

  • That's a pretty good take on it. I strive to eat well, eat a lot of foods as close to their natural state as possible, but I also don't worry about having a sandwich every once in a while, or splurging on ice cream every few weeks. I am for Paleo but I will eat beans. I'm probably on plan 75-80% of the time. Very few…
  • I was diagnosed with PCOS about ten years ago when my husband and I were trying to conceive. I weighed 260ish. Doctor told me to lose 60lbs. He didn't tell me how hard it was going to be. I took as much as 2500mg of Metformin. I lost about fifteen pounds, but the side effects of nausea and irritable stomach made me…
  • Week 34 - Weight gain according to doctor is 29 lbs. According to my scales at home, I fluctuate between 25 and 29. It has actually started going down. Has anyone else experienced this? The baby is 5.5 right now.
  • Official weigh in and 20week ultrasound. My weight - 244 (So 7 lbs gained from prepregger weight) Baby's weight - 10oz. Right on track for 20 weeks. But I cannot stress enough how important it is FOR ME to keep tracking my food. Even if I'm not trying to lose, I don't want to lose the habit, and especially awareness of my…
  • 19 weeks and 2 days. Starting weight 237. Current weight as of this morning, 242. 5 lbs in 19 weeks. People have been complaining that I'm not showing, and I've been a little bummed about it too. This morning, I pulled up my (Pick one: Dunlap/spare tire/gut) that sits above my waist up to stretch my lower jiggle and you…
  • My mom was 5'3" and naturally delivered my brother, who was 12lb 11oz. My oldest brother and I were both over 9lb. I probably just slid out after that 12 pounder. : ) I think she did have the epz, but not the drugs. That was 1969.
  • Week 16 - Starting weight 238. Current weight 239.5, fluctuating up or down daily, but this seems to be the average. Got accused Sunday at church of trying to lose weight while pregnant. Nope. Food diary will show otherwise. It was just a very flattering dress. Haven't exercised a bit. Tried the elliptical, and got motion…
  • Cheese and crackers. Cheese usually tastes a little better if you let it warm up a little from the fridge. So it could sit (in a container of course) in your desk from lunch until snack time. If you want to bump up the health quotient a little, each apple slices with the cheese instead. Cheese and fruit go great together.…
  • At my 12 week checkup I had lost 1.5lbs since my first doctor's visit at week 6. I started the pregnancy at 238lbs, so I hope this trend continues. Li'l peanut, on the other hand, has grown beautifully. At the last ultrasound (s)he was laid back with hands behind the head, just chillin'.
  • Due Date is Feb. 16th. This is our first pregnancy, but will be our third child. We adopted the first two, a set of twin girls, almost two years ago. THIS baby is a total surprise and blessing. My doctor didn't recommend weight to gain or lose while pregnant. I had lost almost 40 lbs since the last time I saw him, so we…
  • Look under "Tools" in the tabs at the top and you can see three months worth of progress at a time. It helps to see that. My experience? 15lbs in the first two months, then a stall at the end of February, then another drop of ten pounds over the next two months, then another stall for most of May. Then I got pregnant. I've…
  • My first doctor told me to get under 200 lbs first. Which really would have been ideal. The next doctor suggested an initial goal of 10% before we started medication, but with the understanding that if I got pregnant at that weight, I would have to be very vigilant with my diet while pregnant. This was 10% weight lost and…
  • WOW! So, you have the same starting weight as me, and maybe the same goal weight. And it took ten months to lose the 85 pounds....which is SOOO sensible and DOABLE!! Very inspiring to someone who wants to follow in those footsteps. Congrats!
  • Adoptive mom of twin girls who will turn three in August. One has mild CP. Lost and gained the same 40 lbs about four times during fertility treatment. Been working on losing weight since May 2010. Down 47 lbs from then. Got about 70 to get to my goal weight. Time is ALWAYS the issue with these busy girls.
  • Today's weight: 234.9 Goal for the challenge was 224? I think? I jacked with my calories a lot because I started running more. But I think I finally found my equilibrium. I dropped 5 lbs in the last two weeks, and had TOM. Won't make the goal, but if I'm in the 220s at all, I'm satisfied...because hey! I can run a 5k now.…
  • Someone said magnesium, which is where the chocolate craving comes from. Raisins and spinach are high in iron. And dark chocolate is good for you in other ways, and also has magnesium. But so do almonds. I recommend a BIG salad of spinach with dried cranberries or raisins, some feta cheese, raspberry vinaigrette, and…
  • I'll jump in there. I have an addiction to the scale! I weigh several times a day. The good side of that is I understand how fickle water in the body is at different times of the day/week/month, so I'm not flustered when the scale goes up. But at the same time, I feel like I'm stuck in quicksand because I'm always watching…
  • Bump this, because I regularly plateau. I'll go three weeks at the same weight, then bust through 4lbs in one week. I went to reports in the tabs at the top and made myself a spreadsheet to see if I could see a correlation between my eating, exercise and weight loss, and there wasn't really anything definitive, although…
  • You need to read the topic under Success Stories "The Scale is a Lying Torture Device". It's VERY encouraging. Invest in your measuring tape!!!
  • Skipped last week because I had a big gain of water weight. So here's last week and this week: Wk7: 242 Wk8: 237
  • Got my next 5K in mind....New Orleans Greek Fest. If only it weren't so danged hot down here already!
  • Not quite yet...but determined to improve. I did ask for new running shoes for mother's day.
  • Katieblueiz.... Female, 36 Start date Jan 8, 2012 H: 5'8" SW: 261.4 CW: 238.7 1st GW: 200 2nd GW: 170 ....And I just finished my first 5K this morning. 43.13.
  • You know, the time frame in which your weight came off is so realistic. It's not crash dieting. It's dedication, and it's something that I need to be reminded of during those times when the weight fluctuates, plateaus, finally moves in the right direction.... This is a marathon, not a sprint. Well done!
  • May 31 GW - 229
  • LIKE _ Dangit...I just spent 3 minutes shaping out a FB looking thumbs up using I -- and __, and it wouldn't translate once I saved my reply. So, LIKE it is.
  • Introductions: I'm 35, mom to twin girls that are 31months. They're adopted, and I still need to lose 60 lbs of baby wait....No that's not a typo. I gained 95 lbs after getting married and going through 9 years of ordeals trying to conceive, and we didn't go whole-hog to the extent that some people do. I just took…
  • last week 235.8 This week 236.5 Didn't eat great. Kinda laid low. Big stuff going on with husband's work. Things have smoothed out, so I'm back on my game. Six more weeks to lose 12 more pounds. Don't know if it's going to happen, but I'm going to TRY! Out of school in three more weeks, so then I'll have some time to kick…
  • Bust - 48 High waist - 45 Belt line - 42 Pooch - 46 Hips - 44 I'd be an hourglass if it weren't for that spare tire high waist measurement.
  • That sounds great! Italian food is my favorite. My easy dinner idea: Boneless, skinless chicken breasts - 1&1/2 lbs Can of rotel tomatoes Packet of low sodium taco seasoning. Can of low sodium chicken broth Put it all in a slow cooker, and cook on low for 4 hours. Shred with a fork Wrap in your favorite light.low carb…