too tired to be motivated

mushy2 Posts: 24 Member
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
I Just cant get myself motivated, I just feel so tired. I dont seem to have time to do anything. Where does the time go.

Looks like my only form of exercise is going to be the Wi-Fit. Oh well Its better than nothing I suppose.

Tips appreciated.


  • nsgrimm
    nsgrimm Posts: 32
    I know how you feel and I have had everything tested on me to see if it's a medical issue as to why I'm so tired all of the time. I need to exercise today and I know the day is young but I just want to go lay back down in bed. :grumble:
  • blackmamba886
    blackmamba886 Posts: 177 Member
    I'm interested to know what people's ideas are. I tend to slack off on the exercise because I'm too tired before work to do it, no time at lunch to do it, and too tired when I get home to do it!
  • TheGoblinRoad
    TheGoblinRoad Posts: 835 Member
    I'm interested to know what people's ideas are. I tend to slack off on the exercise because I'm too tired before work to do it, no time at lunch to do it, and too tired when I get home to do it!

    I have the same problem, and I 95% of the time let that stop me. However I notice that the people who do exercise, do it regardless of how tired they are. They just go, no choice. I don't think it's about motivation. I sometimes feel very motivated and I still do nothing because I'm tired and I give in to that being tired.
  • Cynder
    Cynder Posts: 79
    I'm in the same place. The few times I can get up to work out before work, my 20 month old wakes up with me. I've been fighting off a cold all month and am getting tired of feeling so run down and eating for the sake of eating.
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    I think the key is finding the right exercise. If you have something that you enjoy doing, or at least don't mind doing, then the hardest part is just getting up and started.

    I do 30 minutes on the elliptical most every morning. It's just my routine - I get up, potty, take dogs out, hop on the elliptical. Do a 30 minute interval program while I watch the morning news. It's just my routine, and I know that I'll feel better all day if I do it - so unless I'm feeling really crummy I just do it. The hardest part is just climbing on the machine - once I'm sweaty I dig it.

    Wife and I ride bikes when the weather's decent. That's just fun, and burns a ton o'calories. If I lived somewhere where the weather was more cooperative I'd ride more, 'cause we both love to do it.

    We do Jillian's 30 day shred too - that's one's a lot of fun and you get sweaty and the 20 minutes goes so quickly. Again, the hardest part is just getting the gear on and getting up and pushing play. We push each other a bit, and that helps. If I call off I'll feel like I let her down - and if she calls off I'll do the shred anyway which will make her feel guilty (:devil: ). So that's how we get into that one.

    Ya gotta find something you like to do, and then you gotta get up and do it. It's exercise - it's supposed to be hard,,, but if you really really don't wanna do it then maybe you just haven't found your activity yet.
  • KatWood
    KatWood Posts: 1,135 Member
    I know the feeling but I have found working out right after work (before going home) actually rejuvenates me. It gives me more energy to get through the rest of the evening. And it reduces the stress that has built up through the day at work.
    So my advice is to push past it and exercise anyways. You will be happy you did. :flowerforyou:
  • blackmamba886
    blackmamba886 Posts: 177 Member
    I think the key is finding the right exercise. If you have something that you enjoy doing, or at least don't mind doing, then the hardest part is just getting up and started.

    I do believe that is the key... however... I've yet to find something that doesn't involve sitting on my butt that I enjoy doing. :laugh:

    But yeah, I'm serious. I find the treadmill/ellipitcal boring. I hate lifting weights. I've tried running... hate it. I've tried workout videos (weights, yoga, pilates, boot camp, dance, step, aerobics, and videos that use the stretch bands)... they don't get used more than twice. I've got a few video games, including the Wii Fit and Wii Fit Plus... mostly gets used as a scale. Hell, I get bored taking my dog for a 15 minute walk.

    Any suggestions as to something else I could try to find out if there's actually something out there I'll enjoy doing?
  • I get bored easily too. I had the same problem. That was when I thought about what I considered fun. I always loved riding bikes.:heart: I know the weather's changing so I thought about a stationary bike. Seems a little silly to get a bike just for that. That's how we ended up buying the new bike and looking at the trainer for the winter. I love bike riding. Hubby (CasperO) is telling me there's vids with different scenery..I may have to try. But I love riding the bike. Find your passion from when you were smaller. You might be surprised what you find...unless your were one of the video kids:frown:
  • blackmamba886
    blackmamba886 Posts: 177 Member
    I get bored easily too. I had the same problem. That was when I thought about what I considered fun. I always loved riding bikes.:heart: I know the weather's changing so I thought about a stationary bike. Seems a little silly to get a bike just for that. That's how we ended up buying the new bike and looking at the trainer for the winter. I love bike riding. Hubby (CasperO) is telling me there's vids with different scenery..I may have to try. But I love riding the bike. Find your passion from when you were smaller. You might be surprised what you find...unless your were one of the video kids:frown:

    Forgot about bikes... yeah still not high up on my list of likeables. Thinking back to when I was a kid... my thing was swings. I lived on swings if I was outside... yeah I was that tiny girl who wouldn't let you have a turn. :blushing: Beyond that... yeah I wasn't quite so much the video kid, as I was the reader. Given a choice of anything, I'll curl up in a chair with a blanket and read a book... not much with the calorie burning there.
  • Maybe sit on an exercise ball while reading??? I've done that with video games...:blushing:
  • I have had the same fatigue, my body was just too tired to do anything. I really thought there was something wrong with me. I was so tired that it got to the point where my joints started to hurt. When I did go to the Dr. to find out what was wrong after alot of blood work...It turned out that I lacked vitamin D! I live in the Hot Desert of AZ! And I'm latina with a tan!!!:laugh: but the blood work said I was lacking Vitamin D. I didnt beleive that ! I started taking vitamin D and the aches and tireness has almost completly gone.

    For me I had to take the work outs one day at a time, I would try to get through the workout out as far as I could and I would make it a goal to finish it the next day if I didnt get through it the other day. I kept doing that till I programed my self to exercise, take my vitamins and eat healthy. If I am tired I will take a nap but I make sure to not let the day end until I finished my exercise. Dancing made me feel like I wasnt working out, cycling also indoors too made me feel like it was easy to do without jumping around(you'll get over the soreness of your butt after 3xs). You sweat buckets full!! Its easy on the joints and very motivating!!

    I also saw on Dr. OZ show that people who are overweight have low vitamin D and experience, fatigue, and aches and pains. I know that is true based on my experience. I wish you the best hope this was helpful!
  • butterfly09
    butterfly09 Posts: 40 Member
    I feel all of you on this tired and aching all of the time and not wanting to do anything. I need to do something to get this weight off and get back to a healthy me. I am going to try the reading while on the ball and see if that disracts me enough to get in some muscle stretching and a little calorie burning. I am open to any other suggestions on this topic.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    I do my workout video before I go to bed most nights. It's a 45 minute commitment to me, basically, and I figure I'm worth the investment. :smile: I have fibromyaliga, and believe me, I know fatigue. It's just something you have to push through sometimes.
  • I get bored easily too. I had the same problem. That was when I thought about what I considered fun. I always loved riding bikes.:heart: I know the weather's changing so I thought about a stationary bike. Seems a little silly to get a bike just for that. That's how we ended up buying the new bike and looking at the trainer for the winter. I love bike riding. Hubby (CasperO) is telling me there's vids with different scenery..I may have to try. But I love riding the bike. Find your passion from when you were smaller. You might be surprised what you find...unless your were one of the video kids:frown:

    Forgot about bikes... yeah still not high up on my list of likeables. Thinking back to when I was a kid... my thing was swings. I lived on swings if I was outside... yeah I was that tiny girl who wouldn't let you have a turn. :blushing: Beyond that... yeah I wasn't quite so much the video kid, as I was the reader. Given a choice of anything, I'll curl up in a chair with a blanket and read a book... not much with the calorie burning there.

    Someone suggested reading on a stability ball, this is a wonderful idea, I use one when I am online. You dont really notice it while sitting there, but trust me you will feel the "burn" later. It really helps tone up your abs, thighs and calves. Key is it has to be the right size and firm. If you enjoy reading there is also book/magazine holders that fit over treadmills and elliptical machines, hop on with a book and your time is done in no time. Music also helps distract, invest in or add your favorite up beat get cha movin music to your ipod/mp3 player and go to town. Then there is the old stand bys of park farther away, turn little household chores into a work out, if you live in town try and walk to pick up that loaf of bread or gallon of milk.
    Personally, I work odd schedules mainly evening and nights, those wear you down. I find if I get up in the "morning" have a light snack, then workout, then get cleaned up and have "breakfast" I have a lot more energy for the day. Also, I try to do something no matter how big or small daily, find that if I take a day off I have to start the whole motivation process again. Hope that helps a little and good luck!!! :bigsmile:
  • mushy2
    mushy2 Posts: 24 Member
    me too but ive just need to stop thing and do it so I am here goes!:ohwell:
  • silvertears
    silvertears Posts: 106 Member

    I have the same problem, and I 95% of the time let that stop me. However I notice that the people who do exercise, do it regardless of how tired they are. They just go, no choice. I don't think it's about motivation. I sometimes feel very motivated and I still do nothing because I'm tired and I give in to that being tired.

    There have been times that I've gone to the gym at 4:30am thinking I'm going to have to figure out how to do the elliptical with my eyes closed... but once you start, it wakes you up and you will have much more energy afterwards. I've been really bad about not going the past few weeks because I also work out at night at home and started considering the morning workout "extra"... but I've noticed I'm much more tired without the workout in the morning.

    It's one of those things where you just have to do it. I know it's easy to find excuses not to, I'm sure I've used almost every one out there. But you have to just set your mind to do it.
  • Just wondering if you tried the ball yet??
  • annhjk
    annhjk Posts: 794 Member
    I was just going to add that I read on the bike elliptical or step mill. The time flies. Have you tried audiobooks is you can't read while you workout.

    The other things I do that help the "I don't want to workout" felling is to change into my workout clothes as soon as I get home from work. Or. If it's a really bad night I tell myself I only need to do 10-15 minutes. By then I can usually add time in 5 min segments to get to my goal time.
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    Just Giv'er! Honestly working out GIVES YOU ENERGY ... who here, once tired, and just goes and hits the gym, ever regrets it? No one :)

    I had the same issue, I used to start talking myself out of the gym around 3 pm, and most of the time wouldn't go. I started making my *kitten* wake up at 545 am to hit it before work ... and there are lots of benefits to that ...
    I'd lay out all my clothes, and would be out the door within 3 minutes of my alarm clock going off... .

    I am more energized throughout the day, I tend to make wiser food choices. AND I have a whole evening to do whatever after work cuz I already did my work out

    Before when I'd work out afterwork it was 9 pm before I could relax and do my own thing, so i'd feel rushed at the gym ...

    Try morning work outs, EVEN IF YOU HAVE TO WAKE UP STUPID EARLY ...
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    but once you start, it wakes you up and you will have much more energy afterwards. .... but I've noticed I'm much more tired without the workout in the morning.
    i do too ... I swear by morning work outs!!!! If I sleep in till 7 am instead of waking up at 6 fr my work out, I have a WAY harder time waking up
  • blackmamba886
    blackmamba886 Posts: 177 Member
    I really wonder if there is something wrong with me, although doctors have told me there isn't. Working out has NEVER made me have more energy... it just seems to zap away anything I had left.

    I may have to try the excercise ball while reading... but it will have to wait a while since I don't have one and have no $$ at the moment. I had one in the past but it was really cheap and I don't know that it was the right size... it didn't do a thing for me.

    I've tried reading while on the elliptical/treadmill but I easily lose my place and just can't do it with all the bobbing up and down. Audio books put me to sleep! My iPod helps but really isn't all that motivating to me.

    LOL I'm so full of excuses. :ohwell:
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