sassekel Member


  • I agree with posters above about the exercise daily, always helps me. Even a walk with my dog helps! good luck
  • In short, yes, the idea is to record and track everything eaten including veggies. welcome aboard.:flowerforyou: Kelli
  • good question, one I have thought about alot myself. Banks, that was a very well thought out and insightful response. I agree that alot of the struggles and self sabatoge are directly related to self esteem and self image, at least for me it is. Just one more thing I need to work on. great post!
  • I am 5'7" 44 years old and currently stuck for 2 months at 177:grumble: . I am shooting for 160 pounds although I should probably change that to 150. I was 150 for many years and was very comfortable at that weight it is still considered a little high for my height but it felt right to me.
  • I'm so sorry you and your family have been sick, but glad to see you post again I was worried about you! All you can really do right now is try to eat healthy and work on getting yourself and family feeling better. when you start feeling better then you can concentrate on exercising again. don't sweat a few pounds gained,…
  • 1. What time is it right now? 6:27 2. Favorite healthy food? steamed veggies 3. Favorite bad food? 3 way tie pizza, mexican food, chocolate 4. Which celebrity has the ideal body? IDK 5. Your best feature? ??no idea don't like the way I look. 6. Your worst feature? gut 7. Favorite exercise? tennis 8. Name of gym/fitness…
  • Tennis 2 x's a week, on alternate gym days. love to play!
  • Welcome! :flowerforyou: We all struggle, but at least here we are all in the same boat! goodluck! p.s. I love dogs too! My profile pic is Tia my fur child, she is half border collie.
  • Yay! Shanta you rock!!!!!!:drinker:
  • 8 months for me also Laura. I think your doing great. I haven't gone over cals (ever since joining)and continue to exercise daily and still having trouble hitting my goal. loose 2 gain 2 back.....oh well what ever, if we stick with it we will all make it someday. never goes as fast as we would like but heck we're healthier…
  • Welcome to MFP, this place is great. great tools and great people. goodluck with your goals:drinker:
  • welcome to MFP. goodluck with your weight loss goals, this is a great site enjoy all the helpful tools.
  • well I don't know about being addicted. I exercise daily for at least 60 minutes. I wouldn't say I love to exercise but I like the way it makes me feel. I have battled low grade depression for many years and 60 minutes of daily exercise has alleviated this problem as long as I do it consistantly (daily). Doctor…
  • something similar just happened to me at work this morning. This is a co worker though not really a "friend" and she has been losing weight also. she told me not to look (she was eating a large cookie) and she told me she shouldn't eat it but couldn't help it and said how good I am not to go get one. I told her it's easy…
  • That's a tough question Laura and I wish I had the answer but I don't. All I know to say is try remind yourself that is giving up is not the answer at some point you will have to begin again and it's really hard to start at the begining again. I have been up and down too many times and it's really tough when your feeling…
  • Welcome and good luck with your goals :flowerforyou:
  • Welcome:flowerforyou: This is a great site with great people and helpful tools. stick with it and you go far. goodluck with your goals:drinker:
  • welcome:flowerforyou: This is a great site with alot of really nice peeps. Goodluck with your goals:drinker:
    in Newbie Comment by sassekel July 2009
  • I love the food diary, that way I can plan my meals and snacks in advance and make sure my nutrition values are in the correct range. planning my meals for the day has made all the difference for me. before this I was either over somedays or way under calories for my size. good luck I hope it helps you too:flowerforyou:
  • Good for you Laura for re-focusing on improving your health, you are a sweetie and I know you'll make it! I am still going (slow but still eeking out a pound loss every now and then) but it's hard staying focused when life gets in the way, plus sometimes it seems exhausting to monitor eating and exercise constantly but I…
  • Not sure how to get back on track but for me I don't have "cheat days" because I know if I go there I will go back to my old bad habits. so no junk food for me is permanent change, I look to trying to make changes in food choice and ingredients of some of my favorite foods that are healthier and offer better nutrition. for…
  • Sorry to hear your back is hurting Laura. I have had a few minor back strains and the only thing the doc said was rest and ice, guess there's not much else you can do until it starts feeling better. Glad to hear it's not getting you down. you are strong and will overcome. I believe in you!:flowerforyou:
  • Welcome and good luck with your goals!:drinker:
  • I remind myself that I'm not just doing this to look better but because I want to feel good about myself and improve my self esteem by making healthier choices for my body. I have gave up and self destructed so many times before and then I end up disgusted with myself , this time I would like to see it through and keep my…
  • as much cardio as you can get in, you can burn more during walks by running/jogging sprints during your walk. I do now since just walking became a little to easy for me. a pound a week is good!:flowerforyou:
  • welcome and good luck with your goals:flowerforyou:
    in New Comment by sassekel June 2009
  • Welcome and good luck with your goals:flowerforyou:
    in New Comment by sassekel June 2009
  • Good for you! glad you were rewarded for all your hard work!
  • That's great! your doing awesome!:drinker:
  • Hang in there Laura, you have worked hard and should be proud. We all go through cycles and concentrating on weight loss and healthy eating constantly is kind of exhausting, sometimes old habits break hard but you will come out ahead in the end. You have all the support and best wishes from your family here, we care and…