For those with Thyroid issues

tdh302 Posts: 57 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
As you'll notice from my profile, health and fitness have always been a part of my life. While I've never been someone who works out like they're headed to the Olympics, I have never had a time in my life where I didn't purposely take part in physical activity at least 4 times a week. As far as food goes...I have always been a calorie counter and have maintained in my healthy weight range all my life! I love this site simply because I love to encourage others and I always learn something new from reading the boards. For the last couple of years, I was really certain that I was experiencing symptoms of hypothyroidism (cold all the time, fatigued more often than not, irritable for no reason, and having to work out harder and be extremely rigid with food intake in order to maintain my weight). I mentioned this to my previous doc to no avail and then last year got a new doc because mine moved. She had already had me get routine blood work twice last year- nothing, everything in every area fine. She even said that my weight was fine and just keep doing what I'm doing. I just had blood work last week and got a call this morning that she was not thrilled with the thyroid results. She wants me to get a more detailed test done in October. I actually felt relieved...finally I may have answers as to why I feel so different than I used to. I just can't accept that it's "age" or that I'm busy and under stress- everyone is busy and under stress! I also have Celiac disease, which I was diagnosed with over ten years ago ( father almost died from it 40 years ago as docs weren't familiar with it here and he was misdiagnosed twice) and there is a thyroid connection to Celiac disease. Anyway....just felt compelled to post this and I also wanted to know if there are others who have never had weight to lose or are currently maintaining after a loss, who take thyroid meds. Is it possible that I would gain weight from taking meds that are supposed to correct hypothyroid issues if, in fact, I were told that I needed to take them?


  • beckym71
    beckym71 Posts: 3,511
    I don't have any input for you, but was intriuged by the info you shared.
    I have a daughter who was diagnosed with Hashimotos hypothyroiditis several years ago (weight is definitely an issue)
    My youngest just received a Celiac's diagnosis last week
    I find it interesting that there can be a relation between the two.
    Good luck to you! :flowerforyou:
    The Celiac alone is overwhelming me. I can't imagine dealing with both. Well, I guess I am, but in different daughters. ugh!
  • francis1425
    francis1425 Posts: 54 Member
    hi there, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism about 6 years ago and since then I have been seeing a specialist and they finally got my levels under control...I have been on medication since I was diagnosed, now keep in mind, I am on the highest dose because mine levels were that bad...but since then I have felt great. I didn't gain any weight, I actually lost alot after I started it. Just be sure that once you are on it, to continue it without interruption. There have been a few times when I haven't refilled on time (just forgetfullness) and you will notice a difference in the way you feel. Good luck with everything!
  • tdh302
    tdh302 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks for the replies so far!
    Becky- Don't be alarmed about the Celiac/thyroid connection. It is just a correlation, doesn't mean your daughter will have a thyroid issue - hope I didn't scare you with that. Research just shows that there is a connection, but doesn't show that all celiac patients are at risk; just that it is not unusual.I grew up in a gluten free home, although I personally was not gluten free until my diagnosis, so for me, it was not a difficult transition.

    Francis- Thanks for the info! I'm a doctoral student and currently work with patients who are on many meds- I think it has made me more aware of the importance of not allowing prescriptions to run out. Of course, I'm not psychotic, so not as serious an, but I agree with you on being sure to stay with whatever I end up being prescribed in the future. I just found a list of 12 symptoms and was shocked to find that I have had 9 of them for at least the last two years!!! I can't believe I've been willing to live like this and just tell myself to "toughen up."
  • IndyHannah
    IndyHannah Posts: 59 Member
    Hi sorry i've just skimmed this topic but I too have an underactive thyroid. Have had for about 8 years (I'm 21 now). Feel free to add me! I'll read more when I have more time :-)
  • bjberry
    bjberry Posts: 665 Member
    I have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, IBS (Hmmm), and a few other problems where the body attacks itself.
    I started Synthroid in 1982 (after the birth of my first child). Before I started it, my hair was falling out, I had dry skin, and I was growing a lump on the front of my neck--since my thyroid was working really hard to put out the right amount of thyroxin each day.

    I take my medicine every single day. I try to take it on an empty stomach, so it can work effectively. I do not eat food for about 30 minutes after taking my pill. That seems to work well for me.

    For anyone who is NOT hypothyroidic and wants to take thyroid medicine--do not fool with your pituitary or thyroid that way. The body is a delicately balanced machine and adding thyroxin, when you do not need it is, bad for you. Okay???
    I'll get off my soap box now. ;)

    Hugs, :drinker: (water)
  • Nethurynn
    Nethurynn Posts: 7
    When I was younger, early 20-ies, I was really thin. My lowest weight being 106 lbs. This was with no activity, being a couch potato and eating anything I pleased. I started getting really irritable and my mom informed me that I could have a hyperactive thyroid as she had when she was young. Went to the doctor, got blood work and found out she was right. Tried the meds to control it but that didn't work so drastic measures were taken. I took radioactive iodine which promly killed my thyroid totally! Now I have a hypoactive thyroid which I have to take meds to make me level. Suddenly, my lifestyle was now working against me! I gainned a tramendous amount of weight, up to 210 lbs. Now I'm actively working to better my eating habits and be more physically active. It's truely been a struggle, but I've now gotten down to 185 lbs. I sometimes wish I never took that iodine, but I know how hard a hyperthyroid is to the body. I am working with a nutritionist and this website to reach my weight loss goals.
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's about 5 years ago now.
    I take Synthroid every day. I , too, notice a difference if I don't take it at the same time of day or if I forget to take it period. I get really "foggy".
    Regarding the weight gain on meds, you shouldn't experience this unless you've experienced a weight loss due to your thyroid issues.
    What's more likely is that the gain/loss will stall and you will have to work to lose the weight that you gained from thyroid function issues. That's where I'm at. It may be a long road, but it'll be worth it!
  • jeweljade
    jeweljade Posts: 93
    I just posted asking for suggestions and then I found your post. I have had hashimoto's since 2007, and I struggle with getting my weight to come off or even to keep it stable. It has been really difficult. Do you mind if I add you as a friend?
  • rose1617
    rose1617 Posts: 469 Member
    jade - feel free to add me if you'd like.
    I've got about 2 years on you as far as diagnosis date LOL, so we're definitely in this together.
  • bump
  • jeweljade
    jeweljade Posts: 93
    thanks! I will =)
  • I'm 45 and was diagnosed with hypothyroidism a few years ago - my first blood test came back normal - it was after months and months of fatigue, night sweats, water retention - you name it - that my doctor finally ordered a more in depth thyroid test which showed I had hypothyroidism. I think she was reluctant to do the in-depth test because although I was heavier than I wanted to be, I wasn't considered overweight. I don't think she believed how much I was exercising and how little I was eating just to maintain where I was. I am also 7 years post-menopausal, which also has a lot of the same symptoms. My specialist told me to never take the generic Synthroid - my other doctor said it didn't matter. Who knows? I was on a low dose, which didn't seem to help. When she bumped me to a high dose, I immediately felt so much better, but it only lasted about three days. My levels are where they should be, so she did not raise the dosage.

    I have been struggling with my calories burned during exercise and someone told me today that it was probably due to my thyroid issues and that I should get re-checked. I only burned 286 calories today during an incredible cardio kickboxing class, and barely get over 300 burned in some pretty intense spin classes. Everyone else in the room is burning at 400, some over 500!!!! I am scheduling an appointment as soon as I can and if I find out any new news, I can let you know. I'd love to know anything else you find out.
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    I was diagnosed with hypothyroid issues a few years ago. I recently had my thyroid checked again and it was way low. My dr upped my dosage of meds. hopefully this will help me to loose some weight. YEAH. I have gained alot of weight in the last 6 yrs and I really think alot of it is dur to thyroid problems and fibromyalgia along with chronic fatigue syndrome. I just started on mfp and could really use some encouragement
  • tdh302
    tdh302 Posts: 57 Member
    Again- thanks to everyone who posted their comments. This has been helpful.

    Flmomoftwinboys- Special thanks to you for sharing what sounds like a similar story to mine. I am not overweight and I am 41. I have had several basic thyroid tests done in the last two years and I guess they always came back normal until now. I wasn't given the numbers- just spoke with the nurse who called me to say the doctor wanted a more in depth test done in October. I believe I need to be more vocal about my symptoms. Although I have said a couple of times that I consistently work out and count every calorie ( heck, with Celiac disease I don't even eat out because it's a hassle for me), this last visit I told her I should be skinny as a rail considering how controlled I am with food and working out. I did say that I have been very tired, I seem to work more than others to keep my weight where it is, and that I just "don't feel right." I think now I'm worried that the tests in October won't show anything and I'll be right where I am now. I think if that happens I will ask if I can see a specialist anyway. I really like my primary doctor and I think she'll be fine with that should that occur. Anyway...thanks so much. I'm hoping that whatever the outcome I will feel like myself again.
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