

  • I too was going to suggest just the meat (chicken, burger patty). I always carry a Clif bar with me. I don't work in fast food, but I'm sure tempted by it. I usually keep it in my purse, but if I'm driving around doing errands, I'll put it out on my seat to remind me that there are no excuses for stopping and grabbing…
  • I'm in. SW 159.8 Last week, my goal was just to track and not eat too much junk. This week, my goal is to exercise everyday. Walked the dogs 4 miles up and down a lil' mountain with a friend this morning. I'm playing tennis tomorrow night. I'm on my own for motivation the rest of the week, so far.
  • Wow, some great ideas on here. I have peanut butter with bananas, as well as apples. I find I am often craving texture as much as taste, so... Crunchy/salty: When I was on this 'ride' before, I always had soy crisps. They're like rice crisps, but the soy gave them the protein to make them more filling etc. I'm having…
  • All these great hummus recipes...DH may get his wish for a food processor sooner than later. But I'll start with making it in the blender. Thanks for all the ideas for additions.
  • Pulling this out of the depths. Sounds great. I'm newly addicted to hummus (Trader Joe's spicy) and look forward to making my own. :)
  • I just did a search on Hummus to get ideas for other uses for it. I am newly addicted. I bought some pita chips for it, but unfortunately they're too high calorie to get again. I'm going to switch to having it with 'better' crackers, celery and other raw veggies. I was also thinking of using it as a sandwich/wrap spread. I…
  • Late to the party, but I have one and only one goal this week. Track every day. I just started (back) at 'all this' mid-week last week. When I track, I eat better. Not perfect, but better. I also cook more when I track, which means I eat better. So this week, I will track everything. So far, so good. :)
  • If you miss it and you don't abuse it, I wouldn't give it up entirely without trying to reintegrate it in some way. As you said, if it doesn't work, re-vamp. I've taken to using a smaller glass and pouring less. I can usually resist pouring more. So sometimes I have a half 'real' glass, and occasionally a whole (two…
    in Wine Comment by greenteadaily July 2010
  • Former waitress (who put on about 50 lbs in about 10 years of restaurant work). The only time I was successful at avoiding the temptation at the restaurant was when I had my heart broken. :cry: But what I saw work for others was not to order 'meals' but to order side dishes. The cooks were more than happy to make a chicken…
  • Better for you than some things, not as good as others. --- I just started here a few days ago and started BACK eating well. I found it immensely helpful that today was the first time since Wednesday that I left the house. :shock: (A teacher enjoying the last couple weeks of vacation.) Temptations 'out there' are a lot…
  • I'm considering weighing myself Monday AND Friday for these reasons. If I see Friday's (generally lower) weight, it CAN help me motivated through the weekend, but not always. But if I know that I'm also going to weigh myself on Monday...I think that would help.
  • Congrats! Thanks for the encouragement to go to ON. When we went on a recent trip, DH questioned that I was only taking one pair of pants (besides capris and shorts). I said - I ONLY HAVE ONE PAIR THAT FITS! I have smaller sizes waiting for me, but for now, 1 jeans, 1 capris, and two shorts. I hate to spend money on 'big'…
  • I've been meaning to pull out my crockpot. I look forward to trying lots of these. Thanks!
  • On my To Do list today was find some bean recipes and make something new. Thanks!
  • DH has been on a roasted cauliflower kick. We had it at a restaurant several months ago and he's been trying to perfect his recipe every since. I think he finally hit it last night, as he said 'I could eat this every night.' I like it, but I could not eat it every night. He tends to make a giant batch each time and now I…