

  • I am in the midst of re-motivating myself, so I know what you mean about support! I have a great fiance who is a former power lifter and he has me doing strength training M W F and Cardio T Th S... I choose to do the Saturday workout because I still have a lot to lose but I could have choosen to have 2 days off. Plus I…
  • I found the post again... wooohooo! I can't believe I haven't remembered to follow-up with this challenge. SW 220.5 CW 217.0
  • I have a few of the DVDs and I use the Express DVD a lot in the mornings around 4am before going to work. I find that my day seems to go better when I do this.
  • Hi and welcome to MFP! Feel free to add me as a friend. Its great to share what's going on and encouraging each other when we need it.
  • Sugars are carbs and part of the total carbs you will find on the nutrition label. Having a separate sugar count helps those of us that need to watch our sugar intake, but I'm not sure if that is the reason they have it listed separately.
  • Sounds like a Great Challenge to me and being in the US I have Thanksgiving holiday to get through as well. Its hard to believe only 14 weeks until Christmas! Location: South Carolina I like: Lindor chocolate balls I don't like: waking up at 4am to go to work Current typical or usual exercise: walking and exercise dvds. I…
  • Welcome to MFP. I started in June and have found this website to be extremely valuable. Good luck to you both on your new adventure!
  • Welcome to MFP. I really enjoy having the app on my iPhone so I can keep track of the calories as I consume them. Although the last couple of days have been difficult, sometimes life is just like that. I still found myself recording everything which means its becoming 2nd naure to me and that's a good thing. Good luck with…
  • WOOT! WOOT!! Great job!
  • Welcome to MFP and you've made a great decision. I've been getting healthier for the past 3 months and its the best decision I ever made... I'm feeling better than I have in years. And you will too. :)
  • Hello and welcome to MFP. I was diagnosed with type 2 Diabetes in 2002. My last A1c was 5.6 and that was a week ago, so I'm pretty happy with the results for all the healthy living I've been doing lately :) Although what I eat is important watching my calorie intake and trying to keep a nutritious balance between carbs,…
  • I like celery stuffed with laughing cow light original swiss wedge. I'm a diabetic, but have it completely under control at the moment and I intend to keep it that way :) I also like to snack on baby dill pickles and sugar-free sweet petities.
  • When you buy the next size down and then realize its too big for you too. First time that ever happened to me and I loved it! :)
  • Hello! It sounds like you are pretty well set with your exercise equipment. Lots of variety. That's key for me, changing my diet and exercise up when possible so I don't get in a rut or get bored. I have a set number of calories I eat a day and that allows me a little flexibility. I do try to get in the number of servings…
    in Hello Comment by kitt7769 August 2010
  • Eating the number of calories that are adjusted after exercise calories have been added will help maintain your weight, but not lose or lose as much if you stick with your planned calorie intake.
  • Also remember the amount of calories you burn depends upon your weight and the amount of effort you put into the exercise. So if you work out of a machine or treadmill you need to input that information to get a more accurate number.
  • Deadly Decisions by Kathy Reichs I love to read and found lots of great ideas from everyone. Thanks. :)
  • I can't seem to grow anything... herbs, houseplants, etc... but thanks for the information. Makes me want to give it another try.
  • I hate when they weigh me with my shoes on at the doctor's office. I always seem to be wearing my heaviest shoes too!
  • Thanks for the welcome everyone! :)
  • I'm doing a wellness program at a local University Medical Center and they have me weighing every day at the same time under the same conditions. I think that is probably the most important thing when you are tracking your weight that it is under the same conditions around the same time.