PhotogirlTX Member


  • I've been silently following this thread since the beginning and I am working on day 17 of no alcohol too. I don't feel that I really ever had a problem, but last fall and into the holidays, I was noticing I was drinking so much more than usual. I had several reasons, mainly stress from work, my oldest daughter moving out…
  • Colorado! And still looking for snow this season!
  • Sent you a friend request.. I really need friends! :-) Back at it again with 80 to 100 to lose.. but more importantly for me, to get my active life back and to enjoy myself! I live in Colorado and everyone around me is healthy and fit.. I need to fit in! :-)
  • I've had PF for over 20 years.. I got some orthotics made for my feet and they help out so much. When I don't have those around (or I have misplaced them) like on vacation or something, I use KT Tape. They have a video on their website on how to wrap your foot. It's amazing how much of a difference that tape makes on my…
  • Any and all Foo Fighters!
  • Good Luck Peggy... I just started back yesterday myself.. and have 75 pounds to lose. No set plan, other than log my food and get my steps/exercise in everyday. I'm 48 and would like to have this under control before I turn 50.
  • Vail Valley, Colorado
  • I live in Colorado, so we hike any chance we get... right now, trying to decide which 14er we are going to do next! I will definitely be getting out this weekend for a nice hike!
  • Spring lettuce mix with red bell peppers, red onion, cherry tomatoes and cucumber... a tablespoon of light raspberry vinegrette with an ounce of blue cheese. And a cup of homemade pinto beans. And of course.. lots of water!
  • I just started an Olympic weight lifting class this month. Three times a week for four weeks. Last night was my first night and I learned how to do a deadlift. Today I am sore, but I love it! I know this will help my core strength and will really help me with my fitness goals!! You can do this! Just take the first step and…
  • 56.6 pounds to go! 33.4 already lost. I have my goal date for December 3rd... but If I continue to lose as I have been, I'll hit it sometime in October!
  • I usually have the same breakfast and lunch. Dinner is my time to mix things up a bit, but like you said, it is easier for me to plan, shop and prepare when everything is the same.
  • Love it! Love the feedback I get every day.. love how it links to MFP, to my Withings scale. I have lost 31 pounds since December 3rd using this armband. It is pretty accurate and the more you wear it, the more accurate it becomes. On days that I've been sitting at my work desk all day I can see how much I HAVE NOT moved..…
  • You had one cupcake. This means you still know how to enjoy life! Get over it! :-) Eat healthy for the rest of the day, and continue on your journey tomorrow. You got this! I take time to enjoy anything I want, I I have still managed to average a 2 pound lose each week, in the past 15 weeks. You can't deprive yourself, but…
  • I'm 5'2" and my goal is to lose 90 pounds. Since December 3rd, I am down 31.3 of those pounds, giving me 58.7 more to loose! Right now, I don't have any pictures, but I am focused and this time, I know I am getting it off for good. Totally into the lifestyle change and loving the results! I've given myself a year to get…
  • I still use my HRM along with my BMF band.. but I love to see the numbers. If you do something like a stationary bike, the BMF band will not register that, so definitely use your HRM for that as well.
  • I have used Jay Robb in the past (in fact, still have a lot in my pantry) and while it was good to make just a shake when you wanted it, I found that once I started making my fruit smooties, I wanted something that was unsweetened and without any flavors, so I am now using NOW Whey Protein Isolate. I tried putting the Jay…
  • I did a 5K a couple of weeks ago, That Dam Run 5K in Cherry Creek... I am looking at the Title Nine 9K race in Boulder on Mother's day. I am signed up for the half marathon in Steamboat Springs on June 2nd. Also, here in the Vail Valley they have the Sportiva Trail Series. I am thinking about trying that, especially since…
  • I just did my first 5K a week ago... here is my advice.. if you train on a treadmill like did, get OUTSIDE. It was much harder than I thought it would be. I am now trying to get outside to do my training and my walking.. weather is finally getting nice enough. I found out big time this week that I need to be training…
  • I am 5'2" so I understand... I almost am to the point I can walk at 4 mph.. its hard. However, I use my heart rate monitor to gauge my workout so I still know I am getting a great workout, even at 3.5 - 4.0 mph. Just keep it up, its not skewing your progress... you just can't use what the exercise default data says. I say,…
  • I will drink them in a pinch, otherwise, I use my own blender to make my homemade smoothies.
  • I think once you start training for the 5K you might see some movement. However, like everyone said... you have done a fantastic job!!! Celebrate your greatness!
  • Only real food here. No diet, no low fat, no processed. Nada. I don't drink soda... I have wine and beer from time to time... but mainly, I have fresh fruits and veggies... beans, chicken, beef and fish. Now my diary may be boring because I have the same things all the time... but if I want something I eat it.. I just make…
  • Put them in your freezer. You can have one when you are done! You might even forget about them once they are in there!
  • ^^^^ This I've given myself a year to lose weight... however, I know that I won't make my goal by then as that would mean I would have to continue to lose 2 pounds a week until the end of October, and that isn't possible. So my goal is to be better off then than I am NOW! Whatever weight I shall be will be much better than…
  • Go to their site and order a larger band. What it comes with is size Medium. I have no problem with my band.. and I love it when I have to tighten it up because it is getting too loose!
  • I have had my BodyMedia since December 5th.. worn it every single day. LOVE IT. I have a Garmin 405CX and I use it as a heart rate monitor. I use it on the treadmill, on the elliptical, when I am doing a tape like Charlean Extreme. While it doesn't calculate the distance, it does a great job of tracking my heart rate. I…
  • Straight up, on the rocks. Oh.. and i love my Tervis waterbottle.
  • I second the suggestion of Smartwool and Sierra Trading Post. Also look into Steep and Cheap. They have great deals about every 20 minutes. I run in Smartwool and Icebreaker all the time. Socks, shirts, pants, etc. Best stuff out there! Edited because it is Steep and Cheap not Cheap and Steep! :-)
  • Your quote says it all. "One Day at a Time". I live by this motto. I too have been without a job since August. I finally accepted one yesterday. December 3rd, I was the heaviest I have been since having my daughter, 13 years ago. I suffer with depression. However, here I am, 20 pounds lighter, and I have regulated my…