

  • I've switched to the bodybugg due to problems with my hrm. My hrm told me I was burning 3500 calories/day. I know that was wrong and explained me gaining weight. I finally invested in the bodybugg and found out that I was barely burning 1600 calories/day if I didn't exercise. I can get my 2200/day if I do exercise. I'm…
  • Just make sure you're eating enough. Not eating enough will leave your body in starvation mode with all that exercise. You won't lose any weight.:ohwell:
  • Dove miniature chocolate ice creams...they have dark and milk chocolate treats with 60 or 70 calories a piece...chocolate and ice cream at once....nice little sinful treat to take care of the sweet tooth and stay within the calories for the day. :devil:
  • Not true...just a liar. I know better. He's not dead or blind. What he dreams about, I don't care as long as it's me in real life. :)
  • Wife's point-of-view: Just because the guy is thinking it does not mean it's going to happen. Sometimes another guy can explain what the husband/boyfriend doesn't or can't explain very well. Friends come in both sexes and that's not a problem unless someone is close-minded enough to not think it through all the way. Like…
  • My grandson
  • I usually just want to sleep...:ohwell:
  • Are?????
  •'re going to have to resort to Hot Topic soon... :tongue: Congraduation....!
  • Without knowing what you're eating it's difficult to help. I know it was hard for me to find a balance on the number of calories. 1200 was in the starvation mode for me. Too low I gained...too high I gained...I felt like Goldilocks until I found the right numbers to work with and start losing, but now I'm working through…
  • Thanks to MFP we found out the pain I had was from gluten...who knew eating healthy could actually make you feel better by getting rid of the food that was hurting you??? Now I'm trying to learn to eat gluten free and really missing my baking. I haven't had the money to get the ingredients to start baking gluten free. I…
  • This is a good place to get help and support. Sounds like you're making a good choice for you and your son. Healthy living is a good thing. Losing the sodas may be a good first step. I do agree with getting a second opinion though. Doctors should never threaten with surgery and specially not with that one. I know that the…
  • I, as a female who have had a hysterectomy, should not have any extra iron in my supplements since I have no way to rid my body of the excess. Since I no longer have a cycle, my body cannot rid itself of the excess and can have it build up in my system. This can create an overdose and make me very ill. I have to watch the…
  • :ohwell: I hate cottage cheese. Always seemed more like something that came out of a goose to me...
  • Input for what?:ohwell: Do you want to do this? If yes, than go...:yawn: If you need to talk to someone about how to go about doing it, you need to talk to someone who is working in the field and has completed the training. Shadow someone local. Talk to them and see how they like the job. Try to keep up with them and see.…
  • I think the hair thing is more important to the guy. I love my guy the way he is. If he needs to trim his hair or shave it to feel comfortable fine...just don't give me razor stuble if I want to snuggle. I do prefer the nether region be trimmed just for appetite issues. That's my own personal preference but doesn't stop me…
  • You can share clothes with your 21 year old "tiny" daughter who now calls you tiny. :happy:
  • I hate pizza.
  • The SBD's aren't the's the ones all night long that cause a problem. Waking up in the middle of the night or smelling like it in the mornings so you have to take a shower...BIG pet peeve of mine...wish I could repipe it somewhere useful. Could heat the house all winter long...would just have to warn the…
  • Not everyone is raised to have the coping skills necessary to handle bad choices and things that seem simpler to those of use with good skills. I do hate it when someone says you should "just pull yourself by the bootstrap" when they do not understand the physical and chemical limitations a person's body can put on them…
  • What kind are you using? My husband is using something with a lot more fat. I worry about the amount of fat he has with his workouts.
  • The fibro is taking one day at a time and finding what works for you. I currently have Lyrica and am working toward two workouts a day plus my 10K steps everyday. It helps if you have someone to do it with...:wink: The thirteen year old being disrespectful and having an attitude is about normal for that Casper…
  • Just wondering if you tried the ball yet??
  • Maybe sit on an exercise ball while reading??? I've done that with video games...:blushing:
  • I get bored easily too. I had the same problem. That was when I thought about what I considered fun. I always loved riding bikes.:heart: I know the weather's changing so I thought about a stationary bike. Seems a little silly to get a bike just for that. That's how we ended up buying the new bike and looking at the trainer…
  • Just sounds like a mean wife...I try not to bring anything sweet into the house, especially chocolate, unless i know the teens will be around to destroy it before hubby sees it. He has a real problem with chocolate and oatmeal cookies.:cry:
  • Thanks for all the good stuff. Makes be feel a little better just knowing I'm not alone with this. The fibromyalgia is bad enough. I get shingle pain on top of it and it's a bad combination. Hearing I am staynig on the right track is helpful. The change in diet is a real issue. For some reason I couldn't eat bleached flour…
  • I don't know...if you think about eating healthier the grocery bill should go up. That's the bad part about this lifestyle. Eating healthy costs more than eating junk due to the fresh fruits and vegetables. If we were in Seattle the grocery bill would go way down due to the market and not having three extra mouths to feed.…
  • I'm not sure how to get him motivated more than you have already done. He needs to make the choice for his own reasons. You working with him and encouraging him to make small changes sounds like a good start. There are also good ideas at this website I found that includes 118 small steps you can take to start making the…