this so bad and I know its within my grasp. Over the last 12 months - even though I faltered many, many times, I still knew that if I just tracked my intake and output on this site - I would see favourable results. So I feel recommitted and have set personal goals - AGAIN!!

    I will drink my water
    I will do at least the one mile Leslie Sansome Walk away the pounds DVD every day
    I will stay within my calories
    I will offer and receive support from other over 50 women!!
    I will NOT give up

    Take good care


    I started this site on 1-8-08 and lost 30 pounds also last year. We're almost twins. :bigsmile: Good luck to you. :flowerforyou: I'm kind of in your predicament as far as no support at home. For me though, it's my 22 year old son. He had to move back home and doesn't gain an ounce either. He's tall and skinny and has the metabolism of a freight train. But that's okay, we'll all help each other out. Together we can accomplish our goals. I've started drinking a lot more water during the new year. I find that if I drink out of a straw, I can get more down me. Equivalent of five 8 ounce glasses so far. Three more glasses to go. Good luck.

  • Benson
    Benson Posts: 444
    Thanks for the welcome. As far as my water intake, I just started today to follow tamtastic's idea of drinking 3 glases of water before my morning coffee. So I added a couple of glasses with lunch and presto I'm almost there!
    Just wanted to share why the food tracker is so important to me and my success or lack thereof:
    yesterday I did absolutely great. Did a little exercise - ate great from all food groups and was completely on track. Then I stopped by Tim Hortons to get my daughter a Hot Chocolate after Guides and for some stupid reason I ordered myself a cinnamon bun - WHAT?? 470 calories - effectively blowing my day and putting me over by 406 calories So I am going to try to log my PLANNED meals and eat only what is on my list. No exceptions because that's just how easy it is to blow it. This week I'm getting my laptop fixed so I will be able to log on at home

    Hey Betty - if only we were twins on the left to lose side as well I'd be skipping!! You've done a great job.
