Leo247 Member


  • Walking ( 3 miles a day), and loads of squats and lunges every day plus a bit of stationary cycling have worked quite well for me. I have been doing tonnes of strength training and cardio on top of the eating well and although I'm not at my goal weight, my body has really changed shape so much and I'm just ignoring the…
  • Thanks everyone for the answers and good to know I'm not alone. I've only lost 16lbs but I really don't look overweight anymore although to be lower bmi I need to lose another 19lb but will probably stop at 14. I'm walking loads but can't run unfortunately and doing loads of squats and lunges. Just found this video on…
  • Tesco do Maximuscle Promax Diet which I've been taking for a week and combined with strength and cardio exercises seems to have speeded up my weightloss and is making me look a bit leaner. I am taking it for breakfast and every other day replacing lunch with it too simply because I want to shift a bit more fat before my…
  • Thanks so much for that. I'm off to you tube armed with all these terms ;-0 x
  • This is exactly like me. I started at 189 and am now 179, hoping to get down to 160. I once lost way too much and ended up around 134. I seriously looked so ill and people wouldn't believe I was in the healthy BMI range. I'm just aiming to be in the middle range BMI and much more toned.
  • Thanks guys. I understand now.
  • I don't log cleaning unless it is major "down on my knees scrubbing where I can feel my muscles working". I have only logged that once since starting MFP. I did log gardening today cos I worked my self really hard for 2 hours. It said I burned 660 calories doing that which I don't believe so I won't be eating all those…
  • Mine is open. I'm eating too much processed stuff which is driving me mad as I'm still cooking for the family. It's the only way i can get my portion control under control iyswim. :ohwell:
  • Start Date 9th Jan SW 189lbs CW (after 2 weeks) 183lbs GW 154 lbs Height 5'9
  • Just to update. I have been eating back a few more of my ecercise calories and drinking tonnes more water and can now report a 6lb loss!!! Thanks for all the advice. x
  • I have been trying to upload a pic to my profile but it won't work :-(
  • Wow I am amazed at the response to this. For those who have asked I have opened my diary. Be gentle please... I am a great cook and cook for my family every day from scratch but I really lack discipline when it comes to portion control so I have been buying some ready meals this last 10 days. When I have some more time I…
  • Thanks!! I will try to eat a bit more. Am sticking to unprocessed food as much as possible (apart from low fat yoghurts) I want to change the way I eat, not just lose weight. I am definitely doing as much excercise as I have said. My dog is loving all the walks!!
  • Thanks everyone. You are all so friendly on here :-) My salt intake could be lower and I definitely need to up my water intake. I'm also on the last day of my totm so maybe am retaining water. I took measurements last week but don't want to update those incase there's no change and I end up reaching for a jar of chocolate…
  • Thanks so much for your reply. I have lost weight by low carbing (and through ill health) in the past and it came off so quickly (then took about 4 years to go back on!) so I suppose I am just being impatient. I don't want to low carb again. I just feel like I have been so good, no cheating, no slips ups, NO CHOCOLATE!!!!…