30 day shred

Hi. I've been trying a variation of the 30 day shred. I've been doing my regular strength training mon, wed and fri and the DVD tues and thurs. However, I'm finding that I'm unable to get through the DVD without stopping to rest or stopping completely. I suspect it's because my strength training work is quite intense and heavy and I'm not giving the muscles sufficient rest before lifting again, albeit lighter. I do feel muscle fatigue straight away on the push ups and then the first lot of using weights causes failure.

If I carry on doing my strength as i am but do the DVD without weights (so taking it as 20 mins cardio and abs) on the tues and thurs do you think this will still be effective?


  • mmstgr
    mmstgr Posts: 578 Member
    Everyone is at a different fitness level. It would be unfair to expect everyone to be able to do exactly what the professionals do in the videos.
    I think it's quite alright to make your own variations where you need to until you can move forward :)
  • chipembele
    chipembele Posts: 54 Member
    I'm doing my strength training today followed by the DVD without weights.