totem12 Member


  • Sugar is great for runners, who need the energy! One question though: how on earth are you not sick of bananas after that many????
  • The more and more research is done on antioxidants, the more the entire myth that consuming vast amounts of antioxidants is good for you is getting busted. Just because something is in healthy foods doesn't mean supplementing with it alone makes you healthier. Just because they play an important role in x,y,z doesn't mean…
  • Definitely Fitness Blender!
  • Ashamed to say I did this once when I was younger and into all the quick fixes. You will be extremely hungry, dizzy and miserable. I actually started waking up in the night with stomach pains. By the time your birthday comes around you will feel like total crap! I'm also guilty of crash dieting for an event, which I think…
  • Personally I like to eat vegetables (and fruits) of some different colours - mostly green is good, but throwing in some carrots, cauliflower, peppers and tomatoes means a good range of nutrients! Also, if you like fruit smoothies, throwing in spinach is a great way to add some more green leaves without even tasting it.
  • Skimmed over, curious to know more about how this research was carried out - particularly the comment on 'lactic acid secretion lowering cellular pH'. The body has very fine tuned homeostatic mechanisms to prevent this sort of thing happening, which makes me think the study is being carried out in a dish of cells. Also, of…
  • The FDA might not say it but it is definitely widely reported across the media!
  • I've often thought about this, my maintenance calories with decent amounts of exercise are around 1600-1700 a day, but then I am pretty small! The problem really is that people don't seem to be able to take on board a more subtle message that includes disclaimers regarding height, weight, activity level. People take '2000…
  • Orrr, when i was younger, I used to do a lot of tomato sauce type dishes (spag bol, chilli etc) and blend veggies into the sauce, like celery and mushrooms. Can't taste them but all the goodness is there.
  • Roasted sweet potato, parsnip, carrots, peppers and cauliflower with garlic...yum! Right now I'm eating a sort of spicy veggie rice, with brown rice, beans, shredded lettuce, tomatoes, carrots, onion, garlic, chillies, peppers, sweetcorn and peas. Add some spices and it's mex delicious.
  • I attended a conference talk where they managed to consistently achieve almost total reversal of C.difficile infections in vunerable patients through faecal transfer. Dubious about the idea of it in 'pill form' though. What bacteria do they decide to put in it? (Seeing as our own microbiome and disease interactions aren't…
  • I find it very hard to believe that diet sodas can make your body conjure up fat from energy that doesn't exist. Maybe they cause cravings for sugar, maybe they make you bloat, but they DO NOT make you GAIN weight.
  • I believe one of the biggest contributors to 'health' is leading a happy, stress free life. Or at least that's my excuse for the wine and pizza :)
  • The amount of liquid in tea and coffee far exceeds any possible diuretic effect from the caffeine - tea and coffee can count towards your liquid intake. However, someone above said there is no set amount people have to drink - this is correct! Drink what you feel thirsty for. If I drink 2 litres of water a day I bloat like…
  • And I would like to add that nothing has made more of a difference to my physique and weight loss than WALKING.
  • THANKYOU I do some resistance training but do not lift HEAVY, for the various reasons listed here. My body looks fine and I am plenty toned and wouldn't consider myself skinny fat at all.
  • I wish I was a man...I would love to be able to eat that much...
  • RI30 is harder than 30DS, but not in the beginning. The first level of RI30 is probably equivalent to level 2 of 30DS. RI30 really starts to kick it up a gear at level 3 though...I haven't attempted level 4 yet because 3 was so hard. Basically, while I would recommend 30DS first, it isn't essential, you might just have to…
  • When I was a teenager I did 500 crunches a day trying to get Britney abs...didn't do a damn thing. Dropped a stone with diet and total body workouts - abs more chiselled than ever!
  • Steak fajitas sound amazing, or steak and sweet potato fries baked in the oven?
  • So much natural fallacy. Something created by people must be evil! Whereas everything in nature was DESIGNED for us to eat! Why are man made drugs ok, but chemicals in food not? A lot of the chemicals in food are there to help with things like food spoilage. Making food safer to eat...
  • One time me and my friends had all ordered calzone, after about half an hour they came out to say sorry for the delay, the chef has sliced his finger off and is going to hospital. Then the food came out about 5 minutes later...and all we could think about when we were eating the tomato sauce was which one of us was going…
  • People say 'if you can't pronounce it, you shouldn't eat it'... It's a wonder all chemists aren't dead already.
  • I've always had skinny chicken legs, and I found just overall weight loss helped get them in the shape I wanted. DO STRENGTH! A bit of leg strength training gives such nice shape, which combined with walking a lot has made my legs less chicken and more shapely yet slim!
  • Depends on the person. There are some people who respond well to probiotics - particularly if you suffer regularly from stomach problems. Me personally, I can't eat anything with probiotics in, gives me crippling stomach cramps.
  • All I can say about Ripped in 30 is... DUCK WALKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • 'I say aspartame is bad because a youtube video told me evil companies make it and I get headaches when I have diet coke' 1. Youtube? Blogpost? No. 2. Evil companies don't do half of the bloody things people give them credit for, and god knows where they get the money to supposedly pay off every damn scientist who has ever…
  • Got up a bit earlier today to grill myself some bacon for breakfast. This is already a GOOD DAY!
  • Yet more false logic. 'Drugs companies can't always be trusted' DOES NOT MEAN 'Alternative medicine works'
  • When alternative medicine works it becomes just 'medicine' If it still has 'alternative' slapped in front of it, it doesn't work. Full stop. One of the biggest compaints of 'alternative medicine' fans is that these remedies are dismissed and never tested by conventional medicine (all in the pay of Big Pharma of course...).…