Anyone know how to get skinny legs?



  • Escape_Artist
    Escape_Artist Posts: 1,155 Member
    skip leg day at the gym.

  • totem12
    totem12 Posts: 194 Member
    I've always had skinny chicken legs, and I found just overall weight loss helped get them in the shape I wanted. DO STRENGTH! A bit of leg strength training gives such nice shape, which combined with walking a lot has made my legs less chicken and more shapely yet slim!
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Go to Walmart in the exercise section and get 2 waist trimmer belts (they make you sweat off water weight) wrap them around your thighs and go to youtube and find a good cardio workout and just try to do that every night before bed and you thighs should be shrinking in no time

    LMFAO! :noway:
  • Lupercalia
    Lupercalia Posts: 1,857 Member
    Think strength training would bulk up the muscle so wouldn't do that.

    I'd leave the thinking to someone else if I were you. You've made a classic mistake. Strength training =/= muscle building.

    THIS. OP, eat at a caloric deficit to lose fat. Strength train to strengthen your muscles and keep everything looking great. I promise that if you do this, your legs will not become big tree trunks or whatever nonsense people are suggesting in this thread. They will only get smaller and sexier, and STRONGER!
  • Sometimes, legs may not be fat, but look heavy, because of bad circulation. Elevate your legs whenever possible.
    You need to keep your legs well moisturized. Don't let them get dry and scaly, or they'll look really bad. Shave them to have a plain look using your regular hair removal method. This will ensure plain, shiny and thin looking legs. Smooth legs look more appealing than fuzzy legs. Creams can be used as hair removers, and there are quite a number of shaving tools present in the market. But the best natural depilatory is a turmeric paste, apply it before a bath, and leave it on to dry.
    After a bath, make your skin feel good by moisturizing it.
    Get sun exposure. Tan legs look thinner.
    Avoid baths that are too hot Always finish your shower with a cold water jet on your legs. Walking and bicycling are wonderful exercises for shapely legs. At the office, walk up the stairs, instead of taking the elevator!
    Avoid standing for prolonged periods of time to reduce the appearance of varicose veins.
    Walking exercises also help get skinny legs. Remember to count the steps while walking. This will help you to determine the amount of exercise you do everyday. Make sure you gradually increase the exercise, i.e. the number of steps you take.
    Jogging is another exercise to get those beautiful looking slender legs. This exercise requires more energy. It helps a lot in burning fat. Make sure you bring your legs up to your waist while jogging.
    Go swimming, do some laps of freestyle, as this is an effective fat burning exercise and will help you keep your legs in shape.
    Cycling and squats will also help in toning your legs. This is an excellent way of burning fat and building leg and hand muscles, at the same time.
    A treadmill will help you a lot. A simple adjustment can be done on the treadmill to ensure an effective workout. Just raise the treadmill to a 15- 20 degree angle, as walking on an inclined treadmill will require more energy, burn more fat and help in thinning your bulky legs.
    Treadmill walking for 20-25 minutes everyday, for about a month, is the best way to get skinny legs.
    Step-ups are another exercise to get skinny and firm legs. Take a step-up bench and start your exercise. Step on it with one foot, then bring the other leg on the bench, now bring down the first leg and then the second. Continue doing this for 7 minutes nonstop. You can start with less time and slowly increase the time.
    Elevate or raise your legs when sleeping  
    Riding a bike is great for thinning your butt, hips, and thighs. Get your glutes involved by leading with your heels when you push down on the pedals. On the upswing, pull up on the pedal (providing you've got foot straps) to make sure you're using every part of your legs during your workout. For brief periods, lift your butt off the seat and slowly pedal as you contract the butt.
    Weight loss and weight training are two important elements when trying to obtain toned and skinny arms and legs. You MUST watch what you eat
    When working out for toned arms and legs, make sure to avoid using heavy weights. Using heavy weights will help gain muscle. Although toning your arms means building muscles, you want to use lighter weights to avoid excess size. Most people find using 8lb weights sufficient to toning their legs.
    Drinking lots of water will help flush out toxins in your body that causes you to get fat.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Sometimes, legs may not be fat, but look heavy, because of bad circulation. Elevate your legs whenever possible.
    You need to keep your legs well moisturized. Don't let them get dry and scaly, or they'll look really bad. Shave them to have a plain look using your regular hair removal method. This will ensure plain, shiny and thin looking legs. Smooth legs look more appealing than fuzzy legs. Creams can be used as hair removers, and there are quite a number of shaving tools present in the market. But the best natural depilatory is a turmeric paste, apply it before a bath, and leave it on to dry.
    After a bath, make your skin feel good by moisturizing it.
    Get sun exposure. Tan legs look thinner.
    Avoid baths that are too hot Always finish your shower with a cold water jet on your legs. Walking and bicycling are wonderful exercises for shapely legs. At the office, walk up the stairs, instead of taking the elevator!
    Avoid standing for prolonged periods of time to reduce the appearance of varicose veins.
    Walking exercises also help get skinny legs. Remember to count the steps while walking. This will help you to determine the amount of exercise you do everyday. Make sure you gradually increase the exercise, i.e. the number of steps you take.
    Jogging is another exercise to get those beautiful looking slender legs. This exercise requires more energy. It helps a lot in burning fat. Make sure you bring your legs up to your waist while jogging.
    Go swimming, do some laps of freestyle, as this is an effective fat burning exercise and will help you keep your legs in shape.
    Cycling and squats will also help in toning your legs. This is an excellent way of burning fat and building leg and hand muscles, at the same time.
    A treadmill will help you a lot. A simple adjustment can be done on the treadmill to ensure an effective workout. Just raise the treadmill to a 15- 20 degree angle, as walking on an inclined treadmill will require more energy, burn more fat and help in thinning your bulky legs.
    Treadmill walking for 20-25 minutes everyday, for about a month, is the best way to get skinny legs.
    Step-ups are another exercise to get skinny and firm legs. Take a step-up bench and start your exercise. Step on it with one foot, then bring the other leg on the bench, now bring down the first leg and then the second. Continue doing this for 7 minutes nonstop. You can start with less time and slowly increase the time.
    Elevate or raise your legs when sleeping  
    Riding a bike is great for thinning your butt, hips, and thighs. Get your glutes involved by leading with your heels when you push down on the pedals. On the upswing, pull up on the pedal (providing you've got foot straps) to make sure you're using every part of your legs during your workout. For brief periods, lift your butt off the seat and slowly pedal as you contract the butt.
    Weight loss and weight training are two important elements when trying to obtain toned and skinny arms and legs. You MUST watch what you eat
    When working out for toned arms and legs, make sure to avoid using heavy weights. Using heavy weights will help gain muscle. Although toning your arms means building muscles, you want to use lighter weights to avoid excess size. Most people find using 8lb weights sufficient to toning their legs.
    Drinking lots of water will help flush out toxins in your body that causes you to get fat.

    Wow.... a wall of text full of fail.

  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Not sure how long you plan to baby your knee but keeping a brace on it will keep it from gaining strength and stabilizing rather than help now that the injury is healed. I had a compression fracture of my tibia from hyper extension during an accident. Once it was healed the best thing I did was find a physiotherapist that encouraged strengthening all my leg muscles to better support my knee and tossing away the brace.

    You can't spot reduce your legs and if chicken legs was your natural body shape then by losing the weight you'll have chicken legs again. Get back to exercise and diet to get your body back.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    skip leg day at the gym.

    also make sure all your cardio is upper body based.

    you cant spot reduce fat but you can lose muscle in those areas. larger people would have bigger leg muscles as they are carrying the extra weight around. if you drop the weight but not keep legs active, the legs will shrink also

    every word of this is consistently bad advice
    have a look at the legs of people in wheelchairs. its an extreme case but they are virtually skin and bone.

    the less you use the legs the skinnier they will be.

    but perhaps you're trolling the OP. carry on.

    i never said it was good advice, but the question was simply how to get skinny legs. this will most likely work.

    agree with all of this.

    it's not good advice- but it would get the results requested.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Yup, if your goal is tiny legs, a calorie deficit and not using your legs will get you there.