chipembele Member


  • I'm considering it. I need to lose about 6-8lb so hoping it will get me in the mood for training again.
  • Thanks. Made me laugh that one.
  • Thanks. That's what I'll probably do. 30 mins eliptical one day then 20 minutes hiit the next. Hopefully I'll still shed the fat. Or start on the eliptical for 15 then do 15 hiit. Just didn't want to be wasting my time/putting myself through hiit without it being potentially effective.
  • Thanks. I just wondered if I was going to get results with those sort of times. I usually do 50 minutes and read that you only really start burning fat after 20 mins.
  • Thanks for your replies. I think i'll be making it part of my daily nutrition.
  • Anyone tries to advise me without me asking them I ignore them. I felt like interjecting today when someoen was proclaiming they were aiming to only have 800 calories. I resisted and isntead thought 'oh dear'.
  • I've nearly given up with body fat calipers. I do the front arm myself, unsure of where to take the measurement on the waist (although ive picked a point with a freckle on it and do that every time now) and the person doing the back of my arm and back isn't doing it correctly in my opinion. I know I've lost fat though as I…
  • I'm doing my strength training today followed by the DVD without weights.
  • I thought perhaps the weights were too heavy at 6.6lb, maybe I should have started lighter but as I've been lifting 26lb on bench press, chest fly and bicep curls in my usual weights program with no problem I thought I'd be ok. I guess I was wrong. Keep it up everyone, I'm having a rest day today. First in 9 days.
  • I've read that its fine as long as you dont go for too long. 30 minutes on an empty stomach is all I do.
  • Mine means Rhino
  • I've read so much about this and having a few stubborn pounds to shift I'm considering doing this from April 1st. Probably not in 30 days as I want to combine it with my lifting and elliptical. I need results by may 22nd.
  • I've just referred back to my book to a part that says 'if you push too hard you'll feel tired, sore and achy'. I guess that answers my question. I will take your advice and up the weight until the last 2 are tough. Once I get accustomed to that i'll up it again. I intend to take body measurements, I have a measuring tape…
  • Its ok, I didnt take it the wrong way :)
  • Hi I do two or three cardio sessions a week to accompany my weights. I do eliptical (because the treadmill hurts my knees) on hills and do sweat on that, just not sure if I'm lifting the right weight as I want to look more defined than, as you say pudgy round them iddle and if I lean forward my belly hangs (I hate that). I…
  • I'm following Tom Venutos book and doing 10 at the moment. What i struggle with is knowing what weight to use. I dont fail on the first set of 10 but I feel that if I upped the weight I wouldnt get my three sets of 10 out.
  • Thanks Chris I'm told that my body shape is changing but I dont see it. My trousers fit better in that they are much looser. I'm dropping in weight but looking at myself I still think I have the same amount of fat round my middle which is what i'm trying to get rid of. Was just considering upping the weight as Im not sure…
  • I use reflex instant whey choc mint with skimmed milk.
  • It could be down to the food you've eaten. I've been trialling something. One day a week doing my cardio before I've eaten anything. A usual 40 minute session is pretty easy for me an hour after food but on an empty stomach i'm struggling after 20 (I only plan to do 30 on empty anyway). Could it be the food you've had?
  • I've lost nearly 10lb since 13th January doing eliptical twice a week, level 8 for 40 minutes, three sessions of weights per week and watching my diet. I'm sure I could get better results doing other methods but it seems to be working for me at the moment. If I start stalling i'll do HIIT but on the eliptical, not the…
  • I'd say if you're doing all that cardio and no weights you wont build muscle mass, the opposite in fact. If doing weights you shouldnt exercise the same muscles for 48 hours else they havent had time to properly repair and that negates the effort. I dont have rest days, I do weights 3 times a week and cardio other days.
  • My mother told me yesterday that i'm looking well :) I told her that because I'm pretty much where I need to be as losing weight and have now started my weights programme properly. She seems happy because I let her cook for me once a week :)
  • When you say bulk up do you mean bodybuilder size? My goal is not necessarily to be really big, just reduce upper body flab around my chest and belly. I know you cant choose where fat comes from but i want to look leaner up top. I do weights three days a week and cardio two and have two days rest. Was just wondering waht…
  • As an example if you eat 2000 to maintain and eat 1500 to lose a lb a week but then one day you take in 1500 but do exercise as well (taking the net down to 1100 for example) then if you want to keep your deficit at 500 you should eat the 400 back. 2000-500 = 1500 - 400 exercise calories = 1100 Eat back the 400 to keep…
  • Thanks I've been eating between the 1500 and 2000 but having protein shakes.
  • Thanks for your replies. Interesting answers. I'll look up Lyle Mcdonald too. Clumsy wording asking who you follow. :)
  • Hi, I'm Dan and I'm in Leeds.
  • Thanks for all your replies so far. I'm slowly changing my habits and getting rid of the bad stuff, the frequent fast food, bad sugars and refined carbs. I'm getting there but just need some guidance here and there. I only plan on losing another 5lb but still have a bit of a fat stomach.
  • How can you set it manually please?
  • It's not easy this diet and fitness lark is it :)