50+ Women



  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Morning all :happy:

    Valentine's Day has come and gone and I'm happy for that. I did not go out for Valentine's Day. However, I did go out Sunday. I ate baked stuffed lobster and loved every bite.

    So, I was back to the gym yesterday and going soon today. I find it hard at first to get going but, I know when I do go to the gym and exercise that I can eat the things I like AT TIMES.

    Hope all is doing well, I will check back some time later.

    Bought Bob's Biggest Loser Boot Camp on line and now waiting for it. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Just checking in on this lonely post. I'm getting ready to go to the gym and struggling with water weight gain from my monthly friend. Yes, I still have it. Oh well.

    I'm also struggling with to much sodium in my diet. Not good.

    Hope everyone is doing well.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • chrispchef1
    Well congratulations to all you LOSERS out there! :drinker: (meant in a good way of course)

    I was hoping to see something like this when I stopped by today... definitely need a motivational fix. Or a boot in the you know what to get me going!! It's been a weird few days, hurt my foot snowshoeing and some family issues have re-pointed my compass toward the fridge... :ohwell:

    So I'm going to limp on over to the gym and do some weights, at least it's SOMETHING. Better than nothing right?! (better than whining? um... mmm... that's a tough call)

    I'll do a few extra reps for those of us who seem to be in the 'slump' with me!!

  • Loving2014
    I am new to this site. Sorry to hear about your loss. I am like many of us an emmotional eater. I have a mother and sister who are not well and often their medical problems cause me to eat emotionally. But like you I know its up to me to keep on track.
    I would welcome some friendships on here . Please feel free to write a newbee!
  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    I am new to this site. Sorry to hear about your loss. I am like many of us an emmotional eater. I have a mother and sister who are not well and often their medical problems cause me to eat emotionally. But like you I know its up to me to keep on track.
    I would welcome some friendships on here . Please feel free to write a newbee!

    Welcome to MFP:flowerforyou:

    This really is a great site and I wish you all the best.

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I haven't been feeling :sick: well since the weekend so I have been taking it a little bit easier. Managed to do a bit of a workout and a short walk yesterday. No workout today though since I guess I better save my energy to fight this darn bug.:grumble: Hopefully tomorrow I can get back on track and kick myself in high gear again:happy:

    Hope all are well:flowerforyou:
  • chrispchef1
    Welcome aboard Ro! :flowerforyou:

    I just finished reading an interesting article on SparkPeople about emotional eating... how stress itself releases cortisol and the cortisol in turn reduces our ability to process sugar... cruel, cruel irony!!

    Maybe most people know this already... ? But it was an eye opener for me.

    Still haven't left for the gym... :grumble:

    gotta go now!
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Healthier: sorry to hear you are not feeling well.

    Chris: be careful with that snowshoeing. :wink: I hear ya about family issues. That always puts me over the edge.

    Welcome Ro. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: glad to have you.

    Glad to see peeps here on this thread.

    Hope all our other ladies are doing fine.


    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Hello ladies

    I am dragging myself out the door. I am struggling AGAIN with over eating. I am struggling AGAIN with self pity. I am just struggling.

    I am going to the gym. I hope I am not going to cry. Sometimes as I'm on the elliptical I just feel like crying. Does anyone else have bouts of just going into tears. For the past year that happens so often. Is it part of going through the "change". I hate it. Sometimes I just look at something and begin to cry.

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Hello ladies

    I am dragging myself out the door. I am struggling AGAIN with over eating. I am struggling AGAIN with self pity. I am just struggling.

    I am going to the gym. I hope I am not going to cry. Sometimes as I'm on the elliptical I just feel like crying. Does anyone else have bouts of just going into tears. For the past year that happens so often. Is it part of going through the "change". I hate it. Sometimes I just look at something and begin to cry.


    Just wanted you to know that I understand how you are feeling:flowerforyou: Good for you in going to the gym. That takes a lot of willpower to push yourself when you are feeling so down:heart: Please remember that is why this is such a great thread because we mature women DO understand how you are feeling. Chances are pretty high that we have all been there at one time or another especially as our bodies are making these transitions, but we WILL get through it and become stronger:happy:

    Hang in there, maybe just pamper yourself a little bit, be kind to yourself as you after all deserve it:flowerforyou:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I am new to this site. Sorry to hear about your loss. I am like many of us an emmotional eater. I have a mother and sister who are not well and often their medical problems cause me to eat emotionally. But like you I know its up to me to keep on track.
    I would welcome some friendships on here . Please feel free to write a newbee!

    Welcome. Glad to have you join us. Good luck in your weight loss. :flowerforyou:

  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Hello ladies

    I am dragging myself out the door. I am struggling AGAIN with over eating. I am struggling AGAIN with self pity. I am just struggling.

    I am going to the gym. I hope I am not going to cry. Sometimes as I'm on the elliptical I just feel like crying. Does anyone else have bouts of just going into tears. For the past year that happens so often. Is it part of going through the "change". I hate it. Sometimes I just look at something and begin to cry.


    I'm sorry to hear you're having a rough day. I started going through menopause in my late 40's but yes I remember going through a period of crying over nothing. Fortunately that will pass. At least it did for me. Just hang in there. :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member

    Healther4me & Betty.

    I was really struggling this morning. But, I did not let it keep me from exercising. I just couldn't. I have for so many years let myself go off the deep end and ended up not liking myself. So I am in it for the long run.

    Thanks again for the support. I believe just me expressing it here I did much better.

    I keeping up with the fight.

    BIG ((((((Hugs))))

  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    Kathy, I hope you're feeling better. This is a great group of women - very supportive. I'm going to make more of an effort to log on more regularly. I've been out of my routine (houseguests, going to Florida and then babaysitting a niece and nephew on shcool break) and just downright bad as far as eating and not exercising. I hope I've hit rock bottom now that I'm back where I started at 0 pound lost :mad: Today, I start fresh. I've been to the Y and I'm back on mfp.
    Have a great week-end everyone.
  • zaza54
    zaza54 Posts: 1,475 Member
    One more thing ladies, I do have a general question. Since we are all women over 50, I wondered if anyone has had their ovaries removed and, if so, how did you feel afterwards? I am considering prophylactic removal and I'm having some second thoughts. Apparently, the ovaries continue to secrete very small amounts of testoserone even after menopause, and the complete lack of this hormone could cause more exacerbated symptoms. I am not a good candidate for hormone relpacement therapy so I'm a little concerned about doing this. I've only been menopausal for about 11 months and I really haven't had many symptoms. Feel free to send me a message privately. Thanks.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Good morning:
    ZAZA - Did your doctor recommend the surgery? I went through menopause and am now on the other side of it. I didn't have any problems except weight gain and some very light depression. NOthing that didn't pass after 2 or 3 days (which is about the time of the month I would have been on my period). I haven't had the 'hot flashes' but maybe 3 times in 8 years! My doctor says that after menopause we don't have 'cycles' but my body sure has continued with some of the symptoms!! Every one is different but if the surgery is not needed - if it were me - I wouldn't go through it.

    Should we start a new thread at the beginning of March? I have been AWOL for about a month and was surprised to see the same opening when I came back today. My sisters and I had a huge project we were working on for family and now that it is done I'll have more time to check in. I have been very bad with my eating and I don't even want to weigh myself. I need to get back on track.

    Hope you all have a great day. The sun is shining in Salem, Oregon this morning. Supposed to start raining tonight though and continue for several days. It's okay - that's why we have the green :happy:

  • healthier4me
    healthier4me Posts: 357 Member
    Glad to see you back Esther:flowerforyou: Starting a new thread sounds great!!! Zaza I am glad to see you return too:flowerforyou:

    The scale and my tape measure have not been cooperating very much with me:noway: However, I am not discouraged because my clothes are sure fitting me different so I know that I must be dropping the weight and adding some more muscle tone:bigsmile: That is really encouraging. I got the greatest compliment this week from the massage therapist...she said that I was in "great shape" and that fall I had a couple of weeks ago would have done me in the past but because I had been working out and getting healthy that is why I bounced back so quickly:happy: These comments were like music to my ears:heart:

    I haven't been able to snowshoe because of the icy conditions but I have been working out like a fiend with the treadmill, stationary bike, weight machine and Biggest Loser Bootcamp DVD. I have moved up to level 2 in it. For anyone that is interested I really LOVE:heart: this workout. I tried the 30 Shred and I was not impressed and neither were my knees:frown: So I plan on sticking with the BL Bootcamp one. Stick with what works for you I always say:smile:

    Hope everyone is doing well...hang in there spring is coming:flowerforyou:

    Cheers:drinker: :drinker:
  • plantlady99
    plantlady99 Posts: 1,338 Member
    Glad to see the regulars are back. I'm doing much better. I went to the gym and did cardio and weight training with my sister.

    I'm off to go visit my grandchildren. That's always a treat.

    I'll check in tomorrow.

    Have a great evening.

    A new thread in March sounds great.

    Hope to see you all soon


    THANKS FOR ALL OF YOUR SUPPORT. It means so much to me.
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    Sorry to hear of your loss. I am new at posting here. Am I to understand that 50+Women means those over the age of 50? If so then this is for me. I have found that the weight is so much harder to get off as we get older.
  • Grammymax
    Grammymax Posts: 572 Member
    Yes, we are all 50 or older. But, if someone wants to join us who isn't 50 or older that's fine by me.
    Hope you all have a good evening and a great day tomorrow.