DarrenSeeley Member


  • Cut in half and stir fry with soy sauce, garlic and ginger
  • As others have said it will NOT be muscle gain. You will not put on muscle in a maintenance or calorie deficit. If you feel you haven't eaten 10500 calories more than you've burned then it will all even out in time. It is likely to be water weight. Water is THE most important thing for our bodies, which is why you will die…
  • I think this statement is a little broad. A lot of people do eat their workout calories, but you don't have to. If you do you're only losing net calories from food, (notwithstanding the amazing benefit of exercise on its own) which for some people would be frustrating few! 500 less calories is a lot less food but equates…
  • Honestly, it sounds like he is trying to use you. If he wants to rebuild the relationship then that's great, but you should tell him that you don't want it to be based around sex. I would even go so far as to suggest you ban the subject as this will allow you to concentrate on the foundation of any new relationship you can…
  • Hi I personally don't think taking a bcca supplement would be appropriate for you at this stage. You should be able to get your essential amino acids from the protein in your diet. If you have hit a plateau you could maintain a high level of good quality protein and introduce some low carb days. This could get things…
  • Fantastic post and basically is exactly my own experience. I'm still not sure if I actually like the running part of running but I love the mental challenge which like you got me from 0 to 5k very quickly. There are several stages for me including definite "STOP RIGHT NOW" ones, but they don't last long and euphoria takes…
  • Hi The most important thing is that your form is correct. Not everyone gets sore but changing the exercise you do regularly will challenge your muscles. Your should be struggling to lift the final 2-3 reps of the last set. What I do (and there are many variations) is once I start to not struggle. I increase the weight and…
  • You won't actually build "any" muscle in a calorie deficit diet. With hard work and getting your diet exactly right you can maintain most muscle keeping your metabolism steady and therefore fat burning at it's maximum. This is why weight training should be an important part of all weight loss regimes. Fruit is not bad, but…
  • Hi I use blueberries too, but also cinnamon, flax seeds and a small teaspoon of peanut butter. best wishes
  • In my opinion if you feel like asking " are you pregnant" to a stranger, and a list of reasons why you perhaps should not ask don't immediately come into your head then this is ignorance. I wouldn't think someone is mean for doing it, but this lack of empathy can be offensive. We are all here to help one another. Some of…
  • For most of the exercises you've mentioned the straight bar will be the best. The EZ Bar is normally used for curling exercises because it positions the hands in a better position reducing the strain on the wrists. You can do dumbell/concentration/hammer curls instead. best wishes
  • Surely we can only take a relative guess? No one knows "exactly" how many calories they burn regardless of how much your Garmin HR monitor watch costs. There are so many factors we cannot measure out of the lab such as lean muscle mass, vo2max etc. Based on all the broad factors we can use, the OP's calorie burn for 65mins…
  • Egg yolks are not bad, but are a good thing to drop if you want a lower fat meal. I personally use fresh egg whites from a carton which I add to one whole egg to make omelettes, scrambled eggs etc.
  • I'm always inspired. There's a guy in my gym who I call Little Big Guy because when i joined he was probably about 250lbs. He must be 140 now. I often think of telling him that he's been a motivtor for me some days because he works SO hard, but as others have said I wouldn't want to make him feel uncomfortable.
  • You use the term "Judge" but I would have thought that most people would just be concerned with your health and would raise concerns if they had them. I have no idea how low your calories are but you make a big deal about people "lecturing" you about "eating disorders" and "starvation mode". This suggests to me that more…
  • Generalising about mens' ability to follow instructions. That's SUCH a woman thing to do. ;-)
  • Until last summer, I hadn't run since school 30 odd years ago. I was already weight training in the gym and I had a holiday coming up in Yellowstone Park. I had this crazy idea of doing a short jog through the park, so at 42, I taught myself to run which was against all my natural ability and brain wiring. I loved the…
  • Brilliant. The perfect example and inspiration for everyone. Well done.
  • Firstly, I understand that you have love handles and you want to reduce the size of them - perfectly understandable. You won't change this by doing oblique exercises. Your love handles are fat so unless you reduce overall fat through diet and proper exercise they will remain. A general strength training regime, especially…
  • Remember the totals on MFP are fairly arbitrary when it comes to percentages of carbs fat and protein. You should change them to suit your diet. And as others have said, I doubt you could eat enough protein to cause you any problems. As long as your diet is balanced you'll be fine. best wishes
  • Yes, open your diary and we'll take a look!
  • When weight gain starts to slow or in your case stops, it's a sign that something is not working as it should. 99.99999% of the time there is a very good reason for it. It is important to start with the more obvious causes before wasting time looking at microfactors such as type of food, sodium levels etc. Clearly as…
  • Yep, what he said. I trained for a year with diet, weights and cardio and I didn't lose or gain a single pound (which was my intention) BUT my body shape changed completely because I had lost fat and built muscle. Also my fitness level went through the roof! Remember also that any muscle that you build will burn more…
  • I have found that they are all much of a muchness to be honest. BUT - you get do get used to them very quickly. I tend to change product quite often. Recently I had one which I absolutely hated. I stuck with it and now it's my favourite! I find the ones that mix thicker are better tasting, but it all very subjective. Maybe…
  • I think this was just a test to see who did and didn't ask how many calories were in them! You know who you are!
  • Your diet seems very carb heavy. It may be worth swapping this for some more protein rich foods.
  • This post actually made me shout out loud!. WTF? It's absolute nonsense - IGNORE.
  • I must question your advice that "increasing protein is extremely hard on your kidneys and liver." This is an extremely broad statement. A very high unbalanced long term exclusive protein diet has been shown in some limited studies to overwork the kidneys yes, but for weight loss, a proper diet with more protein than carbs…
  • Yep. This is very similar to what I do. I do have oatmeal/porridge every morning and then cycle the carbs depending on what exercise I am doing that day. Good Luck!
  • Yep. interval training is the way to go. It will build your stamina and speed and increase your fat burn. Personally I do 2minutes jog speed then one minute pretty much as fast as I can. I repeat this for about 20minutes then run to 5k to complete. You could do 2 minutes 1 minute for ten minutes, then keep running for…