

  • Look Up Victoria Barclay ! She is on here and on Face book She has helped me soooo much! And she has never said a negative thing ever!! She is a coach for beach body. I workout with ten minute trainer and I have lost more inches than I ever thought I would! I am still;ll working on weight and would like to get further and…
  • I have a great *kitten*!! Works well! Got it from Yogi Mandy Ingersoll
  • THANK YOU ALL!!! I am struggling with a lot of things I did walk yesterday but also did a 20 min Jillian Michals CD. Today I will walk and try to stay sane!! LOL not a strong suite today! Feel like I am giving up what little control I have when I don't exercise! and exercise hard!
  • Where does one get this program??
  • I nursed my children until they quit! And they continued until they were three! That said my daughter who is now 19 had severe food allergies and was not even on solids at two! I was on a restricted diet as she could not tolerate food even if it went thru me. Milk, soy, pork, red dye, corn were all taboo. We both did fine…
  • Ckeck out Chocolate -covered Kate blog!! She does vegan recipes and they are delicious!! LOve her! She has lots of healthy ideas for desserts that are to die for! Love the chocolate chip cookie dough dip!!
  • Okay Dumb Question..... How do you log the calories then by weight?? I use measure cups and spoons but never thought about a scale! I am not losing like I had hoped so maybe i am not doing this right!
  • I have that problem with sugar! I always have. I am finally seeing less of it!But it has taken 40 days! and I still eat some sugar, more than I need! I got candy for valentines day and I feel it calling me!I try to use Stevia so I do get the sweet taste but not the sugar and it helps! After spending There weeks at Mayo in…
  • Quote: Level 2 appeals to me a lot more i think. I've also just bought Banish fat, Boost Metabolism, and No More Trouble Zones so I think when finished i will alternate those with Level 2, as i really enjoyed it! H!! So when you do these new DVD's will you let me know which you like and why?? I want to get one of them but…
  • LOL I forgot too!! I had to mis a day here and there because i guess I was not eating enough and felt so weak that I was struggling with level one!! Feeling better though!! Did level three but... missed a few especially the jumping circuit- just had such cramps in my feet! But Love the fact that I am feeling it a bit about…
  • So glad you are here too!! You have been so quiet!! LOL I need encouragement! I am fighting for this health and fitness stuff as it is what I can control. The other battle in my life is through the courts and seems to have very little to do with fair, right, and totally annihilates my 14 almost 15 year old sons rights. I…
  • Me Too!! I want you to be able to finish this with me!! I feel like you and I are the only ones here! :cry: I did lose a pound and a half in spite of upping the calories so... I feel a bit stronger! Now to see a few more inches disappear off the hips and thighs. Really I guess we should be amazed that I have lost six…
  • Killer does some ab work but not major!! More uses the core for stability and that is all. I do know that Killer does swimmers but that is I believe the hardest ab part.... and those are more back core muscles! You might try it!!
  • Sorry about the double post!!! Did nt notice that there where now two pages and hit the button again!! Anyway.... I was struggling so much today I only did level one! Just felt weak and a trifle dizzy.... not sure what is happening but feel so off course :( I hope that tomorrow is better!
  • wow you did super!!!
  • Hi!! Well here goes don't know if it will help.... My new husband could lose ten pounds but has a higher metabolism and is not motivated... I am toning and firming and not losing as I had hoped but small gains first! I use a lunch plate!! That has helped the most because my plate looks full and is plenty calorie wise for…
  • Charlie I would love to but same thing there is no way I can currently afford it. I also looked at Chalean extreme! If I find a way then I will do with you!
  • Charlie I would love to but same thing there is no way I can currently afford it. I also looked at Chalean extreme! If I find a way then I will do with you!
  • What is turbo Fire?? If you can message me I will look into doing it! Current;ly doing the 30 Day shred and love it!! Have lost inches but only two pounds..... Kim
  • A couple of things.... Peanut butter is not the greatest fat source! Olive oil, almonds, coconut are great! You eat a lot of fish and that can be good except... If the fish are contaminated from the water. Here in Wisconsin they do not recommend fish three time s a week because of the mercury in the water.
  • Hey be careful!! Don't want you to get hurt!! I am better and thank God cause I am terrified of the Doctor.. I do not believe in all the invasive test and they seem to think at my age they should do LOTS of them.LOL I like the Killer buns and thighs I have only done level one and there is some jumping but doesn't seem to…
  • I was very unfit and I have gotten to level three in 21 days!! I am quite proud of that!! I am so much stronger and I have lost about 6 inches. No really weight but those inches definitely count!! Just do it!!
  • I am with you all!! I do have killer buns and thighs and do it occasionally with the 30DS. It is hard but I do like it. My big problem is all the jumping!! My knees are killing me!! I do want to stay in touch though!! This group has really kept me going- I have had a health issue and a huge emotional ,stress issue and I…
  • Measurements! Jan 24: natural waist....26.5 at belly button..28 hip....................39.5 thigh.................23 Feb 5 natural waist...26 .....-.5 at belly button..27.5...-.5 hip....................38....-1.5 thigh................21.5...-1.5 total loss.................4inches lost Feb 14 natural waist...25........-1 at…
  • Any one else struggling with sore knees and ankles??? LOL it doesn't help that I have the flu I suppose.... But seriously my knees and ankles hurt so badly I do not sleep!
  • That is wonderful!!
  • You are inspiring! I am almost done with Level 2 of the shred! I have some questions though?? Like did you do anything else workout wise?? and did your knees hurt all the time??
  • I breastfed two of my children until they self weaned at three! My Daughter the first I nursed had issues! Anyway the point... I had a hard time accepting the change for a while. You do mourn the relationship. It is a pattern in bringing up children. It is exciting , magical to see them grow on the one hand but you miss…
  • Did you measure yet?? I am set to measure on Wednesday. I weighed a day eary because tomorrow morning is gonna be hectic and I gained. I am seriously struggling with quitting! Kim
  • Thanks!! I need to hear that!! I feel like everything is spinning out of control and faster and faster!!