Diet drinks advice..



  • KathieSwenson
    This one hits close to home for me. Yes there are many scientific evidence stating that diet sodas
    can make you gain instead of loose. They cause cravings, they cause a slowdown of the metabolic system, but most importantly the chemicals threat are contained in that nutra sweet can cause adverse health effects such as seizures, headaches, cancer, mood disorders, ect. For me it's seizures. 1 can of diet soda will put me in the emergency room. Look up "dangers of nutra sweet/ aspartame on google. You will be shocked about what it says. The main thing you have to know is that everything you put into your body is broken down into smaller ingredients for your body to digest and apply where needed. Nutra sweet breaks down into its smallest parts as formaldehyde (cancer causing chemical that is found in just about anything you eat but not to the degree that it is in nutra sweet, and also used in embalming people for burial. Hmmm isn't that ironic) and ethyl alcohol. And extremely deadly form of alcohol that is not readily available to just ingest like that. We'll kinda it is rubbing alcohol). Formaldehyde then breaks down into amino proteins and acts as a neurotoxin. Hmmm now why would I want to poison my nuero abilities, brain). That's the brunt of it. Most people have an intolerance to it and don't know it because they have been ingesting it for so long. We found out about mine through a series of ekg's. And cat scans while they were determining if I was epileptic at 5 yrs old. Somy advice is to cut it out for a full month and see what happens. Add it back in after a month if you feel "funny" in anyway, lack of sleep, cravings,headaches, seizures, memory loss, ect. Stop it immediately. Nutra sweet is extremely bad stuf!
  • KathieSwenson
    Have a few glasses of pepsi max a day. Helps with cravings and has NOT stopped me losing weight. I don't really believe in the scare stories.

    You should. I am severely allergic and intolerant to the evil stuff. It is cancer causing and causes me the have seizures. I have to check everything for nutra sweet/aspartame!
  • GBPack93
    Personally I never had a problem with diet soda (other than the aftertaste) for weight loss. I think the people who say it "causes" you to crave more sweets or slows your metabolism, or w/e had personal negative experiences with drinking diet soda. Mostly it is based on the individual. Personally I would say drink up, if your not losing weight re evaluate your diet and go from there.
  • JaxDemon
    JaxDemon Posts: 403 Member
    Have a few glasses of pepsi max a day. Helps with cravings and has NOT stopped me losing weight. I don't really believe in the scare stories.

    You should. I am severely allergic and intolerant to the evil stuff. It is cancer causing and causes me the have seizures. I have to check everything for nutra sweet/aspartame!

    Show me scientific proof it does all that and maybe I will believe it. Btw smoking causes cancer so they say but according to scientists everyone has cancer it just lies dormant in some people.
  • alienrite
    alienrite Posts: 314 Member
    There seems to be a varied response to diet soda. For me, I noticed a significant increase in my appetite when I drink large quantities of diet soda. My weight gain accelerated after I switched to diet soda to limit my calories. I won't claim there's a real connection but there's an emotional connection for me. I'm much happier and feel generally better when I limit my artificial sweetener consumption. That being said, many people seem to do great with them. Listen to your body and try different the end you're the only one living with your body
  • PinkNinjaLaura
    PinkNinjaLaura Posts: 3,202 Member
    I used to drink 8-10 cans of diet coke a day. I got down to 1-2. Then I gave it up. I no longer have acid reflux or daily headaches (both of which come back within a few days of trying to work it back into my diet). The stuff is addictive. I primarily drink water & tea but I still crave diet coke, even knowing it's going to make me feel crappy.

    Does it affect my weight loss? Yes, not necessarily because anything in diet coke directly impacts my weight loss, but because without acid reflux or headaches I make better food choices and can work out harder.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    This one hits close to home for me. Yes there are many scientific evidence stating that diet sodas
    can make you gain instead of loose. They cause cravings, they cause a slowdown of the metabolic system, but most importantly the chemicals threat are contained in that nutra sweet can cause adverse health effects such as seizures, headaches, cancer, mood disorders, ect. For me it's seizures. 1 can of diet soda will put me in the emergency room. Look up "dangers of nutra sweet/ aspartame on google. You will be shocked about what it says. The main thing you have to know is that everything you put into your body is broken down into smaller ingredients for your body to digest and apply where needed. Nutra sweet breaks down into its smallest parts as formaldehyde (cancer causing chemical that is found in just about anything you eat but not to the degree that it is in nutra sweet, and also used in embalming people for burial. Hmmm isn't that ironic) and ethyl alcohol. And extremely deadly form of alcohol that is not readily available to just ingest like that. We'll kinda it is rubbing alcohol). Formaldehyde then breaks down into amino proteins and acts as a neurotoxin. Hmmm now why would I want to poison my nuero abilities, brain). That's the brunt of it. Most people have an intolerance to it and don't know it because they have been ingesting it for so long. We found out about mine through a series of ekg's. And cat scans while they were determining if I was epileptic at 5 yrs old. Somy advice is to cut it out for a full month and see what happens. Add it back in after a month if you feel "funny" in anyway, lack of sleep, cravings,headaches, seizures, memory loss, ect. Stop it immediately. Nutra sweet is extremely bad stuf!
    This is completely false. To start with, an apple has over 10 times more formaldehyde than a diet soda. There is actually ZERO scientific evidence for any of the claims you are making. As for ethyl alcohol? That's the kind of alcohol in beer and wine. Formaldehyde also doesn't become a neurotoxin, it's metabolized into formic acid and exhaled from the lungs. It's actually a quite normal part of the respiration cycle, every time you breathe out, you're exhaling formaldehyde.
  • KathieSwenson
    Have a few glasses of pepsi max a day. Helps with cravings and has NOT stopped me losing weight. I don't really believe in the scare stories.

    You should. I am severely allergic and intolerant to the evil stuff. It is cancer causing and causes me the have seizures. I have to check everything for nutra sweet/aspartame!

    Show me scientific proof it does all that and maybe I will believe it. Btw smoking causes cancer so they say but according to scientists everyone has cancer it just lies dormant in some people.

    I have ekg's and cat scans to prove it but I will not post my private medical records so that you can believe it. It was stupid to ask me to do that. However I posted just 4 documentation a in the post before that for it. I do know I will not touch the stuff again till I'm admitted into the hospital and have full testing done before and after because it will cause a seizure. I have not had a seizure in 30 years since I was diagnosed and taken off it and even then my physician was having trouble believing it. Don't ever accuse someone of liveng to you about it. You may just find out that one product would cause them to die if the ever got ahold of it.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Have a few glasses of pepsi max a day. Helps with cravings and has NOT stopped me losing weight. I don't really believe in the scare stories.

    You should. I am severely allergic and intolerant to the evil stuff. It is cancer causing and causes me the have seizures. I have to check everything for nutra sweet/aspartame!

    Show me scientific proof it does all that and maybe I will believe it. Btw smoking causes cancer so they say but according to scientists everyone has cancer it just lies dormant in some people.

    I have ekg's and cat scans to prove it but I will not post my private medical records so that you can believe it. It was stupid to ask me to do that. However I posted just 4 documentation a in the post before that for it. I do know I will not touch the stuff again till I'm admitted into the hospital and have full testing done before and after because it will cause a seizure. I have not had a seizure in 30 years since I was diagnosed and taken off it and even then my physician was having trouble believing it. Don't ever accuse someone of liveng to you about it. You may just find out that one product would cause them to die if the ever got ahold of it.
    It sounds like you have PKU, which means you can't process phenylalanine, which is one of the ingredients in aspartame. Just because you are allergic to it, doesn't make it bad. It means it is bad for YOU. Millions of people are allergic to strawberries, I don't see people trying to get everyone else to stop eating strawberries.
  • MichMunchkin
    MichMunchkin Posts: 94 Member
    Have a few glasses of pepsi max a day. Helps with cravings and has NOT stopped me losing weight. I don't really believe in the scare stories.

    You should. I am severely allergic and intolerant to the evil stuff. It is cancer causing and causes me the have seizures. I have to check everything for nutra sweet/aspartame!

    OK, so you're severely allergic to the stuff. Not everyone is. Don't get me wrong, I don't exactly believe that aspartame is made of pixie dust or anything, but the fact that YOU are allergic to it doesn't mean that everyone else has to completely avoid it.
  • KathieSwenson
    This one hits close to home for me. Yes there are many scientific evidence stating that diet sodas
    can make you gain instead of loose. They cause cravings, they cause a slowdown of the metabolic system, but most importantly the chemicals threat are contained in that nutra sweet can cause adverse health effects such as seizures, headaches, cancer, mood disorders, ect. For me it's seizures. 1 can of diet soda will put me in the emergency room. Look up "dangers of nutra sweet/ aspartame on google. You will be shocked about what it says. The main thing you have to know is that everything you put into your body is broken down into smaller ingredients for your body to digest and apply where needed. Nutra sweet breaks down into its smallest parts as formaldehyde (cancer causing chemical that is found in just about anything you eat but not to the degree that it is in nutra sweet, and also used in embalming people for burial. Hmmm isn't that ironic) and ethyl alcohol. And extremely deadly form of alcohol that is not readily available to just ingest like that. We'll kinda it is rubbing alcohol). Formaldehyde then breaks down into amino proteins and acts as a neurotoxin. Hmmm now why would I want to poison my nuero abilities, brain). That's the brunt of it. Most people have an intolerance to it and don't know it because they have been ingesting it for so long. We found out about mine through a series of ekg's. And cat scans while they were determining if I was epileptic at 5 yrs old. Somy advice is to cut it out for a full month and see what happens. Add it back in after a month if you feel "funny" in anyway, lack of sleep, cravings,headaches, seizures, memory loss, ect. Stop it immediately. Nutra sweet is extremely bad stuf!
    This is completely false. To start with, an apple has over 10 times more formaldehyde than a diet soda. There is actually ZERO scientific evidence for any of the claims you are making. As for ethyl alcohol? That's the kind of alcohol in beer and wine. Formaldehyde also doesn't become a neurotoxin, it's metabolized into formic acid and exhaled from the lungs. It's actually a quite normal part of the respiration cycle, every time you breathe out, you're exhaling formaldehyde.

    You are wrong it is not the formaldehyde it is the amino proteins that are the nuero toxins. It is not false and as I have said I will not put my personal medical records out the for you to critique you are not the medical profession who tried to put me on epileptic medicine at age 5 and the one that tested me and told my parents that it was the nutra sweet. All I can do is ask you to go out and research it before making the claims that what someone said is false. I have posted four links on the dangers of it one showing how
    W it got approved to begin with. Did you know it was banned by the FDA twice! Did you know what it breaks down into. My suspicions are you haven't ever known anyone that did have an allergic reaction/ intolerance to it so I bet you just going to say I'm liking so that you can look better! People amaze me. Did you even read my post. Doubt it because you would have seen that I said it was in ALL natural substances .

    Don't tell someone who has experienced it that the are wrong! That like telling an alcoholic that he can have all the alcohol he wants and it will never affect him. Not everyone has reactions to the amino proteins but if they do they can cause that person. To die much like peanuts and peanut allergies.
  • BlackandWhitePhotoOp
    In my experience, I used to drink diet sodas because of the zero calories. However, the ingredients are just terrible for the teeth and insides. Now, if I wan to treat myself to a soda, I just have a small regular. If your craving something sweet try homemade lemonade or sweet tea ( with homemade you can control the sugar intake). :drinker:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    This one hits close to home for me. Yes there are many scientific evidence stating that diet sodas
    can make you gain instead of loose. They cause cravings, they cause a slowdown of the metabolic system, but most importantly the chemicals threat are contained in that nutra sweet can cause adverse health effects such as seizures, headaches, cancer, mood disorders, ect. For me it's seizures. 1 can of diet soda will put me in the emergency room. Look up "dangers of nutra sweet/ aspartame on google. You will be shocked about what it says. The main thing you have to know is that everything you put into your body is broken down into smaller ingredients for your body to digest and apply where needed. Nutra sweet breaks down into its smallest parts as formaldehyde (cancer causing chemical that is found in just about anything you eat but not to the degree that it is in nutra sweet, and also used in embalming people for burial. Hmmm isn't that ironic) and ethyl alcohol. And extremely deadly form of alcohol that is not readily available to just ingest like that. We'll kinda it is rubbing alcohol). Formaldehyde then breaks down into amino proteins and acts as a neurotoxin. Hmmm now why would I want to poison my nuero abilities, brain). That's the brunt of it. Most people have an intolerance to it and don't know it because they have been ingesting it for so long. We found out about mine through a series of ekg's. And cat scans while they were determining if I was epileptic at 5 yrs old. Somy advice is to cut it out for a full month and see what happens. Add it back in after a month if you feel "funny" in anyway, lack of sleep, cravings,headaches, seizures, memory loss, ect. Stop it immediately. Nutra sweet is extremely bad stuf!
    This is completely false. To start with, an apple has over 10 times more formaldehyde than a diet soda. There is actually ZERO scientific evidence for any of the claims you are making. As for ethyl alcohol? That's the kind of alcohol in beer and wine. Formaldehyde also doesn't become a neurotoxin, it's metabolized into formic acid and exhaled from the lungs. It's actually a quite normal part of the respiration cycle, every time you breathe out, you're exhaling formaldehyde.

    You are wrong it is not the formaldehyde it is the amino proteins that are the nuero toxins. It is not false and as I have said I will not put my personal medical records out the for you to critique you are not the medical profession who tried to put me on epileptic medicine at age 5 and the one that tested me and told my parents that it was the nutra sweet. All I can do is ask you to go out and research it before making the claims that what someone said is false. I have posted four links on the dangers of it one showing how
    W it got approved to begin with. Did you know it was banned by the FDA twice! Did you know what it breaks down into. My suspicions are you haven't ever known anyone that did have an allergic reaction/ intolerance to it so I bet you just going to say I'm liking so that you can look better! People amaze me. Did you even read my post. Doubt it because you would have seen that I said it was in ALL natural substances .

    Don't tell someone who has experienced it that the are wrong! That like telling an alcoholic that he can have all the alcohol he wants and it will never affect him. Not everyone has reactions to the amino proteins but if they do they can cause that person. To die much like peanuts and peanut allergies.
    No. Again, you aren't listening. SOMETHING IS BAD FOR YOU. THAT DOESN'T MEAN IT IS BAD FOR EVERYONE. The science disagrees with your anecdote.
  • KathieSwenson

    More scientific research stating 75% of all people have adverse reactions. Hmm guess the other 35%. Is okay to drink. You take the test cut it out for 30 days the. Add it back in. If you have any of the symptoms listed in the article then it's bad for you. If not. Then fine you do what you want to do. That's my challenge to you? I dare you to try it.
  • totem12
    totem12 Posts: 194 Member
    I find it very hard to believe that diet sodas can make your body conjure up fat from energy that doesn't exist. Maybe they cause cravings for sugar, maybe they make you bloat, but they DO NOT make you GAIN weight.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member

    More scientific research stating 75% of all people have adverse reactions. Hmm guess the other 35%. Is okay to drink. You take the test cut it out for 30 days the. Add it back in. If you have any of the symptoms listed in the article then it's bad for you. If not. Then fine you do what you want to do. That's my challenge to you? I dare you to try it.
    Mercola is NOT scientific evidence. He's been completely discredited by the medical community due to the fact that he manufactures evidence. Aspartame intolerances are actually incredibly rare, hence why your doctor couldn't believe the diagnosis.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,775 Member
    Diet soda has no sugar or calories and will not actually effect true weight loss. The sodium in diet drinks could cause some water retention.

    I thought the sodium in carbonated soft drinks (regular or diet) was huge a major factor in my water retention, until I actually checked the labels. Diet Coke, 12 oz serving has 40g sodium. Regular Dr Pepper, 12 oz serving has 55g sodium. Not enough to worry about.
  • KathieSwenson
    The last article is the best one that I just posted. Read it it shows how everything works together to create the problems. A lot of this stuff I found out in 96 when I was being questioned by a psychologist/doctor about what nutra sweet did to me personally. I can not remember now but I think he was a psychologist. If 75% of all people have problems with this then that's saying that roughly 7 out of 10 people will have some form of reaction the the chemicals in the aspartame. I found out recently that there is a difference between intolerant and allergic. Intolerant is a gradual process. It may take days if not weeks to have a "reaction" allergies are instantaneous. Example of allergies are me and nutra sweet. I drink a diet soda I have a seizure within 30 mins. Or, a person with peanut allergies who eats a peanut and their airways close up. You can be intolerant to a food and not have an allergy to. That's why I ask that if you are so certain that you aren't having reactions to this item that you take that test cut it out 30 days and then add it back in and see how you feel. I promise I'm not lieing. This stuff is really bad stuff and should have never been approved for consumption.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    When your fat burning engine is revved up, a diet drink will stop it in its tracks. Further, the sodium in those things makes you thirsty for more and makes you retain fluid. Stay away from them. Find flavored fizzy mineral water and get used to the taste of it. It is an adjustment, but you will come to appreciate the clean flavor and feel of them.

    I also like drinking unsweetened soy milk with meals.

    Do you have any evidence to support this? Because I have never heard this to be true.

    it's true about cars

    you can convert diesel car engines to run on vegetable oil. Thus you have a fat burning engine. I can pretty much guarantee that if you poured a large quantity of diet soda into the fuel tank of such a car, it would cause the fat burning engine to totally malfunction.