Worst restaurant experience?



  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Yeah. Once I find an insect leg or hair in my food, that place is history. I was once in line at a fast food restaurant and the lady taking my order had years tuning down her face. I lost my appetite. I am having more and more difficulty eating out.
  • paulei1975
    paulei1975 Posts: 52 Member
    I was so excited about eating at this Tibetan restaurant in the lower east of Manhattan, It was frequented by many important people including, his holiness the Dalai Lama. I entered the establishment to find all the lights off except for the kitchen, there were candles on the tables and around the restaurant. I thought wow this is quite interesting, eating the dark. I ordered my dish and while I was eating I saw a shadow on the table move quite quickly, I thought OK it might be a bug or even your NYC cockroach, which is disgusting, but after living in the city for years you see a few and you hear a few stories, so nothing shocking. I strained my eyes after several more shadows danced around my table, I moved the candle towards the edge of the table and there I saw, nowhere to lie hundreds of roaches running around. I was freaking horrified. I immediately called the waiter to let him know that I'll be leaving and that there were roaches running everywhere. He looked at me like I was a freak and he gave me my bill. No explanation, no excuse. I was told that the reason the roaches were there, because they refused to use any pesticides due to the fact that it's against the Buddhist teachings. I mean when I saw roaches, I saw hundreds and hundreds of them, I had freaking nightmares for weeks after seeing that. Yeah that was my horror story Enjoy
  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Yeah. Once I find an insect leg or hair in my food, that place is history. I was once in line at a fast food restaurant and the lady taking my order had tears running down her face. I lost my appetite. I am having more and more difficulty eating out.
  • AllyCatXandi
    AllyCatXandi Posts: 329 Member
    I think I'm going to have nightmares after reading these :sick:
  • Ed98043
    Ed98043 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I found a fingernail (the tip, not the whole thing) in my Chinese takeout fried rice once. Other than that, eating in foreign countries is always interesting. For instance - I don't want to see fish and shrimp eyes! Cut the heads off! I also ate chicken in Greece once that still had a few feathers attached.
  • shrek1970uk
    shrek1970uk Posts: 83 Member
    I remember getting a curry in a restaurant, and taking a spoonful of mango chutney onto my plate.

    Went back after a while for MORE mango chutney - I had eaten what was already on my plate - and spotting a big juicy fly in the mango chutney jar!!!!

    Bleurgh :(
  • SquidVonBob
    SquidVonBob Posts: 290 Member
    Actually mine was at a nice Italian restaurant in LA. I ordered the chicken fetechini alfredo. I ended up with food poisoning. Not "got a bit sick", food poisoning. Another time my mom was at a restaurant and after taking a bite of food, spit out a bolt head. When she told the manager he asked if he could take it back to show the cooks. Once she gave it to him is mysteriously disappeared.
  • MaryLaura83
    MaryLaura83 Posts: 66 Member
    I for one don't like to complain when eating out though. Just in case they do anything awful to my food.

    LOL I'm the same. I just suffer through the meal, then never return.
  • Sandytoes71
    Sandytoes71 Posts: 463 Member
    I was so excited about eating at this Tibetan restaurant in the lower east of Manhattan, It was frequented by many important people including, his holiness the Dalai Lama. I entered the establishment to find all the lights off except for the kitchen, there were candles on the tables and around the restaurant. I thought wow this is quite interesting, eating the dark. I ordered my dish and while I was eating I saw a shadow on the table move quite quickly, I thought OK it might be a bug or even your NYC cockroach, which is disgusting, but after living in the city for years you see a few and you hear a few stories, so nothing shocking. I strained my eyes after several more shadows danced around my table, I moved the candle towards the edge of the table and there I saw, nowhere to lie hundreds of roaches running around. I was freaking horrified. I immediately called the waiter to let him know that I'll be leaving and that there were roaches running everywhere. He looked at me like I was a freak and he gave me my bill. No explanation, no excuse. I was told that the reason the roaches were there, because they refused to use any pesticides due to the fact that it's against the Buddhist teachings. I mean when I saw roaches, I saw hundreds and hundreds of them, I had freaking nightmares for weeks after seeing that. Yeah that was my horror story Enjoy

    EEEWWWWW!!! But great story lmao!!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    When my son was little we went to Red Robin and he ordered the corn dog. It was still FROZEN when they served it!! Ummm - yuck. I can't remember what we ordered in replacement - but something that wasn't previously frozen!

    I also once ordered fried shrimp at a restaurant and it had a bunch of fishing line in it! At first we thought it was a hair - but then there was more and more and we realized what it was! Crazy!
  • totem12
    totem12 Posts: 194 Member
    One time me and my friends had all ordered calzone, after about half an hour they came out to say sorry for the delay, the chef has sliced his finger off and is going to hospital. Then the food came out about 5 minutes later...and all we could think about when we were eating the tomato sauce was which one of us was going to end up with a bloody finger stump in it (thankfully, that didn't happen).
  • TwistDSG
    TwistDSG Posts: 10 Member
    I don't know if this was on purpose or not but I went to this burger place in New York and found part of a used band-aid in my burger. I don't eat burgers anymore..