self-esteem, fibromyalgia, stress and aging

nenemom Posts: 12
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Hi all, I'm hoping my title says the parts of my life that are real challenges for me. Please read my profile - any encouragement you can give is very welcome. I'm hoping that getting my eating-and- moving-life into better order will help all of the above. Normally I'm really introverted and not into the "chat/blog" scene, but I want to come out of my shell and take advantage of the encouragement and inspiration that seems to be on this site. So, Howdy!! :smile:


  • Welcome to MFP!!!! I've only been on here a couple of days myself, but I'm finding the support of others very beneficial!
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Well, I don't know much about fibromyalgia, but maybe some really light exercises to get started? Like just sitting in a chair and raising your arms up like you're lifting weights, but with nothing in your hands. Then you could get 1 lb weights, or even use water bottles filled half way, or something like that until you're feeling stronger and more confident about your exercise abilities. Also, would water aerobics be good for you? I love it because it's a great work out, but it's no impact on your bones and joints.

    I don't know what to do with a 13-year-old, but you can always do things to make your stress level lower independent of the 13-year-old. Sit outside and enjoy the day or take a bubble bath with some stress relieving bath salts, or whatever activities you enjoy that make you feel good and relaxed.

    Usually, exercise helps self-esteem, stress and aging, so if you can get into any sort of exercise routine, it might lessen a lot of the problems you're facing. If you can find an activity you and your stepson can enjoy together, that might be a step toward all of the struggles you mentioned.

    Good luck, and congratulations on your 35 pounds lost!
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    My wife struggles with the fibro and also with shingles. One day at a time, try to find what works. She exercises when she can, rests when she must, and just does the best she can.

    Don't mind the 13 year old. It's not you, it's not him, it's just what they do sometimes. Both of our kids were terrors in the 13-15 years,,, and now that they're older they're pretty apologetic. My daughter (21 now) said "I remember that I was furious at you and I hated you, but I don't remember why...".

    You've come to the right place. Great tools & people here. Welcome aboard.
  • The fibro is taking one day at a time and finding what works for you. I currently have Lyrica and am working toward two workouts a day plus my 10K steps everyday. It helps if you have someone to do it with...:wink:
    The thirteen year old being disrespectful and having an attitude is about normal for that Casper said, but you shouldn't have to yell. If you and your husband have agreed on the rules, just make sure you stick to them. Yelling doesn't help either of you. Don't let the thirteen year old CHILD win.:tongue:
    As for the self-esteem and the "mental illness" parts. Life is a step at a time. Enjoy every step to the fullest and find your special moments and smells along the way. We all learn as we grown. Best of luck and congrats on the progress so far.:drinker:
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    Welcome - I believe you are taking a good step. This site has been such a great place to find encouragement and understanding, there is always someone who understands what you are going through. I will echo the words of the others here - teen years are terrible, it is not you, it is just what they have to go through. So do the best you can and know that 'this soon will pass'
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